
Taeyoung Kim

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7EEHyunHo Jee, Doo Seop Eom, Taeyoung Kim, HunKi Park, Hyoil Lee, JungHyun Han: Multi-player VR game built upon wireless sensor network. ICUIMC 2008: 525-527
6EEDoo Seop Eom, Jungshik Jang, Taeyoung Kim, JungHyun Han: A VR Game Platform Built Upon Wireless Sensor Network. ISVC (2) 2006: 146-155
5EETaeyoung Kim, Seunghoon Park, K. Sivanesan, Youngkwon Cho, D. S. Park: A TDD-OFDMA Framework for Next Generation Mobile Communication. VTC Fall 2006: 1-5
4EETaeyoung Kim, Kyunbyoung Ko, Youngju Kim, Daesik Hong: Performance Evaluation of Uplink MC-CDMA Systems with Residual Frequency Offset. IEICE Transactions 89-B(4): 1455-1458 (2006)
3EEHyunjong Choe, Taeyoung Kim: An Enhanced LTSA Model Providing Contextual Knowledge for Intelligent e-Learning Systems. J. Inf. Sci. Eng. 21(5): 849-858 (2005)
2 Youngkwon Bae, Hyunjong Choe, Taewuk Lee, Taeyoung Kim: Folk Play Learning System Based on Word Games. ICALT 2004
1 Taeyoung Kim, Younsun Kim, Joonhyun Park, Kyunbyoung Ko, Sooyong Choi, Changeon Kang, Daesik Hong: Performance of an MC-CDMA System with Frequency Offsets in Correlated Fading. ICC (2) 2000: 1095-1099

Coauthor Index

1Youngkwon Bae [2]
2Youngkwon Cho [5]
3Hyunjong Choe [2] [3]
4Sooyong Choi [1]
5Doo Seop Eom [6] [7]
6JungHyun Han [6] [7]
7Daesik Hong [1] [4]
8Jungshik Jang [6]
9HyunHo Jee [7]
10Changeon Kang [1]
11Youngju Kim [4]
12Younsun Kim [1]
13Kyunbyoung Ko [1] [4]
14Hyoil Lee [7]
15Taewuk Lee [2]
16D. S. Park [5]
17HunKi Park [7]
18Joonhyun Park [1]
19Seunghoon Park [5]
20K. Sivanesan [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)