
Sertan Girgin

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10 Sertan Girgin, Manuel Loth, Rémi Munos, Philippe Preux, Daniil Ryabko: Recent Advances in Reinforcement Learning, 8th European Workshop, EWRL 2008, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, June 30 - July 3, 2008, Revised and Selected Papers Springer 2008
9EESertan Girgin, Philippe Preux: Basis Expansion in Natural Actor Critic Methods. EWRL 2008: 110-123
8EESertan Girgin, Philippe Preux: Feature Discovery in Reinforcement Learning Using Genetic Programming. EuroGP 2008: 218-229
7EEErol Sahin, Sertan Girgin, Levent Bayindir, Ali Emre Turgut: Swarm Robotics. Swarm Intelligence 2008: 87-100
6EESertan Girgin, Faruk Polat, Reda Alhajj: State Similarity Based Approach for Improving Performance in RL. IJCAI 2007: 817-822
5EESertan Girgin, Faruk Polat, Reda Alhajj: Positive Impact of State Similarity on Reinforcement Learning Performance. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 37(5): 1256-1270 (2007)
4 Sertan Girgin, Faruk Polat, Reda Alhajj: Learning by Automatic Option Discovery from Conditionally Terminating Sequences. ECAI 2006: 494-498
3EESertan Girgin, Faruk Polat, Reda Alhajj: Effectiveness of Considering State Similarity for Reinforcement Learning. IDEAL 2006: 163-171
2EEErol Sahin, Sertan Girgin, Emre Ugur: Area measurement of large closed regions with a mobile robot. Auton. Robots 21(3): 255-266 (2006)
1 Sertan Girgin, Faruk Polat: Option Discovery in Reinforcement Learning using Frequent Common Subsequences of Actions. CIMCA/IAWTIC 2005: 371-376

Coauthor Index

1Reda Alhajj [3] [4] [5] [6]
2Levent Bayindir [7]
3Manuel Loth [10]
4Rémi Munos [10]
5Faruk Polat [1] [3] [4] [5] [6]
6Philippe Preux [8] [9] [10]
7Daniil Ryabko [10]
8Erol Sahin [2] [7]
9Ali Emre Turgut [7]
10Emre Ugur [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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