
Wolfgang Böhm

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15EEWolfgang Böhm, Peter Braun: Policy Based Architecture for the UMTS Multimedia Domain. NCA 2003: 275-288
14EEWolfgang Böhm, Andreas Müller: On de Casteljau's algorithm. Computer Aided Geometric Design 16(7): 587-605 (1999)
13EEWolfgang Böhm: Circles of curvature for curves in space. Computer Aided Geometric Design 16(7): 633-638 (1999)
12EEMarco Paluszny, Wolfgang Böhm: General cyclides. Computer Aided Geometric Design 15(7): 699-710 (1998)
11EEWolfgang Böhm: An affine representation of de Casteljau's and de Boor's rational algorithms. Computer Aided Geometric Design 10(3-4): 175-180 (1993)
10EEWolfgang Böhm: Some remarks on quadrics. Computer Aided Geometric Design 10(3-4): 231-236 (1993)
9EEWolfgang Böhm: On de Boor-like algorithms and blossoming. Computer Aided Geometric Design 5(1): 71-79 (1988)
8EEWolfgang Böhm: Bézier presentation of airfoils. Computer Aided Geometric Design 4(1-2): 17-22 (1987)
7EEWolfgang Böhm: Rational geometric splines. Computer Aided Geometric Design 4(1-2): 67-77 (1987)
6EEWolfgang Böhm: On the efficiency of knot insertion algorithms. Computer Aided Geometric Design 2(1-3): 141-143 (1985)
5EEWolfgang Böhm: Triangular spline algorithms. Computer Aided Geometric Design 2(1-3): 61-67 (1985)
4EEWolfgang Böhm, Gerald E. Farin, Jürgen Kahmann: A survey of curve and surface methods in CAGD. Computer Aided Geometric Design 1(1): 1-60 (1984)
3EERobert E. Barnhill, Wolfgang Böhm: Preface. Computer Aided Geometric Design 1(1): (1984)
2EEWolfgang Böhm: Calculating with box splines. Computer Aided Geometric Design 1(2): 149-162 (1984)
1 Wolfgang Böhm, Jürgen Kahmann: Grundlagen kurven- und flächen-orientierter Modellierung. Geometrisches Modellieren 1982: 173-217

Coauthor Index

1Robert E. Barnhill [3]
2Peter Braun [15]
3Gerald E. Farin [4]
4Jürgen Kahmann [1] [4]
5Andreas Müller [14]
6Marco Paluszny [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)