
Jean-Philippe Domenger

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14EEFabien Baldacci, Achille J.-P. Braquelaire, Pascal Desbarats, Jean-Philippe Domenger: 3D Image Topological Structuring with an Oriented Boundary Graph for Split and Merge Segmentation. DGCI 2008: 541-552
13EEC. Morand, Jenny Benois-Pineau, Jean-Philippe Domenger: HD motion estimation in a wavelet pyramid in JPEG2000 context. ICIP 2008: 61-64
12 David Auber, Yves Chiricota, Maylis Delest, Jean-Philippe Domenger, Patrick Mary, Guy Melançon: Visualisation de graphes avec Tulip : exploration interactive de grandes masses de données en appui à la fouille de données et à l'extraction de connaissances. EGC 2007: 147-156
11EEF. Chevalier, Jean-Philippe Domenger, Jenny Benois-Pineau, Maylis Delest: Retrieval of objects in video by similarity based on graph matching. Pattern Recognition Letters 28(8): 939-949 (2007)
10EEPetra Krämer, Ofer Hadar, Jenny Benois-Pineau, Jean-Philippe Domenger: Use of Motion Information in Super-Resolution Mosaicing. ICIP 2006: 357-360
9EEPetra Krämer, Jenny Benois-Pineau, Jean-Philippe Domenger: Scene similarity measure for video content segmentation in the framework of a rough indexing paradigm. Int. J. Intell. Syst. 21(7): 765-783 (2006)
8EEDavid Auber, Maylis Delest, Jean-Philippe Domenger, Serge Dulucq: Efficient drawing of RNA secondary structure. J. Graph Algorithms Appl. 10(2): 329-351 (2006)
7EEPetra Krämer, Ofer Hadar, Jenny Benois-Pineau, Jean-Philippe Domenger: Super-resolution mosaicing from MPEG compressed video. ICIP (1) 2005: 893-896
6EEMaylis Delest, Tamara Munzner, David Auber, Jean-Philippe Domenger: Exploring InfoVis Publication History with Tulip. INFOVIS 2004
5EEJean-Philippe Domenger: Preface. Pattern Recognition Letters 25(5): 525 (2004)
4EEAchille J.-P. Braquelaire, Guillaume Damiand, Jean-Philippe Domenger, Frédéric Vidil: Comparison and Convergence of Two Topological Models for 3D Image Segmenation. GbRPR 2003: 59-70
3EELuc Brun, Jean-Philippe Domenger, Myriam Mokhtari: Incremental modifications of segmented image defined by discrete maps. J. Visual Communication and Image Representation 14(3): 251-290 (2003)
2EEJean-Pierre Braquelaire, Jean-Philippe Domenger: Representation of segmented images with discrete geometric maps. Image Vision Comput. 17(10): 715-735 (1999)
1EEJean-Pierre Braquelaire, Jean-Philippe Domenger: Geometrical, topological, and hierarchical structuring of overlapping 2-D discrete objects. Computers & Graphics 21(5): 587-597 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1David Auber [6] [8] [12]
2Fabien Baldacci [14]
3Jenny Benois-Pineau [7] [9] [10] [11] [13]
4Achille J.-P. Braquelaire (Jean-Pierre Braquelaire) [1] [2] [4] [14]
5Luc Brun [3]
6F. Chevalier [11]
7Yves Chiricota [12]
8Guillaume Damiand [4]
9Maylis Delest [6] [8] [11] [12]
10Pascal Desbarats [14]
11Serge Dulucq [8]
12Ofer Hadar [7] [10]
13Petra Krämer [7] [9] [10]
14Patrick Mary [12]
15Guy Melançon [12]
16Myriam Mokhtari [3]
17C. Morand [13]
18Tamara Munzner [6]
19Frédéric Vidil [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)