
Johannes Helander

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6EESibin Mohan, Johannes Helander: Temporal Analysis for Adapting Concurrent Applications to Embedded Systems. ECRTS 2008: 71-82
5EEJohannes Helander, Risto Serg, Margus Veanes, Pritam Roy: Adapting Futures: Scalability for Real-World Computing. RTSS 2007: 105-118
4EEJohannes Helander: Deeply embedded XML communication: towards an interoperable and seamless world. EMSOFT 2005: 62-67
3EEJohannes Helander, Yong Xiong: Secure Web Services for Low-Cost Devices. ISORC 2005: 130-139
2EEJohannes Helander, Stefan B. Sigurdsson: Self-Tuning Planned Actions Time to Make Real-Time SOAP Real. ISORC 2005: 80-89
1EEJohannes Helander, Alessandro Forin: MMLite: a highly componentized system architecture. ACM SIGOPS European Workshop 1998: 96-103

Coauthor Index

1Alessandro Forin [1]
2Sibin Mohan [6]
3Pritam Roy [5]
4Risto Serg [5]
5Stefan B. Sigurdsson [2]
6Margus Veanes [5]
7Yong Xiong [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)