
Fabrizio Marinelli

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9 Alessandro Aloisio, Claudio Arbib, Fabrizio Marinelli: A Note on LP Relaxations for the 1D Cutting Stock Problem with Setup Costs. CTW 2008: 181-183
8EEVittorio Cortellessa, Fabrizio Marinelli, Pasqualina Potena: An optimization framework for "build-or-buy" decisions in software architecture. Computers & OR 35(10): 3090-3106 (2008)
7 Vittorio Cortellessa, Ivica Crnkovic, Fabrizio Marinelli, Pasqualina Potena: Experimenting the Automated Selection of COTS Components Based on Cost and System Requirements. J. UCS 14(8): 1228-1255 (2008)
6EEVittorio Cortellessa, Ivica Crnkovic, Fabrizio Marinelli, Pasqualina Potena: Driving the selection of cots components on the basis of system requirements. ASE 2007: 413-416
5EEFabrizio Marinelli, Maria Elena Nenni, Antonio Sforza: Capacitated lot sizing and scheduling with parallel machines and shared buffers: A case study in a packaging company. Annals OR 150(1): 177-192 (2007)
4EEClaudio Arbib, Fabrizio Marinelli: An optimization model for trim loss minimization in an automotive glass plant. European Journal of Operational Research 183(3): 1421-1432 (2007)
3EEVittorio Cortellessa, Fabrizio Marinelli, Pasqualina Potena: Automated Selection of Software Components Based on Cost/Reliability Tradeoff. EWSA 2006: 66-81
2EEClaudio Arbib, Fabrizio Marinelli: Integrating process optimization and inventory planning in cutting-stock with skiving option: An optimization model and its application. European Journal of Operational Research 163(3): 617-630 (2005)
1EEClaudio Arbib, Michele Flammini, Fabrizio Marinelli: Minimum Flow Time Graph Ordering. WG 2003: 23-33

Coauthor Index

1Alessandro Aloisio [9]
2Claudio Arbib [1] [2] [4] [9]
3Vittorio Cortellessa [3] [6] [7] [8]
4Ivica Crnkovic [6] [7]
5Michele Flammini [1]
6Maria Elena Nenni [5]
7Pasqualina Potena [3] [6] [7] [8]
8Antonio Sforza [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)