
Chaya Gurwitz

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6 Chaya Gurwitz, Theodore Raphan: CS1 For an Early College Program. FECS 2008: 13-17
5EENick Parlante, Jeffrey L. Popyack, Stuart Reges, Stephen Weiss, Scott Dexter, Chaya Gurwitz, Joseph L. Zachary, Grant Braught: Nifty assignments. SIGCSE 2003: 353-354
4EEChaya Gurwitz: The Internet as a motivating theme in a math/computer core course for nonmajors. SIGCSE 1998: 68-72
3 David M. Arnow, Chaya Gurwitz: Insight Through Experience: Hands-on Internet Experiments for Non-CS Majors. WebNet 1998
2EEChaya Gurwitz: Achieving a uniform interface for binary tree implementations. SIGCSE 1995: 66-70
1EEChaya Gurwitz, Michael L. Overton: A Globally Convergent Algorithm for Minimizing Over the Rotation Group of Quadratic Forms. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 11(11): 1228-1232 (1989)

Coauthor Index

1David M. Arnow [3]
2Grant Braught [5]
3Scott Dexter [5]
4Michael L. Overton [1]
5Nick Parlante [5]
6Jeffrey L. Popyack [5]
7Theodore Raphan [6]
8Stuart Reges [5]
9Stephen Weiss [5]
10Joseph L. Zachary [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)