
Thomas Eickermann

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11EEMorris Riedel, Wolfgang Frings, Sonja Habbinga, Thomas Eickermann, Daniel Mallmann, Achim Streit, Felix Wolf, Thomas Lippert, Andreas Ernst, Rainer Spurzem: Extending the collaborative online visualization and steering framework for computational Grids with attribute-based authorization. GRID 2008: 104-111
10EEThomas Eickermann, Lidia Westphal, Oliver Wäldrich, Wolfgang Ziegler, Christoph Barz, Markus Pilz: Co-Allocating Compute and Network Resources. CoreGRID 2007: 193-202
9EEMorris Riedel, Thomas Eickermann, Wolfgang Frings, Sonja Dominiczak, Daniel Mallmann, Thomas Düssel, Achim Streit, Paul Gibbon, Felix Wolf, Wolfram Schiffmann, Thomas Lippert: Design and evaluation of a collaborative online visualization and steering framework implementation for computational grids. GRID 2007: 169-176
8EEMorris Riedel, Wolfgang Frings, Sonja Dominiczak, Thomas Eickermann, Daniel Mallmann, Paul Gibbon, Thomas Düssel: VISIT/GS: Higher Level Grid Services for Scientific Collaborative Online Visualization and Steering in UNICORE Grids. ISPDC 2007: 69-76
7EEMorris Riedel, Thomas Eickermann, Sonja Habbinga, Wolfgang Frings, Paul Gibbon, Daniel Mallmann, Felix Wolf, Achim Streit, Thomas Lippert, Felix Wolf, Wolfram Schiffmann, Andreas Ernst, Rainer Spurzem, Wolfgang E. Nagel: Computational Steering and Online Visualization of Scientific Applications on Large-Scale HPC Systems within e-Science Infrastructures. eScience 2007: 483-490
6EEBoris Bierbaum, Carsten Clauss, Thomas Eickermann, Lidia Kirtchakova, Arnold Krechel, Stephan Springstubbe, Oliver Wäldrich, Wolfgang Ziegler: Reliable Orchestration of Distributed MPI-Applications in a UNICORE-Based Grid with MetaMPICH and MetaScheduling. PVM/MPI 2006: 174-183
5EEJohn Brooke, Thomas Eickermann, Uwe Wössner: Application Steering in a Collaborative Environment. SC 2003: 61
4EEThomas Eickermann, Wolfgang Frings, Stefan Posse, Gernot Goebbels, Roland Völpel: Distributed Applications in a German Gigabit WAN. HPDC 1999
3EEThomas Eickermann, Helmut Grund, Jörg Henrichs: Performance Issues of Distributed MPI Applications in a German Gigabit Testbed. PVM/MPI 1999: 3-10
2 Thomas Eickermann, Ferdinand Hommes: Metacomputing in the Gigabit Testbed West. Wide Area Networks and High Performance Computing 1998: 119-129
1 Thomas Eickermann, Jörg Henrichs, Michael M. Resch, Robert Stoy, Roland Völpel: Metacomputing in Gigabit Environments: Networks, Tools, and Applications. Parallel Computing 24(12-13): 1847-1872 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Christoph Barz [10]
2Boris Bierbaum [6]
3John Brooke [5]
4Carsten Clauss [6]
5Sonja Dominiczak [8] [9]
6Thomas Düssel [8] [9]
7Andreas Ernst [7] [11]
8Wolfgang Frings [4] [7] [8] [9] [11]
9Paul Gibbon [7] [8] [9]
10Gernot Goebbels [4]
11Helmut Grund [3]
12Sonja Habbinga [7] [11]
13Jörg Henrichs [1] [3]
14Ferdinand Hommes [2]
15Lidia Kirtchakova [6]
16Arnold Krechel [6]
17Thomas Lippert [7] [9] [11]
18Daniel Mallmann [7] [8] [9] [11]
19Wolfgang E. Nagel [7]
20Markus Pilz [10]
21Stefan Posse [4]
22Michael M. Resch [1]
23Morris Riedel [7] [8] [9] [11]
24Wolfram Schiffmann [7] [9]
25Stephan Springstubbe [6]
26Rainer Spurzem [7] [11]
27Robert Stoy [1]
28Achim Streit [7] [9] [11]
29Roland Völpel [1] [4]
30Oliver Wäldrich [6] [10]
31Lidia Westphal [10]
32Felix Wolf [7] [9] [11]
33Uwe Wössner [5]
34Wolfgang Ziegler [6] [10]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)