FECS 2008:
Las Vegas,
Hamid R. Arabnia, Victor A. Clincy, Nasser Tadayon (Eds.):
Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Frontiers in Education: Computer Science & Computer Engineering, FECS 2008, July 14-17, 2008, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
CSREA Press 2008, ISBN 1-60132-067-1 BibTeX
Undergraduate Studies
- Iwona Miliszewska, Anne Venables, Grace Tan:
Reflections on a Mentoring Experience in an Undergraduate Computing Course at Victoria University.
47-52 BibTeX
- Kevin Daimi:
A Framework for Revitalizing Undergraduate Computer Science.
53-62 BibTeX
- Jiaoqing Mo, Zhiyun Chen, Jianhua Cai:
Pilot Studies on Practical Course Design of Multimedia Technology for Undergraduates.
63-67 BibTeX
- Patrick Henry Engebretson, Joshua J. Pauli, Kevin Streff:
An Ethical Network Hacking Contest for Undergraduate Student Recruitment.
68-74 BibTeX
- Ion Mierlus-Mazilu:
Challenge for Programming Language Learning Objects.
75-81 BibTeX
- Nachiappan Veerappan Nachiappan, Jarred Blount, J. Nelson Rushton:
A System for Checking Semi-formal Proofs.
82-85 BibTeX
- Arturo Fornés, José A. Conejero, Antonio Molina, Antonio Pérez, Eduardo Vendrell, Andrés Terrasa, Emilio Sanchis:
Predicting Success in the Computer Science Degree Using ROC Analysis.
86-90 BibTeX
- Manoj Manuja, Anuradha Verma:
Preparing Graduates for Industry.
91-95 BibTeX
Education and the Web
Tools and Emulators
- Michael Eisenberg, Ann Eisenberg, Leah Buechley, Nwanua Elumeze:
Computers and Physical Construction: Blending Fabrication into Computer Science Education.
127-133 BibTeX
- Matilde P. Legua, Isabel Morales, Luis M. Sánchez Ruiz:
Dirac Delta in MATLAB.
134-138 BibTeX
- Yun-Long Lay, Minder Chen, Chern-Sheng Lin, Hui-Jen Yang:
The Voice to Graphic Phoneme Learning System.
139-143 BibTeX
- Aaron Mohtar, Zorica Nedic, Jan Machotka:
Remote Laboratory for Inspection of Silicon Wafer.
144-148 BibTeX
- Özdemir Göl, Andrew Nafalski:
Role of Simulation in the Study of Electromagnetism.
149-153 BibTeX
- Igor Balsim, Elie Feder:
The Synthesis Of Mathematical Foundations With Real World Applications In Computer Science Education.
154-160 BibTeX
Teaching Strategies
Game Programming and Virtual Worlds
Collaborative Learning and Learning Techniques
- James Tyson, James Kriigel, Jon Preston, Byron Jeff, Junfeng Qu:
Snack Attack: An Exploration of Collaborative Learning.
265-268 BibTeX
- Steele Russell, Troy Kammerdiener:
Inclusion of Podcasting in a Computer Ethics Course.
269-272 BibTeX
- Shekhar Murthy, Naraharisetty Padmaja:
War for Talent: Re-aligning Academic Pursuits with what Business Demands.
273-279 BibTeX
- Raffaella Primiani, Daniela Tibaldi, Luca Garlaschelli:
Net4Voice - New Technologies for voice-converting in barrier-free learning environment.
280-283 BibTeX
- Hui-Jen Yang, Yun-Long Lay, Chern-Sheng Lin, Minder Chen, Bing-Feng Li Chen:
The Development of Computer-Aided Magnifer System with Digital Zooming for Eye-Impaired.
284-289 BibTeX
- Jan Machotka, Zorica Nedic, Aaron Mohtar:
Can Remote Laboratories Offer Collaborative Learning Environment?.
290-295 BibTeX
- Eun-Jong Park, Joon-Whoan Lee:
Construction of Multi Queries and Consistency Principal for Emotion-Based Image Retrieval.
296-302 BibTeX
- Joon-Whoan Lee, Lei Zhang, Eun-Jong Park:
An Emotion-based Image Retrieval System based on CBIR.
303-307 BibTeX
- Hani Mahdi, Sally S. Attia:
Small Dataset Size Clustering in MASCE.
308-313 BibTeX
- Christopher Wallace:
A Learning Model for Discrete Mathematics.
314-316 BibTeX
Software and Software Engineering
Evaluation Strategies + Web-Based Software for Instruction + other CS and CE Educational Issues
- Rebecca H. Rutherfoord, James K. Rutherfoord:
Universal Instructional Design, Learning Styles and the Computing Classroom.
361-367 BibTeX
- Jeffrey Gordon, Carl Robert Carlson:
A UML-Based Metric Approach to Estimate Total Effort Using Software Project Designs.
368-374 BibTeX
- Leann Christianson, Kevin Q. Brown:
Computer Science Students' Online Learning Experience and.
375-381 BibTeX
- Yen-Hung Hu, Jean Muhammad:
Towards The Balance of Computer Science Curriculum.
382-387 BibTeX
- Rochelle Elva, David Workman:
A Software Development Capability GPA to Represent Students' Proficiency in Software Development.
388-394 BibTeX
- Eman El-Sheikh, John Coffey, Laura White:
Exploring the Use of Virtual Synchronous Sessions in an Online Foundational Programming Course.
395-401 BibTeX
- Karen Anewalt, Jennifer A. Polack-Wahl:
Engaging Students in Computer Science Through Interdisciplinary Seminars.
402-406 BibTeX
- Stefanie Markham, Timothy Olsen:
Understanding the Effectiveness of Problem-based Learning through the Lens of Boundary Objects.
407-410 BibTeX
- Stephen Turner, Michael Farmer:
Assessment of Student Performance in an Internet-Based Multimedia Classroom.
411-415 BibTeX
- Chu Jong, Chung-Chih Li:
Multi-Lateral Constructive Learning Process with Hands-On Problem-Based Solving Technology.
416-421 BibTeX
- Jack Ryder:
Using Weighted Directed Graphs for Test Path Selection.
422-425 BibTeX
Late Papers
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:12:01 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)