Gerald E. Farin, Hans Hagen, Hartmut Noltemeier, Walter Knödel (Eds.):
Geometric Modelling, Dagstuhl, Germany, 1992.
Computing Supplement 8 Springer 1993, ISBN 3-211-82399-9 BibTeX
editor = {Gerald E. Farin and
Hans Hagen and
Hartmut Noltemeier and
Walter Kn{\"o}del},
title = {Geometric Modelling, Dagstuhl, Germany, 1992},
booktitle = {Geometric Modelling},
publisher = {Springer},
series = {Computing Supplement},
volume = {8},
year = {1993},
isbn = {3-211-82399-9},
bibsource = {DBLP,}
- Robert E. Barnhill, Gerald E. Farin, Qian Chen:
Constant-Radius Blending of Parametric Surfaces.
1-20 BibTeX
- Malcolm I. G. Bloor, Michael J. Wilson:
Functionality in Solids Obtained from Partial Differential Equations.
21-42 BibTeX
- Wilhelm Brandenburg, B. Wördenweber:
Featuremodelling with an Object-Oriented Approach.
43-57 BibTeX
- Wendelin L. F. Degen:
Best Approximations of Parametric Curves by Splines.
59-73 BibTeX
- Pere Brunet, Isabel Navazo, Alvar Vinacua:
A Modelling Scheme for the Approximate Representation of Closed Surfaces.
75-90 BibTeX
- Thomas A. Foley, Sriram Dayanand, Ramesh Santhanam:
Cross Boundary Derivatives for Transfinite Triangular Patches.
91-100 BibTeX
- Tim N. T. Goodman, B. H. Ong, Keith Unsworth:
Reconstruction of C1 Closed Surfaces with Branching.
101-115 BibTeX
- John A. Gregory, K. H. Lau:
High Order Continuous Polugonal Patches.
117-132 BibTeX
- Hans Hagen, Georges-Pierre Bonneau:
Variational Desighn of Smooth Rational Bezier Surfaces.
133-138 BibTeX
- Bernd Hamann:
Curvature Approximation for Triangulated Surfaces.
139-153 BibTeX
- Dieter Lasser:
Composition of Tensor Product Bezier Representations.
155-172 BibTeX
- Per Eric Koch, Tom Lyche:
Interpolation with Exponential B-Splines in Tension.
173-190 BibTeX
- Gregory M. Nielson:
A Characterization of an Affine Invariant Triangulation.
191-210 BibTeX
- Hartmut Noltemeier, Knut Verbarg, Christian Zirkelbach:
A Data Structure for Representing and Efficient Querying Large Scenes of Geometric Objects: MB* Trees.
211-226 BibTeX
- Bruce R. Piper:
Properties of Local Coordinates Based on Dirichlet Tesselations.
227-239 BibTeX
- Michael J. Pratt:
Automated Feature Recognition and its Role in Product Modelling.
241-250 BibTeX
- Hartmut Prautzsch:
Approximate Cr- Blending with Tensor Product Polynomials.
251-258 BibTeX
- Dieter Roller:
Shape Information in Industry Specific Product Data Model.
259-266 BibTeX
- Detlef Ruprecht, Heinrich Müller:
Free Form Deformation with Scattered Data Interpolation Methods.
267-281 BibTeX
- Wolfgang M. Schwarz:
C1-Smoothing of Multipatch Bezier Surfaces.
283-289 BibTeX
- Peter Wassum:
Geometric Continuity between Adjacent Rational Bezier Surface Patches.
291-316 BibTeX
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by Michael Ley (