
Roberto Bisiani

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13EEAlessandra Mileo, Davide Merico, Roberto Bisiani: A Logic Programming Approach to Home Monitoring for Risk Prevention in Assisted Living. ICLP 2008: 145-159
12EEAlessandra Mileo, Davide Merico, Roberto Bisiani: Wireless sensor networks supporting context-aware reasoning in assisted living. PETRA 2008: 54
11EEDavide Tosi, Roberto Bisiani: A Platform to Support Anytime, Anywhere, Just-for-me M-Learning. ICALT 2007: 114-116
10EERoberto Bisiani: The PLUS Accelerator. HLT 1991
9 Roberto Bisiani, Mosur Ravishankar: PLUS: A Distributed Shared-Memory System. ISCA 1990: 115-124
8 Roberto Bisiani, Andreas Nowatzyk, Mosur Ravishankar: Coherent Shared Memory on a Distributed Memory Machine. ICPP (1) 1989: 133-141
7 Roberto Bisiani, Alessandro Forin: Multilanguage Parallel Programming of Heterogeneous Machines. IEEE Trans. Computers 37(8): 930-945 (1988)
6 Roberto Bisiani, Alessandro Forin: Architectural Support for Multilanguage Parallel Programming on Heterogeneous Systems. ASPLOS 1987: 21-30
5 Roberto Bisiani, Alessandro Forin: Multilanguage Parallel Programming. ICPP 1987: 381-384
4 Roberto Bisiani: A Software and Hardware Environment for Developing AI Applications on Parallel Processors. AAAI 1986: 742-747
3 Thomas S. Anantharaman, Roberto Bisiani: A Hardware Accelerator for Speech Recognition Algorithms. ISCA 1986: 216-223
2 Roberto Bisiani, M. J. Foster, H. T. Kung, Kemal Oflazer: MISE: Machine for In-System Evaluation of Custom VLSI Chips for Real-Time Systems. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1982: 211-220
1EERoberto Bisiani: The Harpy Machine: A Data Structure-Oriented Architecture. Computer Architecture for Non-Numeric Processing 1980: 128-136

Coauthor Index

1Thomas S. Anantharaman [3]
2Alessandro Forin [5] [6] [7]
3M. J. Foster [2]
4H. T. Kung [2]
5Davide Merico [12] [13]
6Alessandra Mileo [12] [13]
7Andreas Nowatzyk [8]
8Kemal Oflazer [2]
9Mosur Ravishankar [8] [9]
10Davide Tosi [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)