
Anshuman Razdan

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20EED. Cline, Anshuman Razdan, Peter Wonka: A Comparison of Tabular PDF Inversion Methods. Comput. Graph. Forum 28(1): 154-160 (2009)
19EEMing Cui, John Femiani, Jiuxiang Hu, Peter Wonka, Anshuman Razdan: Curve matching for open 2D curves. Pattern Recognition Letters 30(1): 1-10 (2009)
18EEJiuxiang Hu, Anshuman Razdan, John Femiani, Peter Wonka, Ming Cui: Fourier Shape Descriptors of Pixel Footprints for Road Extraction from Satellite Images. ICIP (1) 2007: 49-52
17EEMing Cui, Peter Wonka, Anshuman Razdan, Jiuxiang Hu: A new image registration scheme based on curvature scale space curve matching. The Visual Computer 23(8): 607-618 (2007)
16EEAdam Huang, Gregory M. Nielson, Anshuman Razdan, Gerald E. Farin, D. Page Baluch, David G. Capco: Thin Structure Segmentation and Visualization in Three-Dimensional Biomedical Images: A Shape-Based Approach. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 12(1): 93-102 (2006)
15EELiyan Zhang, Anshuman Razdan, Gerald E. Farin, John Femiani, MyungSoo Bae, Charles Lockwood: 3D face authentication and recognition based on bilateral symmetry analysis. The Visual Computer 22(1): 43-55 (2006)
14EEAnshuman Razdan, MyungSoo Bae: Curvature estimation scheme for triangle meshes using biquadratic Bézier patches. Computer-Aided Design 37(14): 1481-1491 (2005)
13EEDezhi Liu, Anshuman Razdan: Knowledge-Based Search Engine for Specific 3D Models. CIS 2004: 530-537
12EEJiuxiang Hu, Anshuman Razdan, Gregory M. Nielson, Gerald E. Farin: Improved Geometric Constraints on Deformable Surface Model for Volumetric Segmentation. GMP 2004: 237-248
11 Anshuman Razdan, Vinodth Kumar Mohanam, Gerald E. Farin: Triangle Mesh Compression using B-Spline Curves. CISST 2003: 378-383
10 P. Mongkolnam, Anshuman Razdan, Gerald E. Farin: Lossy 3D Mesh Compression using Loop Scheme. Computer Graphics and Imaging 2003: 103-110
9EEJeremy Rowe, Anshuman Razdan, Arleyn Simon: Acquisition, Representation, Query and Analysis of Spatial Data: A Demonstration 3D Digital Library. JCDL 2003: 147-158
8 Jiuxiang Hu, D. Page Baluch, Anshuman Razdan, Gregory M. Nielson, Gerald E. Farin, David G. Capco: Case Study: Cellar Scaffold Extraction Using Crest Point for Volume Rendering. VisSym 2003
7EEAnshuman Razdan, MyungSoo Bae: A hybrid approach to feature segmentation of triangle meshes. Computer-Aided Design 35(9): 783-789 (2003)
6EEJiuxiang Hu, Anshuman Razdan, Gregory M. Nielson, Gerald E. Farin, D. Page Baluch, David G. Capco: Volumetric Segmentation Using Weibull E-SD Fields. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 9(3): 320-328 (2003)
5EEAnshuman Razdan, Jeremy Rowe, Matthew Tocheri, Wilson Sweitzer: Adding Semantics to 3D Digital Libraries. ICADL 2002: 419-420
4EEJeremy Rowe, Anshuman Razdan: Digital library system: capture, analysis, query, and display 3D data. JCDL 2002: 382
3EEAnshuman Razdan, Kamal Patel, Gerald E. Farin, David G. Capco: Volume visualization of multicolor laser confocal microscope data. Computers & Graphics 25(3): 371-382 (2001)
2EEAnshuman Razdan, Gerald E. Farin: Determination of end conditions for NURB surface interpolation. Computer Aided Geometric Design 15(7): 757-768 (1998)
1 Anshuman Razdan, Mark R. Henderson, Patrick F. Chavez, Paul A. Erickson: Feature based object decomposition for finite element meshing. The Visual Computer 5(5): 291-303 (1989)

Coauthor Index

1MyungSoo Bae [7] [14] [15]
2D. Page Baluch [6] [8] [16]
3David G. Capco [3] [6] [8] [16]
4Patrick F. Chavez [1]
5D. Cline [20]
6Ming Cui [17] [18] [19]
7Paul A. Erickson [1]
8Gerald E. Farin [2] [3] [6] [8] [10] [11] [12] [15] [16]
9John Femiani [15] [18] [19]
10Mark R. Henderson [1]
11Jiuxiang Hu [6] [8] [12] [17] [18] [19]
12Adam Huang [16]
13Dezhi Liu [13]
14Charles Lockwood [15]
15Vinodth Kumar Mohanam [11]
16P. Mongkolnam [10]
17Gregory M. Nielson [6] [8] [12] [16]
18Kamal Patel [3]
19Jeremy Rowe [4] [5] [9]
20Arleyn Simon [9]
21Wilson Sweitzer [5]
22Matthew Tocheri [5]
23Peter Wonka [17] [18] [19] [20]
24Liyan Zhang [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)