
Michael L. Overton

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7EEMituhiro Fukuda, Bastiaan J. Braams, Maho Nakata, Michael L. Overton, Jerome K. Percus, Makoto Yamashita, Zhengji Zhao: Large-scale semidefinite programs in electronic structure calculation. Math. Program. 109(2-3): 553-580 (2007)
6EEJames V. Burke, Adrian S. Lewis, Michael L. Overton: Variational analysis of functions of the roots of polynomials. Math. Program. 104(2-3): 263-292 (2005)
5EEJames V. Burke, Adrian S. Lewis, Michael L. Overton: Approximating Subdifferentials by Random Sampling of Gradients. Math. Oper. Res. 27(3): 567-584 (2002)
4 Michael L. Overton, Henry Wolkowicz: Semidefinite Programming. Math. Program. 77: 105-109 (1997)
3 Farid Alizadeh, Jean-Pierre A. Haeberly, Michael L. Overton: Complementarity and nondegeneracy in semidefinite programming. Math. Program. 77: 111-128 (1997)
2 Michael L. Overton, Robert S. Womersley: Optimality conditions and duality theory for minimizing sums of the largest eigenvalues of symmetric matrices. Math. Program. 62: 321-357 (1993)
1EEChaya Gurwitz, Michael L. Overton: A Globally Convergent Algorithm for Minimizing Over the Rotation Group of Quadratic Forms. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 11(11): 1228-1232 (1989)

Coauthor Index

1Farid Alizadeh [3]
2Bastiaan J. Braams [7]
3James V. Burke [5] [6]
4Mituhiro Fukuda [7]
5Chaya Gurwitz [1]
6Jean-Pierre A. Haeberly [3]
7Adrian S. Lewis [5] [6]
8Maho Nakata [7]
9Jerome K. Percus [7]
10Henry Wolkowicz [4]
11Robert S. Womersley [2]
12Makoto Yamashita [7]
13Zhengji Zhao [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)