
S. Ghosh

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7EES. Ghosh, Y. Bhandari, M. Groeber: CAD-based reconstruction of 3D polycrystalline alloy microstructures from FIB generated serial sections. Computer-Aided Design 40(3): 293-310 (2008)
6EES. Ghosh, K. Basu, S. K. Das: An architecture for next-generation radio access networks. IEEE Network 19(5): 35-42 (2005)
5EES. Ghosh, F. Pastijn, X. Zhao: Varieties Generated by Ordered Bands I. Order 22(2): 109-128 (2005)
4EES. Ghosh, K. W. Lai, Wen-Ben Jone, Shih-Chieh Chang: Scan Chain Fault Identification Using Weight-Based Codes for SoC Circuits. Asian Test Symposium 2004: 210-215
3EER. L. R. Mattson, S. Ghosh: HTTP(P2P): a transaction based (HTTP) peer-to-peer protocol for the dissemination of Web-objects in congested networks. CCGRID 2004: 174-181
2EEJ. H. Jiang, Wen-Ben Jone, Shih-Chieh Chang, S. Ghosh: Embedded core test generation using broadcast test architecture and netlist scrambling. IEEE Transactions on Reliability 52(4): 435-443 (2003)
1EENeeraj Suri, S. Ghosh, Thomas J. Marlowe: A Framework for Dependability Driven Software Integration. ICDCS 1998: 406-415

Coauthor Index

1K. Basu [6]
2Y. Bhandari [7]
3Shih-Chieh Chang [2] [4]
4S. K. Das [6]
5M. Groeber [7]
6J. H. Jiang [2]
7Wen-Ben Jone [2] [4]
8K. W. Lai [4]
9Thomas J. Marlowe [1]
10R. L. R. Mattson [3]
11F. Pastijn [5]
12Neeraj Suri [1]
13X. Zhao [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)