
Shimon Ullman

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37EEAdy Ecker, Shimon Ullman: A hierarchical non-parametric method for capturing non-rigid deformations. Image Vision Comput. 27(1-2): 87-98 (2009)
36EELeonid Karlinsky, Michael Dinerstein, Dan Levi, Shimon Ullman: Unsupervised Classification and Part Localization by Consistency Amplification. ECCV (2) 2008: 321-335
35EEAyelet Akselrod-Ballin, Shimon Ullman: Distinctive and compact features. Image Vision Comput. 26(9): 1269-1276 (2008)
34EEMichael Fink, Shimon Ullman: From Aardvark to Zorro: A Benchmark for Mammal Image Classification. International Journal of Computer Vision 77(1-3): 143-156 (2008)
33EEYulia Lerner, Boris Epshtein, Shimon Ullman, Rafael Malach: Class Information Predicts Activation by Object Fragments in Human Object Areas. J. Cognitive Neuroscience 20(7): 1189-1206 (2008)
32EEBoris Epshtein, Shimon Ullman: Semantic Hierarchies for Recognizing Objects and Parts. CVPR 2007
31EEYonatan Amit, Michael Fink, Nathan Srebro, Shimon Ullman: Uncovering shared structures in multiclass classification. ICML 2007: 17-24
30EEDan Levi, Shimon Ullman: Learning to classify by ongoing feature selection. CRV 2006: 1
29EEBoris Epshtein, Shimon Ullman: Satellite Features for the Classification of Visually Similar Classes. CVPR (2) 2006: 2079-2086
28EEMichael Fink, Shai Shalev-Shwartz, Yoram Singer, Shimon Ullman: Online multiclass learning by interclass hypothesis sharing. ICML 2006: 313-320
27EEShimon Ullman, Boris Epshtein: Visual Classification by a Hierarchy of Extended Fragments. Toward Category-Level Object Recognition 2006: 321-344
26EEAdy Ecker, Shimon Ullman: A Hierarchical Non-Parametric Method for Capturing Non-Rigid Deformations. CRV 2005: 50-56
25EEBoris Epshtein, Shimon Ullman: Identifying Semantically Equivalent Object Fragments. CVPR (1) 2005: 2-9
24EEEvgeniy Bart, Shimon Ullman: Cross-Generalization: Learning Novel Classes from a Single Example by Feature Replacement. CVPR (1) 2005: 672-679
23EEBoris Epshtein, Shimon Ullman: Feature Hierarchies for Object Classification. ICCV 2005: 220-227
22EEEvgeniy Bart, Evgeny Byvatov, Shimon Ullman: View-Invariant Recognition Using Corresponding Object Fragments. ECCV (2) 2004: 152-165
21EEEran Borenstein, Shimon Ullman: Learning to Segment. ECCV (3) 2004: 315-328
20EEShimon Ullman, Evgeniy Bart: Recognition invariance obtained by extended and invariant features. Neural Networks 17(5-6): 833-848 (2004)
19EEMichel Vidal-Naquet, Shimon Ullman: Object Recognition with Informative Features and Linear Classification. ICCV 2003: 281-288
18EEEran Borenstein, Shimon Ullman: Class-Specific, Top-Down Segmentation. ECCV (2) 2002: 109-124
17EEShimon Ullman, Erez Sali, Michel Vidal-Naquet: A Fragment-Based Approach to Object Representation and Classification. IWVF 2001: 85-102
16EEShimon Ullman, Erez Sali: Object Classification Using a Fragment-Based Representation. Biologically Motivated Computer Vision 2000: 73-87
15EEErez Sali, Shimon Ullman: Combining Class-Specific Fragments for Object Classification. BMVC 1999
14EEShimon Ullman, Sergei Soloviev: Computation of pattern invariance in brain-like structures. Neural Networks 12(7-8): 1021-1036 (1999)
13 Erez Sali, Shimon Ullman: Recognizing Novel 3-D Objects Under New Illumination and Viewing Position Using a Small Number of Examples. ICCV 1998: 153-164
12EEYael Moses, Shimon Ullman: Generalization to Novel Views: Universal, Class-based, and Model-based Processing. International Journal of Computer Vision 29(3): 233-253 (1998)
11 Shimon Ullman, Assaf Zeira: Object Recognition Using Stochastic Optimization. EMMCVPR 1997: 329-344
10EEYael Adini, Yael Moses, Shimon Ullman: Face Recognition: The Problem of Compensating for Changes in Illumination Direction. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 19(7): 721-732 (1997)
9 Shimon Ullman: Visual Object Recognition. ISTCS 1996: 90
8 Yael Moses, Yael Adini, Shimon Ullman: Face Recognition: the Problem of Compensating for Changes in Illumination Direction. ECCV (1) 1994: 286-296
7 Yael Moses, Shimon Ullman: Limitations of Non Model-Based Recognition Schemes. ECCV 1992: 820-828
6 Yerucham Shapira, Shimon Ullman: A Pictorial Approach to Object Classification. IJCAI 1991: 1257-1263
5EERonen Basri, Shimon Ullman: Linear Operator for Object Recognition. NIPS 1991: 452-459
4EEShimon Ullman, Ronen Basri: Recognition by Linear Combinations of Models. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 13(10): 992-1006 (1991)
3EEAmnon Shashua, Shimon Ullman: Grouping Contours by Iterated Pairing Networks. NIPS 1990: 335-341
2EEDaniel P. Huttenlocher, Shimon Ullman: Recognizing solid objects by alignment with an image. International Journal of Computer Vision 5(2): 195-212 (1990)
1EEShimon Edelman, Tamar Flash, Shimon Ullman: Reading cursive handwriting by alignment of letter prototypes. International Journal of Computer Vision 5(3): 303-331 (1990)

Coauthor Index

1Yael Adini [8] [10]
2Ayelet Akselrod-Ballin [35]
3Yonatan Amit [31]
4Evgeniy Bart [20] [22] [24]
5Ronen Basri [4] [5]
6Eran Borenstein [18] [21]
7Evgeny Byvatov [22]
8Michael Dinerstein [36]
9Ady Ecker [26] [37]
10Shimon Edelman [1]
11Boris Epshtein [23] [25] [27] [29] [32] [33]
12Michael Fink [28] [31] [34]
13Tamar Flash [1]
14Daniel P. Huttenlocher [2]
15Leonid Karlinsky [36]
16Yulia Lerner [33]
17Dan Levi [30] [36]
18Rafael Malach [33]
19Yael Moses [7] [8] [10] [12]
20Erez Sali [13] [15] [16] [17]
21Shai Shalev-Shwartz [28]
22Yerucham Shapira [6]
23Amnon Shashua [3]
24Yoram Singer [28]
25Sergei Soloviev [14]
26Nathan Srebro [31]
27Michel Vidal-Naquet [17] [19]
28Assaf Zeira [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)