
Gerald E. Farin

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45EEChristoph Fünfzig, Kerstin Müller, Dianne Hansford, Gerald E. Farin: PNG1 triangles for tangent plane continuous surfaces on the GPU. Graphics Interface 2008: 219-226
44EEG. Albrecht, J.-P. Bécar, Gerald E. Farin, Dianne Hansford: On the approximation order of tangent estimators. Computer Aided Geometric Design 25(2): 80-95 (2008)
43EEGerald E. Farin: Geometric Hermite interpolation with circular precision. Computer-Aided Design 40(4): 476-479 (2008)
42EEGerd Reis, Frank Zeilfelder, Martin Hering-Bertram, Gerald E. Farin, Hans Hagen: High-Quality Rendering of Quartic Spline Surfaces on the GPU. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 14(5): 1126-1139 (2008)
41EETom Bobach, Gerald E. Farin, Dianne Hansford, Georg Umlauf: Discrete Harmonic Functions from Local Coordinates. IMA Conference on the Mathematics of Surfaces 2007: 93-103
40EEStefanie Hahmann, Guido Brunnett, Gerald E. Farin, Ron Goldman: Editorial: Special issue on Geometric Modeling (Dagstuhl 2005). Computing 79(2-4): 99 (2007)
39EEGerald E. Farin: Class A Bézier curves. Computer Aided Geometric Design 23(7): 573-581 (2006)
38EEGerald E. Farin: Rational quadratic circles are parametrized by chord length. Computer Aided Geometric Design 23(9): 722-724 (2006)
37EEAdam Huang, Gregory M. Nielson, Anshuman Razdan, Gerald E. Farin, D. Page Baluch, David G. Capco: Thin Structure Segmentation and Visualization in Three-Dimensional Biomedical Images: A Shape-Based Approach. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 12(1): 93-102 (2006)
36EELiyan Zhang, Anshuman Razdan, Gerald E. Farin, John Femiani, MyungSoo Bae, Charles Lockwood: 3D face authentication and recognition based on bilateral symmetry analysis. The Visual Computer 22(1): 43-55 (2006)
35EEJiuxiang Hu, Anshuman Razdan, Gregory M. Nielson, Gerald E. Farin: Improved Geometric Constraints on Deformable Surface Model for Volumetric Segmentation. GMP 2004: 237-248
34EEZhiyong Xie, Gerald E. Farin: Image Registration Using Hierarchical B-Splines. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 10(1): 85-94 (2004)
33EEGeorgios Stylianou, Gerald E. Farin: Crest Lines for Surface Segmentation and Flattening. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 10(5): 536-544 (2004)
32EERick Archibald, Jiuxiang Hu, Anne Gelb, Gerald E. Farin: Improving the accuracy of volumetric segmentation using pre-processing boundary detection and image reconstruction. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 13(4): 459-466 (2004)
31 Anshuman Razdan, Vinodth Kumar Mohanam, Gerald E. Farin: Triangle Mesh Compression using B-Spline Curves. CISST 2003: 378-383
30 P. Mongkolnam, Anshuman Razdan, Gerald E. Farin: Lossy 3D Mesh Compression using Loop Scheme. Computer Graphics and Imaging 2003: 103-110
29 Jiuxiang Hu, D. Page Baluch, Anshuman Razdan, Gregory M. Nielson, Gerald E. Farin, David G. Capco: Case Study: Cellar Scaffold Extraction Using Crest Point for Volume Rendering. VisSym 2003
28EEJiuxiang Hu, Anshuman Razdan, Gregory M. Nielson, Gerald E. Farin, D. Page Baluch, David G. Capco: Volumetric Segmentation Using Weibull E-SD Fields. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 9(3): 320-328 (2003)
27 Gerald E. Farin, Hanspeter Bieri, Guido Brunnett: Geometric Modelling, Dagstuhl, Germany, May 1999 Springer 2001
26EEAnshuman Razdan, Kamal Patel, Gerald E. Farin, David G. Capco: Volume visualization of multicolor laser confocal microscope data. Computers & Graphics 25(3): 371-382 (2001)
25EEGerald E. Farin, Dianne Hansford: Discrete Coons patches. Computer Aided Geometric Design 16(7): 691-700 (1999)
24EEDave J. Holliday, Gerald E. Farin: A geometric interpretation of the diagonal of a tensor-product Bézier volume. Computer Aided Geometric Design 16(8): 837-840 (1999)
23EELee Gross, Gerald E. Farin: A Transfinite Form of Sibson's Interpolant. Discrete Applied Mathematics 93(1): 33-50 (1999)
22 Gerald E. Farin, Hanspeter Bieri, Guido Brunnett, Tony DeRose: Geometric Modelling, Dagstuhl, Germany, 1996 Springer 1998
21EEAnshuman Razdan, Gerald E. Farin: Determination of end conditions for NURB surface interpolation. Computer Aided Geometric Design 15(7): 757-768 (1998)
20EEHans J. Wolters, Gerald E. Farin: Geometric curve approximation. Computer Aided Geometric Design 14(6): 499-513 (1997)
19EEChristoph Baumgarten, Gerald E. Farin: Approximation of logarithmic spirals. Computer Aided Geometric Design 14(6): 515-532 (1997)
18EEBernd Hamann, Issac J. Trotts, Gerald E. Farin: On Approximating Contours of the Piecewise Trilinear Interpolant Using Triangular Rational-Quadratic Bézier Patches. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 3(3): 215-227 (1997)
17 Hans J. Wolters, G. Wu, Gerald E. Farin: Degree Reduction of B-Spline Curves. Geometric Modelling 1996: 235-241
16 Hans Hagen, Gerald E. Farin, Hartmut Noltemeier, Rudolf F. Albrecht: Geometric Modelling, Dagstuhl, Germany, 1993 Springer 1995
15EEGerald E. Farin, Donghak Jung: Linear precision of rational Bézier curves. Computer Aided Geometric Design 12(4): 431-433 (1995)
14EEHelmut Pottmann, Gerald E. Farin: Developable rational Bézier and B-spline surfaces. Computer Aided Geometric Design 12(5): 513-531 (1995)
13EEDianne Hansford, Robert E. Barnhill, Gerald E. Farin: Curves with quadric boundary precision. Computer Aided Geometric Design 11(5): 519-531 (1994)
12 Gerald E. Farin, Hans Hagen, Hartmut Noltemeier, Walter Knödel: Geometric Modelling, Dagstuhl, Germany, 1992 Springer 1993
11EEGerald E. Farin: Tighter convex hulls for rational Bézier curves. Computer Aided Geometric Design 10(2): 123-125 (1993)
10 Robert E. Barnhill, Gerald E. Farin, Qian Chen: Constant-Radius Blending of Parametric Surfaces. Geometric Modelling 1992: 1-20
9EEGerald E. Farin, Dianne Hansford, Andrew J. Worsey: The singular cases for -spline interpolation. Computer Aided Geometric Design 7(6): 533-546 (1990)
8EENickolas S. Sapidis, Gerald E. Farin: Automatic fairing algorithm for B-spline curves. Computer-Aided Design 22(2): 121-129 (1990)
7EEGerald E. Farin: Curvature continuity and offsets for piecewise conics. ACM Trans. Graph. 8(2): 89-99 (1989)
6EERobert E. Barnhill, Gerald E. Farin, M. Jordan, Bruce R. Piper: Surface/surface intersection. Computer Aided Geometric Design 4(1-2): 3-16 (1987)
5EEGerald E. Farin, Gerhard Rein, Nickolas S. Sapidis, Andrew J. Worsey: Fairing cubic B-spline curves. Computer Aided Geometric Design 4(1-2): 91-103 (1987)
4EEGerald E. Farin, Bruce R. Piper, Andrew J. Worsey: The octant of a sphere as a non-degenerate triangular Bézier patch. Computer Aided Geometric Design 4(4): 329-332 (1987)
3EEGerald E. Farin: Triangular Bernstein-Bézier patches. Computer Aided Geometric Design 3(2): 83-127 (1986)
2EEGerald E. Farin: A modified Clough-Tocher interpolant. Computer Aided Geometric Design 2(1-3): 19-27 (1985)
1EEWolfgang Böhm, Gerald E. Farin, Jürgen Kahmann: A survey of curve and surface methods in CAGD. Computer Aided Geometric Design 1(1): 1-60 (1984)

Coauthor Index

1G. Albrecht [44]
2Rudolf F. Albrecht [16]
3Rick Archibald [32]
4MyungSoo Bae [36]
5D. Page Baluch [28] [29] [37]
6Robert E. Barnhill [6] [10] [13]
7Christoph Baumgarten [19]
8J.-P. Bécar [44]
9Hanspeter Bieri [22] [27]
10Tom Bobach [41]
11Wolfgang Böhm [1]
12Guido Brunnett [22] [27] [40]
13David G. Capco [26] [28] [29] [37]
14Qian Chen [10]
15Tony DeRose [22]
16John Femiani [36]
17Christoph Fünfzig [45]
18Anne Gelb [32]
19Ronald N. Goldman (Ron Goldman) [40]
20Lee Gross [23]
21Hans Hagen [12] [16] [42]
22Stefanie Hahmann [40]
23Bernd Hamann [18]
24Dianne Hansford [9] [13] [25] [41] [44] [45]
25Martin Hering-Bertram (Martin Bertram) [42]
26Dave J. Holliday [24]
27Jiuxiang Hu [28] [29] [32] [35]
28Adam Huang [37]
29M. Jordan [6]
30Donghak Jung [15]
31Jürgen Kahmann [1]
32Walter Knödel [12]
33Charles Lockwood [36]
34Vinodth Kumar Mohanam [31]
35P. Mongkolnam [30]
36Kerstin Müller [45]
37Gregory M. Nielson [28] [29] [35] [37]
38Hartmut Noltemeier [12] [16]
39Kamal Patel [26]
40Bruce R. Piper [4] [6]
41Helmut Pottmann [14]
42Anshuman Razdan [21] [26] [28] [29] [30] [31] [35] [36] [37]
43Gerhard Rein [5]
44Gerd Reis [42]
45Nickolas S. Sapidis [5] [8]
46Georgios Stylianou [33]
47Issac J. Trotts [18]
48Georg Umlauf [41]
49Hans J. Wolters [17] [20]
50Andrew J. Worsey [4] [5] [9]
51G. Wu [17]
52Zhiyong Xie [34]
53Frank Zeilfelder [42]
54Liyan Zhang [36]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)