
Alessandro Forin

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14EEJeffrey M. Carver, Richard Neil Pittman, Alessandro Forin: Automatic bus macro placement for partially reconfigurable FPGA designs. FPGA 2009: 269-272
13EEBharat Sukhwani, Alessandro Forin, Richard Neil Pittman: An Extensible I/O Subsystem. FCCM 2008: 269-270
12EEKarl Meier, Alessandro Forin: Hardware Compilation from Machine Code with M2V. FCCM 2008: 293-295
11EEBharat Sukhwani, Alessandro Forin, Richard Neil Pittman: Extensible On-Chip Peripherals. SASP 2008: 55-62
10EEPing Hang Cheung, Alessandro Forin: A C-Language Binding for PSL. ICESS 2007: 584-591
9EEJohannes Helander, Alessandro Forin: MMLite: a highly componentized system architecture. ACM SIGOPS European Workshop 1998: 96-103
8EEMichael B. Jones, Daniel L. McCulley, Alessandro Forin, Paul J. Leach, Daniela Rosu, Daniel L. Roberts: An overview of the Rialto real-time architecture. ACM SIGOPS European Workshop 1996: 249-256
7 Alessandro Forin, Gerald R. Malan: An MS-DOS Filesystem for UNIX. USENIX Winter 1994: 337-354
6 Alessandro Forin, David B. Golub, Brian N. Bershad: An I/O System for Mach 3.0. USENIX MACH Symposium 1991: 163-176
5 David B. Golub, Randall W. Dean, Alessandro Forin, Richard F. Rashid: UNIX as an Application Program. USENIX Summer 1990: 87-95
4 Alessandro Forin: Debugging of Heterogeneous Parallel Systems. Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Debugging 1988: 130-140
3 Roberto Bisiani, Alessandro Forin: Multilanguage Parallel Programming of Heterogeneous Machines. IEEE Trans. Computers 37(8): 930-945 (1988)
2 Roberto Bisiani, Alessandro Forin: Architectural Support for Multilanguage Parallel Programming on Heterogeneous Systems. ASPLOS 1987: 21-30
1 Roberto Bisiani, Alessandro Forin: Multilanguage Parallel Programming. ICPP 1987: 381-384

Coauthor Index

1Brian N. Bershad [6]
2Roberto Bisiani [1] [2] [3]
3Jeffrey M. Carver [14]
4Ping Hang Cheung [10]
5Randall W. Dean [5]
6David B. Golub [5] [6]
7Johannes Helander [9]
8Michael B. Jones [8]
9Paul J. Leach [8]
10Gerald R. Malan [7]
11Daniel L. McCulley [8]
12Karl Meier [12]
13Richard Neil Pittman [11] [13] [14]
14Richard F. Rashid [5]
15Daniel L. Roberts [8]
16Daniela Rosu [8]
17Bharat Sukhwani [11] [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)