
Ilya Ganusov

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7EEIlya Ganusov, Martin Burtscher: Efficient emulation of hardware prefetchers via event-driven helper threading. PACT 2006: 144-153
6EEIlya Ganusov, Martin Burtscher: Future execution: A prefetching mechanism that uses multiple cores to speed up single threads. TACO 3(4): 424-449 (2006)
5EEIlya Ganusov, Martin Burtscher: Future Execution: A Hardware Prefetching Technique for Chip Multiprocessors. IEEE PACT 2005: 350-360
4EEIlya Ganusov, Martin Burtscher: On the importance of optimizing the configuration of stream prefetchers. Memory System Performance 2005: 54-61
3EEChristianto C. Liu, Ilya Ganusov, Martin Burtscher, Sandip Tiwari: Bridging the Processor-Memory Performance Gapwith 3D IC Technology. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 22(6): 556-564 (2005)
2EEMartin Burtscher, Ilya Ganusov, Sandra J. Jackson, Jian Ke, Paruj Ratanaworabhan, Nana B. Sam: The VPC Trace-Compression Algorithms. IEEE Trans. Computers 54(11): 1329-1344 (2005)
1EEMartin Burtscher, Ilya Ganusov: Automatic Synthesis of High-Speed Processor Simulators. MICRO 2004: 55-66

Coauthor Index

1Martin Burtscher [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
2Sandra J. Jackson [2]
3Jian Ke [2]
4Christianto C. Liu [3]
5Paruj Ratanaworabhan [2]
6Nana B. Sam [2]
7Sandip Tiwari [3]

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