
Eric C. Rouchka

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8EEEric C. Rouchka, Xiangping Wang, James H. Graham, Nigel G. F. Cooper: Computational Prediction of Genes Translationally Regulated by Cytoplasmic Polyadenylation Elements. BICoB 2009: 353-361
7EEKuo-Chen Li, Dar-Jen Chang, Eric C. Rouchka, Yuan Yan Chen: Biological Sequence Mining Using Plausible Neural Network and its Application to Exon/intron Boundaries Prediction. CIBCB 2007: 165-169
6EEI. Elizabeth Cha, Eric C. Rouchka: Comparison of Current BLAST Software on Nucleotide Sequences. IPDPS 2005
5EEEric C. Rouchka, Abdelnaby Khalyfa, Nigel G. F. Cooper: MPrime: efficient large scale multiple primer and oligonucleotide design for customized gene microarrays. BMC Bioinformatics 6: 175 (2005)
4 William A. Thompson, Eric C. Rouchka, Charles E. Lawrence: Gibbs Recursive Sampler: finding transcription factor binding sites. Nucleic Acids Research 31(13): 3580-3585 (2003)
3 Zhengyan Kan, Warren Gish, Eric C. Rouchka, Jarret Glasscock, David J. States: UTR Reconstruction and Analysis Using Genomically Aligned EST Sequences. ISMB 2000: 218-227
2 Thomas W. Blackwell, Eric C. Rouchka, David J. States: Identity by Descent Genome Segmentation Based on Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Distributions. ISMB 1999: 54-59
1 Eric C. Rouchka, David J. States: Sequence Assembly Validation by Multiple Restriction Digest Fragment Coverage Analysis. ISMB 1998: 140-147

Coauthor Index

1Thomas W. Blackwell [2]
2I. Elizabeth Cha [6]
3Dar-Jen Chang [7]
4Yuan Yan Chen [7]
5Nigel G. F. Cooper [5] [8]
6Warren Gish [3]
7Jarret Glasscock [3]
8James H. Graham [8]
9Zhengyan Kan [3]
10Abdelnaby Khalyfa [5]
11Charles E. Lawrence [4]
12Kuo-Chen Li [7]
13David J. States [1] [2] [3]
14William A. Thompson [4]
15Xiangping Wang [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)