
Béla Fehér

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8 Péter Szántó, Béla Fehér: High performance visibility testing with screen segmentation. ESTImedia 2004: 75-80
7EERégis Leveugle, Lörinc Antoni, Béla Fehér: Dependability Analysis: A New Application for Run-Time Reconfiguration. IPDPS 2003: 173
6 Péter Szántó, Béla Fehér: 3D rendering using FPGAs. VLSI-SOC 2003: 149-154
5EELörinc Antoni, Régis Leveugle, Béla Fehér: Using Run-Time Reconfiguration for Fault Injection in Hardware Prototypes. DFT 2002: 245-253
4EELörinc Antoni, Régis Leveugle, Béla Fehér: Using Run-Time Reconfiguration for Fault Injection in Hardware Prototypes. DFT 2000: 405-413
3EETamás Szabó, Lörinc Antoni, Gábor Horváth, Béla Fehér: A Full-Parallel Digital Implementation for Pre-Trained NNs. IJCNN (2) 2000: 49-54
2EEBéla Fehér, Gábor Szedö: Cost Effective 2×2 Inner Product Processors. FPL 1998: 348-355
1EETamás Szabó, Béla Fehér, Gábor Horváth: Neural network implementation using distributed arithmetic. KES (3) 1998: 510-518

Coauthor Index

1Lörinc Antoni [3] [4] [5] [7]
2Gábor Horváth [1] [3]
3Régis Leveugle [4] [5] [7]
4Tamás Szabó [1] [3]
5Péter Szántó [6] [8]
6Gábor Szedö [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)