2003 |
32 | EE | Rainer Schmidt,
Lothar Gierl:
Prognosis of Approaching Infectious Diseases.
AIME 2003: 31-35 |
31 | EE | Rainer Schmidt,
Lothar Gierl:
Predicting Influenza Waves with Health Insurance Data.
ISMDA 2003: 91-98 |
30 | EE | Rainer Schmidt,
Lothar Gierl:
Case-Based Reasoning for Time Courses Prognosis.
KES 2003: 984-991 |
29 | EE | Rainer Schmidt,
Olga Vorobieva,
Lothar Gierl:
Adaptation Problems in Therapeutic Case-Based Reasoning Systems.
KES 2003: 992-999 |
28 | | Rainer Schmidt,
Olga Vorobieva,
Lothar Gierl:
Case-Based Adaptation in Medicine Focusing on Hypothyroidism.
Wissensmanagement 2003: 267-274 |
27 | EE | Lothar Gierl,
Dagmar Steffen,
Dusan Ihracky,
Rainer Schmidt:
Methods, architecture, evaluation and usability of a case-based antibiotics advisor.
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 72(2): 139-154 (2003) |
2002 |
26 | | Rainer Schmidt,
Lothar Gierl:
Prognostic Model for Early Warning of Threatening Influenza Waves.
German Workshop on Experience Management 2002: 39-46 |
25 | EE | Rainer Schmidt,
Lothar Gierl:
Case-Based Reasoning for Prognosis of Threatening Influenza Waves.
Industrial Conference on Data Mining 2002: 99-108 |
24 | EE | Änne Glass,
Lothar Gierl:
A system architecture for genomic data analysis.
In Silico Biology 2: 19 (2002) |
2001 |
23 | EE | Rainer Schmidt,
Dagmar Steffen,
Lothar Gierl:
Evaluation of a Case-Based Antibiotics Therapy Adviser.
AIME 2001: 462-466 |
22 | | Änne Glass,
Lothar Gierl:
Designing GENESYS - a software system for mining chip data.
German Conference on Bioinformatics 2001: 155-157 |
21 | EE | Rainer Schmidt,
Lothar Gierl:
Temporal Abstractions and Case-Based Reasoning for Medical Course Data: Two Prognostic Applications.
MLDM 2001: 23-34 |
20 | | Rainer Schmidt,
Lothar Gierl:
Case-based reasoning for antibiotics therapy advice: an investigation of retrieval algorithms and prototypes.
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 23(2): 171-186 (2001) |
2000 |
19 | EE | Rainer Schmidt,
Lothar Gierl:
Evaluation of Strategies for Generalised Cases within a Case-Based resoning Antibiotics Therapy Advice System.
EWCBR 2000: 491-503 |
18 | EE | Rainer Schmidt,
Lothar Gierl:
Prognoses for Multiparametric Time Courses.
ISMDA 2000: 23-33 |
1999 |
17 | EE | Rainer Schmidt,
Bernhard Pollwein,
Lothar Gierl:
Experiences with Case-Based Reasoning Methods and Prototypes for Medical Knowledge-Based Systems.
AIMDM 1999: 124-132 |
16 | EE | Rainer Schmidt,
Bernhard Pollwein,
Lothar Gierl:
Case-Based Reasoning for Antibiotics Therapy Advice.
ICCBR 1999: 550-559 |
1998 |
15 | EE | Lothar Gierl,
Mathias Bull,
Rainer Schmidt:
CBR in Medicine.
Case-Based Reasoning Technology 1998: 273-298 |
14 | EE | Rainer Schmidt,
Lothar Gierl:
Experiences with Prototype Designs and Retrieval Methods in Medical Case-Based Reasoning Systems.
EWCBR 1998: 370-381 |
1997 |
13 | | Mathias Bull,
Günther Kundt,
Lothar Gierl:
Case-Based Reasoning and Statistics for Discovering and Forecasting of Epidemics.
AIME 1997: 513-516 |
12 | | Mathias Bull,
Günther Kundt,
Lothar Gierl:
Discovery of Health Risks and Case-Based Forecasting of Epidemics in a Health Surveillance System.
PKDD 1997: 68-77 |
1996 |
11 | | Rainer Schmidt,
Bernhard Heindl,
Bernhard Pollwein,
Lothar Gierl:
Abstractions of Data and Time for Multiparametric Time Course Prognoses.
EWCBR 1996: 377-391 |
10 | | Lothar Gierl,
S. Lange,
Mathias Bull:
Knowledge Discovery und Data Mining - Modischer Methodenmix oder Hoffnung auf Bewältigung der Informationsflut?
GMDS 1996: 287-292 |
1995 |
9 | | Rainer Schmidt,
L. Boscher,
Bernhard Heindl,
G. Schmid,
Bernhard Pollwein,
Lothar Gierl:
Adaptation and Abstraction in a Case-Based Antibiotics Therapy Adviser.
AIME 1995: 209-217 |
8 | | Lothar Gierl:
Methoden zur Adaption eines KKS an seine spezifische Umwelt.
GI Jahrestagung 1995: 687-694 |
1994 |
7 | | Rainer Schmidt,
Bernhard Pollwein,
L. Filipovici,
Lothar Gierl:
Fallbasierte Auswahlstrategie für die Antibiotika-Therapie in ICONS.
GMDS 1994: 125-129 |
6 | | Lothar Gierl,
D. Füermann,
R. Greiller,
H. Müller,
S. Villain,
Karl Überla:
Die Dezentralisierungsphase des Münchner-Klinik-Kommunikationssystems (MKKS): Objekt-Architektur, Realisierung, Erfahrungen und Folgerungen.
GMDS 1994: 34-38 |
5 | | Lothar Gierl,
S. Stengel-Rutkowski:
Integrating consultation and semi-automatic knowledge acquisition in a prototype-based architecture: experiences with dysmorphic syndromes.
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 6(1): 29-49 (1994) |
1992 |
4 | | Lothar Gierl,
Bernhard Pollwein,
Gisela Heyde:
Alltagsgerechtigkeit aus dem Computer.
KI 6(3): 64-68 (1992) |
1990 |
3 | | Lothar Gierl,
D. Füermann,
H. Müller,
S. Villain:
Modellierung medizinischer Welten in Objektstrukturen.
GI Jahrestagung (2) 1990: 242-251 |
1989 |
2 | | S. Villain,
H. Müller,
M. Bunk,
W. Scherrmann,
Bernhard Pollwein,
Lothar Gierl:
Integration von Arbeitsplatzsystemen in ein heterogenes Klinikkommunikationssystem.
GI Jahrestagung (2) 1989: 575-583 |
1986 |
1 | | A. Berchtold,
Lothar Gierl,
B. Stengel-Rutkowski:
Wissensakquisition und Inferenz in einem Expertensystem zur Diagnoseunterstützung bei Dysmorphiesyndromen.
GI Jahrestagung (2) 1986: 470-481 |