2008 |
11 | EE | Dagmar Köhn,
Nicolas Le Novère:
SED-ML - An XML Format for the Implementation of the MIASE Guidelines.
CMSB 2008: 176-190 |
10 | EE | Nicolas Le Novère:
Multiscale Modelling of Neuronal Signalling.
CMSB 2008: 7 |
2006 |
9 | EE | Maria J. Schilstra,
Lu Li,
Joanne Matthews,
Andrew Finney,
Michael Hucka,
Nicolas Le Novère:
CellML2SBML: conversion of CellML into SBML.
Bioinformatics 22(8): 1018-1020 (2006) |
8 | EE | Marco Donizelli,
Marie-Ange Djite,
Nicolas Le Novère:
LGICdb: a manually curated sequence database after the genomes.
Nucleic Acids Research 34(Database-Issue): 267-269 (2006) |
7 | EE | Nicolas Le Novère,
Benjamin J. Bornstein,
Alexander Broicher,
Mélanie Courtot,
Marco Donizelli,
Harish Dharuri,
Lu Li,
Herbert M. Sauro,
Maria J. Schilstra,
Bruce E. Shapiro,
Jacky L. Snoep,
Michael Hucka:
BioModels Database: a free, centralized database of curated, published, quantitative kinetic models of biochemical and cellular systems.
Nucleic Acids Research 34(Database-Issue): 689-691 (2006) |
2004 |
6 | EE | Nicolas Le Novère,
Marco Donizelli:
The Molecular Pages of the mesotelencephalic dopamine consortium (DopaNet).
BMC Bioinformatics 5: 174 (2004) |
2003 |
5 | | Michael Hucka,
Andrew Finney,
Herbert M. Sauro,
H. Bolouri,
John C. Doyle,
Hiroaki Kitano,
Adam P. Arkin,
Benjamin J. Bornstein,
D. Bray,
A. Cornish-Bowden,
A. A. Cuellar,
Serge Dronov,
Ernst Dieter Gilles,
Martin Ginkel,
Victoria Gor,
Igor Goryanin,
W. J. Hedley,
T. Charles Hodgman,
J. H. Hofmeyr,
Peter J. Hunter,
Nick S. Juty,
J. L. Kasberger,
Andreas Kremling,
Ursula Kummer,
Nicolas Le Novère,
Leslie M. Loew,
D. Lucio,
Pedro Mendes,
E. Minch,
Eric Mjolsness,
Yoichi Nakayama,
M. R. Nelson,
P. F. Nielsen,
T. Sakurada,
James C. Schaff,
Bruce E. Shapiro,
Thomas Simon Shimizu,
Hugh D. Spence,
Jörg Stelling,
Koichi Takahashi,
Masaru Tomita,
J. Wagner,
J. Wang:
The systems biology markup language (SBML): a medium for representation and exchange of biochemical network models.
Bioinformatics 19(4): 524-531 (2003) |
2001 |
4 | | Nicolas Le Novère:
MELTING, computing the melting temperature of nucleic acid duplex.
Bioinformatics 17(12): 1226-1227 (2001) |
3 | | Nicolas Le Novère,
Thomas Simon Shimizu:
STOCHSIM: modelling of stochastic biomolecular processes.
Bioinformatics 17(6): 575-576 (2001) |
2 | | Nicolas Le Novère,
Jean-Pierre Changeux:
LGICdb: the ligand-gated ion channel database.
Nucleic Acids Research 29(1): 294-295 (2001) |
1999 |
1 | | Nicolas Le Novère,
Jean-Pierre Changeux:
The Ligand Gated Ion Channel Database.
Nucleic Acids Research 27(1): 340-342 (1999) |