2009 |
117 | EE | Michele Lanza,
Harald Gall,
Philippe Dugerdil:
EvoSpaces: Multi-dimensional Navigation Spaces for Software Evolution.
CSMR 2009: 293-296 |
116 | | Matthias Hert,
Gerald Reif,
Harald Gall:
Personal Knowledge Mapping with Semantic Web Technologies.
Wissensmanagement 2009: 309-319 |
2008 |
115 | EE | Beat Fluri,
Emanuel Giger,
Harald Gall:
Discovering Patterns of Change Types.
ASE 2008: 463-466 |
114 | EE | Giacomo Ghezzi,
Harald Gall:
Towards software analysis as a service.
ASE Workshops 2008: 1-10 |
113 | EE | Martin Pinzger,
Katja Grafenhain,
Patrick Knab,
Harald Gall:
A Tool for Visual Understanding of Source Code Dependencies.
ICPC 2008: 254-259 |
112 | EE | Sandro Boccuzzo,
Harald Gall:
Software visualization with audio supported cognitive glyphs.
ICSM 2008: 366-375 |
111 | EE | Amancio Bouza,
Gerald Reif,
Abraham Bernstein,
Harald Gall:
SemTree: Ontology-Based Decision Tree Algorithm for Recommender Systems.
International Semantic Web Conference (Posters & Demos) 2008 |
110 | EE | Jacek Ratzinger,
Thomas Sigmund,
Harald Gall:
On the relation of refactorings and software defect prediction.
MSR 2008: 35-38 |
109 | EE | Ionut Emanuel Subasu,
Patrick Ziegler,
Klaus R. Dittrich,
Harald Gall:
Architectural Concerns for Flexible Data Management.
Software Engineering for Tailor-made Data Management 2008: 35-40 |
108 | EE | Yu Zhou,
Michael Würsch,
Emanuel Giger,
Harald Gall,
Jian Lü:
A Bayesian Network Based Approach for Change Coupling Prediction.
WCRE 2008: 27-36 |
107 | EE | Harald Gall:
Of Changes and their History: Some Ideas for Future IDEs.
WCRE 2008: 3 |
106 | EE | Marco D'Ambros,
Harald Gall,
Michele Lanza,
Martin Pinzger:
Analysing Software Repositories to Understand Software Evolution.
Software Evolution 2008: 37-67 |
2007 |
105 | | Moira C. Norrie,
Schahram Dustdar,
Harald Gall:
Proceedings of the CAISE*06 Workshop on Ubiquitous Mobile Information and Collaboration Systems UMICS '06, Luxemburg, June 5-9, 2006
CEUR-WS.org 2007 |
104 | EE | Jochen Malte Küster,
Ksenia Ryndina,
Harald Gall:
Generation of Business Process Models for Object Life Cycle Compliance.
BPM 2007: 165-181 |
103 | EE | Ksenia Ryndina,
Jochen Malte Küster,
Harald Gall:
A Tool for Intergrating Object Life Cycle and Business Process Modeling.
BPM (Demos) 2007 |
102 | EE | Jacek Ratzinger,
Thomas Sigmund,
Peter Vorburger,
Harald Gall:
Mining Software Evolution to Predict Refactoring.
ESEM 2007: 354-363 |
101 | EE | Jacek Ratzinger,
Martin Pinzger,
Harald Gall:
EQ-Mine: Predicting Short-Term Defects for Software Evolution.
FASE 2007: 12-26 |
100 | EE | Harald Gall,
Michele Lanza,
Thomas Zimmermann:
4th International Workshop on Mining Software Repositories (MSR 2007).
ICSE Companion 2007: 107-108 |
99 | EE | Gerald Reif,
Gian Marco Laube,
Knud Möller,
Harald Gall:
SemClip - Overcoming the Semantic Gap Between Desktop Applications.
Semantic Web Challenge 2007 |
98 | EE | Sandro Boccuzzo,
Harald Gall:
CocoViz: Supported Cognitive Software Visualization.
WCRE 2007: 273-274 |
97 | EE | Beat Fluri,
Michael Würsch,
Harald Gall:
Do Code and Comments Co-Evolve? On the Relation between Source Code and Comment Changes.
WCRE 2007: 70-79 |
96 | EE | Jacek Ratzinger,
Harald Gall,
Martin Pinzger:
Quality Assessment Based on Attribute Series of Software Evolution.
WCRE 2007: 80-89 |
95 | EE | Marco Aiello,
Schahram Dustdar,
Harald Gall:
DMC Workshop Final Report.
WETICE 2007: 167-169 |
94 | EE | Beat Fluri,
Michael Würsch,
Martin Pinzger,
Harald Gall:
Change Distilling: Tree Differencing for Fine-Grained Source Code Change Extraction.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 33(11): 725-743 (2007) |
2006 |
93 | | Stephan Diehl,
Harald Gall,
Ahmed E. Hassan:
Proceedings of the 2006 International Workshop on Mining Software Repositories, MSR 2006, Shanghai, China, May 22-23, 2006
ACM 2006 |
92 | EE | Gerald Reif,
Harald Gall:
An Architecture for a Semantic Portal.
DISWEB 2006 |
91 | EE | Reto Geiger,
Beat Fluri,
Harald Gall,
Martin Pinzger:
Relation of Code Clones and Change Couplings.
FASE 2006: 411-425 |
90 | EE | Beat Fluri,
Harald Gall:
Classifying Change Types for Qualifying Change Couplings.
ICPC 2006: 35-45 |
89 | EE | Stephan Diehl,
Harald Gall,
Martin Pinzger,
Ahmed E. Hassan:
MSR 2006: the 3rd international workshop on mining software repositories.
ICSE 2006: 1021 |
88 | EE | Harald Gall,
Michele Lanza:
Software evolution: analysis and visualization.
ICSE 2006: 1055-1056 |
87 | EE | Stephan Diehl,
Harald Gall,
Martin Pinzger,
Ahmed E. Hassan:
Introduction to MSR 2006.
MSR 2006: 1-2 |
86 | EE | Ksenia Ryndina,
Jochen Malte Küster,
Harald Gall:
Consistency of Business Process Models and Object Life Cycles.
MoDELS Workshops 2006: 80-90 |
85 | EE | Moira C. Norrie,
Schahram Dustdar,
Harald Gall:
UMICS 2006 |
84 | EE | Michael Fischer,
Harald Gall:
EvoGraph: A Lightweight Approach to Evolutionary and Structural Analysis of Large Software Systems.
WCRE 2006: 179-188 |
83 | EE | James R. Cordy,
Harald Gall,
Jonathan I. Maletic:
Guest editorial.
Software Quality Journal 14(3): 185-186 (2006) |
2005 |
82 | | Michel Wermelinger,
Harald Gall:
Proceedings of the 10th European Software Engineering Conference held jointly with 13th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering, 2005, Lisbon, Portugal, September 5-9, 2005
ACM 2005 |
81 | | Luciano Baresi,
Schahram Dustdar,
Harald Gall,
Maristella Matera:
Ubiquitous Mobile Information and Collaboration Systems, Second CAiSE Workshop, UMICS 2004, Riga, Latvia, June 7-8, 2004, Revised Selected Papers
Springer 2005 |
80 | EE | Michele Lanza,
Stéphane Ducasse,
Harald Gall,
Martin Pinzger:
CodeCrawler: an information visualization tool for program comprehension.
ICSE 2005: 672-673 |
79 | EE | Michael Fischer,
Johann Oberleitner,
Harald Gall,
Thomas Gschwind:
System Evolution Tracking through Execution Trace Analysis.
IWPC 2005: 237-246 |
78 | EE | Jacek Ratzinger,
Michael Fischer,
Harald Gall:
EvoLens: Lens-View Visualizations of Evolution Data.
IWPSE 2005: 103-112 |
77 | EE | Serge Demeyer,
Filip Van Rysselberghe,
Tudor Gîrba,
Jacek Ratzinger,
Radu Marinescu,
Tom Mens,
Bart Du Bois,
Dirk Janssens,
Stéphane Ducasse,
Michele Lanza,
Matthias Rieger,
Harald Gall,
Mohammad El-Ramly:
The LAN-simulation: A Refactoring Teaching Example.
IWPSE 2005: 123-134 |
76 | EE | Jacek Ratzinger,
Michael Fischer,
Harald Gall:
Improving evolvability through refactoring.
MSR 2005 |
75 | EE | Michael Fischer,
Johann Oberleitner,
Jacek Ratzinger,
Harald Gall:
Mining evolution data of a product family.
MSR 2005 |
74 | EE | Beat Fluri,
Harald Gall,
Martin Pinzger:
Fine-Grained Analysis of Change Couplings.
SCAM 2005: 66-74 |
73 | EE | Stefania Leone,
Thomas B. Hodel-Widmer,
Harald Gall:
Concept and architecture of an pervasive document editing and managing system.
SIGDOC 2005: 41-47 |
72 | EE | Martin Pinzger,
Harald Gall,
Michael Fischer,
Michele Lanza:
Visualizing multiple evolution metrics.
SOFTVIS 2005: 67-75 |
71 | | Marco D'Ambros,
Michele Lanza,
Harald Gall:
Fractal Figures: Visualizing Development Effort for CVS Entities.
VISSOFT 2005: 46-51 |
70 | EE | Schahram Dustdar,
Harald Gall,
Nikolay Mehandjiev,
Samir Tata:
DMC - Distributed and Mobile Collaboration Workshop Report.
WETICE 2005: 47-54 |
69 | EE | Gerald Reif,
Harald Gall,
Mehdi Jazayeri:
WEESA: Web engineering for semantic Web applications.
WWW 2005: 722-729 |
68 | EE | Jacek Ratzinger,
Michael Fischer,
Harald Gall:
Improving evolvability through refactoring.
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 30(4): 1-5 (2005) |
67 | EE | Michael Fischer,
Johann Oberleitner,
Jacek Ratzinger,
Harald Gall:
Mining evolution data of a product family.
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 30(4): 1-5 (2005) |
66 | EE | Martin Pinzger,
Harald Gall,
Michael Fischer:
Towards an Integrated View on Architecture and its Evolution.
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 127(3): 183-196 (2005) |
65 | EE | Giuliano Antoniol,
Massimiliano Di Penta,
Harald Gall,
Martin Pinzger:
Towards the Integration of Versioning Systems, Bug Reports and Source Code Meta-Models.
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 127(3): 87-99 (2005) |
64 | EE | Luciano Baresi,
Schahram Dustdar,
Harald Gall,
Maristella Matera:
Special issue on ubiquitous mobile information and collaboration systems (UMICS).
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 9(5): 261-261 (2005) |
2004 |
63 | EE | Martin Pinzger,
Michael Fischer,
Mehdi Jazayeri,
Harald Gall:
Abstracting Module Views from Source Code.
ICSM 2004: 533 |
62 | EE | Schahram Dustdar,
Harald Gall,
Roman Schmidt:
Web Services for Groupware in Distributed and Mobile Collaboration.
PDP 2004: 241- |
61 | EE | Thomas B. Hodel,
Harald Gall,
Klaus R. Dittrich:
Dynamic collaborative business processes within documents.
SIGDOC 2004: 97-103 |
60 | EE | Thomas Gschwind,
Martin Pinzger,
Harald Gall:
TUAnalyzer -- Analyzing Templates in C++ Code.
WCRE 2004: 48-57 |
59 | EE | Schahram Dustdar,
Harald Gall:
DMC - Distributed and Mobile Collaboration Workshop Report.
WETICE 2004: 69-72 |
58 | EE | Gerald Reif,
Mehdi Jazayeri,
Harald Gall:
Towards Semantic Web Engineering: WEESA - Mapping XML Schema to Ontologies.
WWW Workshop on Application Design, Development and Implementation Issues in the Semantic Web 2004 |
57 | EE | Michael Fischer,
Harald Gall:
Visualizing feature evolution of large-scale software based on problem and modification report data.
Journal of Software Maintenance 16(6): 385-403 (2004) |
2003 |
56 | | Schahram Dustdar,
Harald Gall,
Manfred Hauswirth:
Software-Architekturen für verteilte Systeme
Springer 2003 |
55 | | Rainer Anzböck,
Schahram Dustdar,
Harald Gall:
Software Distribution Environments for Workflow Management Systems - The Case of MQ Series Workflow.
Applied Informatics 2003: 1096-1102 |
54 | EE | Luciano Baresi,
Sara Comai,
Schahram Dustdar,
Harald Gall,
Maristella Matera:
UMICS '03 Preface.
CAiSE Workshops 2003 |
53 | EE | Pascal Fenkam,
Harald Gall,
Mehdi Jazayeri:
Composing Specifications of Event Based Applications.
FASE 2003: 67-86 |
52 | EE | Pascal Fenkam,
Harald Gall,
Mehdi Jazayeri:
Constructing Deadlock Free Event-Based Applications: A Rely/Guarantee Approach.
FME 2003: 636-657 |
51 | EE | Michael Fischer,
Martin Pinzger,
Harald Gall:
Populating a Release History Database from Version Control and Bug Tracking Systems.
ICSM 2003: 23- |
50 | EE | Martin Pinzger,
Johann Oberleitner,
Harald Gall:
Analyzing and Understanding Architectural Characteristics of COM+ Components.
IWPC 2003: 54-63 |
49 | EE | Harald Gall,
Mehdi Jazayeri,
Jacek Krajewski:
CVS Release History Data for Detecting Logical Couplings.
IWPSE 2003: 13-23 |
48 | EE | Schahram Dustdar,
Harald Gall:
Architectural concerns in distributed and mobile collaborative systems.
PDP 2003: 475-483 |
47 | EE | Martin Pinzger,
Harald Gall,
Jean-Francois Girard,
Jens Knodel,
Claudio Riva,
Wim Pasman,
Chris Broerse,
Jan Gerben Wijnstra:
Architecture Recovery for Product Families.
PFE 2003: 332-351 |
46 | | Schahram Dustdar,
Harald Gall:
Pervasive Software Services For Dynamic Virtual Organizations.
PRO-VE 2003: 201-208 |
45 | | Sagar Chaki,
Pascal Fenkam,
Harald Gall,
Somesh Jha,
Engin Kirda,
Helmut Veith:
Integrating Publish/Subscribe into a Mobile Teamwork Support Platform.
SEKE 2003: 510-517 |
44 | EE | Pascal Fenkam,
Harald Gall,
Mehdi Jazayeri:
A Systematic Approach to the Development of Event Based Applications.
SRDS 2003: 199-208 |
43 | EE | Michael Fischer,
Martin Pinzger,
Harald Gall:
Analyzing and Relating Bug Report Data for Feature Tracking.
WCRE 2003: 90-101 |
42 | EE | Schahram Dustdar,
Harald Gall:
DMC - Distributed and Mobile Collaboration Workshop Report.
WETICE 2003: 53- |
41 | EE | Engin Kirda,
Harald Gall:
A Service Architecture for Mobile Teamwork.
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 13(4): 447-467 (2003) |
40 | EE | Schahram Dustdar,
Harald Gall:
Architectural concerns in distributed and mobile collaborative systems.
Journal of Systems Architecture 49(10-11): 457-473 (2003) |
2002 |
39 | EE | Pascal Fenkam,
Harald Gall,
Mehdi Jazayeri:
Constructing Corba-Supported Oracles for Testing: A Case Study in Automated Software Testing.
ASE 2002: 129-138 |
38 | EE | Engin Kirda,
Harald Gall,
Pascal Fenkam,
Gerald Reif:
MOTION: A Peer-to-Peer Platform for Mobile Teamwork Support.
COMPSAC 2002: 1115-1117 |
37 | EE | Schahram Dustdar,
Harald Gall:
Towards a Software Architecture for Distributed and Mobile Collaborative Systems.
COMPSAC 2002: 674-679 |
36 | EE | Schahram Dustdar,
Harald Gall:
Process Awareness for Distributed Software Development in Virtual Teams.
EUROMICRO 2002: 244-250 |
35 | EE | Engin Kirda,
Gerald Reif,
Harald Gall,
Pascal Fenkam:
TWSAPI: A Generic Teamwork Services Application Programming Interface.
ICDCS Workshops 2002: 365-372 |
34 | EE | Martin Pinzger,
Harald Gall:
Pattern-Supported Architecture Recovery.
IWPC 2002: 53-64 |
33 | EE | Pascal Fenkam,
Harald Gall,
Mehdi Jazayeri,
Christopher Krügel:
DPS : An Architectural Style for Development of Secure Software.
InfraSec 2002: 180-198 |
32 | | Schahram Dustdar,
Harald Gall:
Mobile and Distributed Collaboration in Virtual Communities.
PRO-VE 2002 |
31 | EE | Pascal Fenkam,
Harald Gall,
Mehdi Jazayeri:
Visual Requirements Validation: Case Study in a Corba-Supported Environment.
RE 2002: 81-90 |
30 | EE | Engin Kirda,
Pascal Fenkam,
Gerald Reif,
Harald Gall:
A service architecture for mobile teamwork.
SEKE 2002: 513-518 |
29 | EE | Schahram Dustdar,
Harald Gall:
Architectural concerns in distributed and mobile collaborative systems.
SEKE 2002: 521-522 |
28 | EE | Rainer Anzböck,
Schahram Dustdar,
Harald Gall:
Software configuration, distribution, and deployment of web-services.
SEKE 2002: 649-656 |
27 | EE | Martin Pinzger,
Michael Fischer,
Harald Gall,
Mehdi Jazayeri:
Revealer: A Lexical Pattern Matcher for Architecture Recovery.
WCRE 2002: 170- |
26 | EE | Pascal Fenkam,
Engin Kirda,
Schahram Dustdar,
Harald Gall,
Gerald Reif:
Evaluation of a Publish/Subscribe System for Collaborative and Mobile Working.
WETICE 2002: 23-28 |
25 | EE | Pascal Fenkam,
Schahram Dustdar,
Engin Kirda,
Gerald Reif,
Harald Gall:
Towards an Access Control System for Mobile Peer-to-Peer Collaborative Environments.
WETICE 2002: 95-102 |
2001 |
24 | EE | Gerald Reif,
Engin Kirda,
Harald Gall,
Pascal Fenkam,
Gian Pietro Picco,
Gianpaolo Cugola:
A Web-Based Peer-to-Peer Architecture for Collaborative Nomadic Working.
WETICE 2001: 334-339 |
23 | EE | Engin Kirda,
Clemens Kerer,
Mehdi Jazayeri,
Harald Gall,
Roman Kurmanowytsch:
The Evolution of an Organizational Web Site: Migrating to XML/XSL.
WSE 2001: 62-69 |
1999 |
22 | EE | Harald Gall,
Mehdi Jazayeri,
Claudio Riva:
Visualizing Software Release Histories: The Use of Color and Third Dimension.
ICSM 1999: 99-108 |
1998 |
21 | EE | Wolfgang Eixelsberger,
Harald Gall:
Describing Software Architectures by System Structure and Properties.
COMPSAC 1998: 106-111 |
20 | EE | Johannes Weidl,
Harald Gall:
Binding Object Models to Source Code: An Approach to Object-Oriented Re-Architecting.
COMPSAC 1998: 26-31 |
19 | EE | Berndt Bellay,
Harald Gall:
Reverse Engineering to Recover and Describe a System's Architecture.
ESPRIT ARES Workshop 1998: 115-122 |
18 | EE | Wolfgang Eixelsberger,
Manfred Kalan,
Michaela Ogris,
Håkon Beckman,
Berndt Bellay,
Harald Gall:
Recovery of Architectural Structure: A Case Study.
ESPRIT ARES Workshop 1998: 89-96 |
17 | | Wolfgang Eixelsberger,
Michaela Ogris,
Harald Gall,
Berndt Bellay:
Software Architecture Recovery of a Program Family.
ICSE 1998: 508-511 |
16 | EE | Harald Gall,
Karin Hajek,
Mehdi Jazayeri:
Detection of Logical Coupling Based on Product Release History.
ICSM 1998: 190-197 |
15 | EE | Berndt Bellay,
Harald Gall:
An evaluation of reverse engineering tool capabilities.
Journal of Software Maintenance 10(5): 305-331 (1998) |
1997 |
14 | EE | Harald Gall,
Mehdi Jazayeri,
René Klösch,
Georg Trausmuth:
The Architectural Style of Component Programming.
COMPSAC 1997: 18- |
13 | EE | Wolfgang Eixelsberger,
Lasse Warholm,
René Klösch,
Harald Gall:
Software Architecture Recovery of Embedded Software.
ICSE 1997: 558-559 |
12 | EE | Harald Gall,
Mehdi Jazayeri,
René Klösch,
Georg Trausmuth:
Software Evolution Observations Based on Product Release History.
ICSM 1997: 160- |
11 | EE | Berndt Bellay,
Harald Gall:
A Comparison of Four Reverse Engineering Tools.
WCRE 1997: 2-11 |
10 | EE | René Klösch,
Johannes Weidl,
Georg Trausmuth,
Harald Gall:
Facilitating Program Comprehension via Generic Components for State Machines.
WPC 1997: 118- |
1996 |
9 | EE | Harald Gall,
René Klösch,
Roland T. Mittermeir:
Using Domain Knowledge to Improve Reverse Engineering.
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 6(3): 477-505 (1996) |
1995 |
8 | | Harald Gall,
René Klösch,
Roland Mittermeir:
Object-Oriented Re-Architecturing.
ESEC 1995: 499-519 |
7 | | Harald Gall,
René Klösch,
Roland Mittermeir:
Pattern-Driven Reverse Engineering.
SEKE 1995: 334-341 |
6 | EE | Harald Gall,
Mehdi Jazayeri,
René Klösch:
Research Directions in Software Reuse: Where to go from here?
SSR 1995: 225-228 |
5 | | Harald Gall,
René Klösch:
Finding Objects in Procedural Programs: An Alternative Approach.
WCRE 1995: 208-216 |
4 | | Harald Gall,
Manfred Hauswirth,
René Klösch:
Objektorientierte Konzepte in Smalltalk, C++, Objective-C, Eiffel und Modula-3 .
Informatik Spektrum 18(4): 195-202 (1995) |
1994 |
3 | | Harald Gall,
René Klösch:
Managing Uncertainty in an Object Recovery Process.
IPMU 1994: 501-511 |
2 | EE | Harald Gall,
René Klösch:
Program transformation to enhance the reuse potential of procedural software.
SAC 1994: 99-104 |
1993 |
1 | | Harald Gall,
René Klösch:
Capsule Oriented Reverse Engineering for Software Reuse.
ESEC 1993: 418-433 |