
Georgios E. Fainekos

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9EEGeorgios E. Fainekos, Antoine Girard, Hadas Kress-Gazit, George J. Pappas: Temporal logic motion planning for dynamic robots. Automatica 45(2): 343-352 (2009)
8EEGeorgios E. Fainekos, George J. Pappas: Robust Sampling for MITL Specifications. FORMATS 2007: 147-162
7EEGeorgios E. Fainekos, Antoine Girard, George J. Pappas: Hierarchical Synthesis of Hybrid Controllers from Temporal Logic Specifications. HSCC 2007: 203-216
6EEA. Agung Julius, Georgios E. Fainekos, Madhukar Anand, Insup Lee, George J. Pappas: Robust Test Generation and Coverage for Hybrid Systems. HSCC 2007: 329-342
5EEHadas Kress-Gazit, Georgios E. Fainekos, George J. Pappas: Where's Waldo? Sensor-Based Temporal Logic Motion Planning. ICRA 2007: 3116-3121
4EEHadas Kress-Gazit, Georgios E. Fainekos, George J. Pappas: From structured english to robot motion. IROS 2007: 2717-2722
3EEGeorgios E. Fainekos, George J. Pappas: Robustness of Temporal Logic Specifications. FATES/RV 2006: 178-192
2EEGeorgios E. Fainekos, Antoine Girard, George J. Pappas: Temporal Logic Verification Using Simulation. FORMATS 2006: 171-186
1 Georgios E. Fainekos, Hadas Kress-Gazit, George J. Pappas: Temporal Logic Motion Planning for Mobile Robots. ICRA 2005: 2020-2025

Coauthor Index

1Madhukar Anand [6]
2Antoine Girard [2] [7] [9]
3A. Agung Julius [6]
4Hadas Kress-Gazit [1] [4] [5] [9]
5Insup Lee [6]
6George J. Pappas [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)