2008 |
6 | EE | Julio Saez-Rodriguez,
Stefan Gayer,
Martin Ginkel,
Ernst Dieter Gilles:
Automatic decomposition of kinetic models of signaling networks minimizing the retroactivity among modules.
ECCB 2008: 213-219 |
2004 |
5 | EE | Andreas Kremling,
Steffen Klamt,
Martin Ginkel,
Ernst Dieter Gilles:
Workbench zur Modellbildung, Simulation und Analyse zellulärer Systeme (Workbench for Model Set Up, Simulation, and Analysis of Cellular Systems).
it - Information Technology 46(1): 12-19 (2004) |
2003 |
4 | EE | Andreas Kremling,
Katja Bettenbrock,
Sophia Fischer,
Martin Ginkel,
Thomas Sauter,
Ernst Dieter Gilles:
Towards Whole Cell "in Silico" Models for Cellular Systems: Model Set-up and Model Validation.
POSTA 2003: 95-102 |
3 | | Steffen Klamt,
Jörg Stelling,
Martin Ginkel,
Ernst Dieter Gilles:
FluxAnalyzer: exploring structure, pathways, and flux distributions in metabolic networks on interactive flux maps.
Bioinformatics 19(2): 261-269 (2003) |
2 | | Michael Hucka,
Andrew Finney,
Herbert M. Sauro,
H. Bolouri,
John C. Doyle,
Hiroaki Kitano,
Adam P. Arkin,
Benjamin J. Bornstein,
D. Bray,
A. Cornish-Bowden,
A. A. Cuellar,
Serge Dronov,
Ernst Dieter Gilles,
Martin Ginkel,
Victoria Gor,
Igor Goryanin,
W. J. Hedley,
T. Charles Hodgman,
J. H. Hofmeyr,
Peter J. Hunter,
Nick S. Juty,
J. L. Kasberger,
Andreas Kremling,
Ursula Kummer,
Nicolas Le Novère,
Leslie M. Loew,
D. Lucio,
Pedro Mendes,
E. Minch,
Eric Mjolsness,
Yoichi Nakayama,
M. R. Nelson,
P. F. Nielsen,
T. Sakurada,
James C. Schaff,
Bruce E. Shapiro,
Thomas Simon Shimizu,
Hugh D. Spence,
Jörg Stelling,
Koichi Takahashi,
Masaru Tomita,
J. Wagner,
J. Wang:
The systems biology markup language (SBML): a medium for representation and exchange of biochemical network models.
Bioinformatics 19(4): 524-531 (2003) |
1 | | Martin Ginkel,
Andreas Kremling,
Torsten Nutsch,
R. Rehner,
Ernst Dieter Gilles:
Modular Modeling of Cellular Systems with ProMoT/Diva.
Bioinformatics 19(9): 1169-1176 (2003) |