
Tilman Glökler

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4EEThuyen Le, Tilman Glökler, Jason Baumgartner: Formal verification of a pervasive interconnect bus system in a high-performance microprocessor. DATE 2007: 219-224
3EETilman Glökler, Jason Baumgartner, Devi Shanmugam, A. E. (Rick) Seigler, Gary A. Van Huben, Barinjato Ramanandray, Hari Mony, Paul Roessler: Enabling Large-Scale Pervasive Logic Verification through Multi-Algorithmic Formal Reasoning. FMCAD 2006: 3-10
2EETilman Glökler, Andreas Hoffmann, Heinrich Meyr: Methodical Low-Power ASIP Design Space Exploration. VLSI Signal Processing 33(3): 229-246 (2003)
1EEOliver Wahlen, Tilman Glökler, Achim Nohl, Andreas Hoffmann, Rainer Leupers, Heinrich Meyr: Application specific compiler/architecture codesign: a case study. LCTES-SCOPES 2002: 185-193

Coauthor Index

1Jason Baumgartner [3] [4]
2Andreas Hoffmann [1] [2]
3Gary A. Van Huben [3]
4Thuyen Le [4]
5Rainer Leupers [1]
6Heinrich Meyr [1] [2]
7Hari Mony [3]
8Achim Nohl [1]
9Barinjato Ramanandray [3]
10Paul Roessler [3]
11A. E. (Rick) Seigler (Adrian E. Seigler) [3]
12Devi Shanmugam [3]
13Oliver Wahlen [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)