
Garud Iyengar

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11EEGarud Iyengar, Anuj Kumar: An equilibrium model for matching impatient demand and patient supply over time. ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce 2007: 59-65
10EEGarud Iyengar, Anuj Kumar: Characterizing Optimal Adword Auctions CoRR abs/cs/0611063: (2006)
9EEGarud Iyengar, Anuj Kumar: An equilibrium model for matching impatient demand and patient supply over time CoRR abs/cs/0612065: (2006)
8EEEmre Erdogan, Garud Iyengar: Ambiguous chance constrained problems and robust optimization. Math. Program. 107(1-2): 37-61 (2006)
7EEDaniel Bienstock, Garud Iyengar: Approximating Fractional Packings and Coverings in O(1/epsilon) Iterations. SIAM J. Comput. 35(4): 825-854 (2006)
6EEM. T. Çezik, Garud Iyengar: Cuts for mixed 0-1 conic programming. Math. Program. 104(1): 179-202 (2005)
5EEGarud Iyengar, Wanmo Kang: Inverse conic programming with applications. Oper. Res. Lett. 33(3): 319-330 (2005)
4EEDaniel Bienstock, Garud Iyengar: Solving fractional packing problems in Oast(1/?) iterations. STOC 2004: 146-155
3EEDonald Goldfarb, Garud Iyengar: Robust Portfolio Selection Problems. Math. Oper. Res. 28(1): 1-38 (2003)
2EEGarud Iyengar, M. T. Çezik: Cutting Planes for Mixed 0-1 Semidefinite Programs. IPCO 2001: 251-263
1 Garud Iyengar, Thomas M. Cover: Growth optimal investment in horse race markets with costs. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 46(7): 2675-2683 (2000)

Coauthor Index

1Daniel Bienstock [4] [7]
2M. T. Çezik [2] [6]
3Thomas M. Cover [1]
4Emre Erdogan [8]
5Donald Goldfarb [3]
6Wanmo Kang [5]
7Anuj Kumar [9] [10] [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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