
Guillaume Damiand

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28EEMehdi Baba-ali, Guillaume Damiand, Xavier Skapin, David Marcheix: Insertion and Expansion Operations for . DGCI 2008: 141-152
27EEAlexandre Dupas, Guillaume Damiand: First Results for 3D Image Segmentation with Topological Map. DGCI 2008: 507-518
26EEGuillaume Damiand, David Coeurjolly: A Generic and Parallel Algorithm for 2D Image Discrete Contour Reconstruction. ISVC (2) 2008: 792-801
25EEAlexandre Dupas, Guillaume Damiand: Comparison of Local and Global Region Merging in the Topological Map. IWCIA 2008: 420-431
24EEGuillaume Damiand, Samuel Peltier, Laurent Fuchs: Computing Homology Generators for Volumes Using Minimal Generalized Maps. IWCIA 2008: 63-74
23EEGuillaume Damiand: Topological model for 3D image representation: Definition and incremental extraction algorithm. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 109(3): 260-289 (2008)
22EEGuillaume Damiand, Sylvie Alayrangues: Computing Canonical Polygonal Schemata with Generalized Maps. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 31: 287-292 (2008)
21 Sebastien Horna, Guillaume Damiand, Daniel Meneveaux, Yves Bertrand: Building 3D indoor scenes topology from 2D architectural plans. GRAPP (GM/R) 2007: 37-44
20EESamuel Peltier, Adrian Ion, Yll Haxhimusa, Walter G. Kropatsch, Guillaume Damiand: Computing Homology Group Generators of Images Using Irregular Graph Pyramids. GbRPR 2007: 283-294
19EEGuillaume Damiand, Denis Arrivault: A New Contour Filling Algorithm Based on 2D Topological Map. GbRPR 2007: 319-329
18EEGuillaume Damiand, Eric Andres: Editorial. Image Vision Comput. 25(10): 1519 (2007)
17EECarine Grasset-Simon, Guillaume Damiand: Generalized Map Pyramid for Multi-level 3D Image Segmentation. DGCI 2006: 530-541
16EEGuillaume Damiand, Samuel Peltier, Laurent Fuchs: Computing Homology for Surfaces with Generalized Maps: Application to 3D Images. ISVC (2) 2006: 235-244
15EEGuillaume Damiand, Samuel Peltier, Laurent Fuchs, Pascal Lienhardt: Topological Map: An Efficient Tool to Compute Incrementally Topological Features on 3D Images. IWCIA 2006: 1-15
14EEEric Andres, Guillaume Damiand, Pascal Lienhardt: Introduction. Computers & Graphics 30(1): 29 (2006)
13EECarine Grasset-Simon, Guillaume Damiand, Pascal Lienhardt: nD generalized map pyramids: Definition, representations and basic operations. Pattern Recognition 39(4): 527-538 (2006)
12 Eric Andres, Guillaume Damiand, Pascal Lienhardt: Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery, 12th International Conference, DGCI 2005, Poitiers, France, April 13-15, 2005, Proceedings Springer 2005
11EECarine Grasset-Simon, Guillaume Damiand, Pascal Lienhardt: Receptive Fields for Generalized Map Pyramids: The Notion of Generalized Orbit. DGCI 2005: 56-67
10EECarine Grasset-Simon, Guillaume Damiand, Pascal Lienhardt: Pyramids of n-Dimensional Generalized Maps. GbRPR 2005: 142-152
9EEGuillaume Damiand, Martine Dexet-Guiard, Pascal Lienhardt, Eric Andres: Removal and contraction operations to define combinatorial pyramids: application to the design of a spatial modeler. Image Vision Comput. 23(2): 259-269 (2005)
8EEGuillaume Damiand, Yves Bertrand, Christophe Fiorio: Topological model for two-dimensional image representation: definition and optimal extraction algorithm. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 93(2): 111-154 (2004)
7EEGuillaume Damiand, Olivier Alata, Camille Bihoreau: Using 2D Topological Map Information in a Markovian Image Segmentation. DGCI 2003: 288-297
6EEGuillaume Damiand, Pascal Lienhardt: Removal and Contraction for n-Dimensional Generalized Maps. DGCI 2003: 408-419
5EEAchille J.-P. Braquelaire, Guillaume Damiand, Jean-Philippe Domenger, Frédéric Vidil: Comparison and Convergence of Two Topological Models for 3D Image Segmenation. GbRPR 2003: 59-70
4EEGuillaume Damiand, Patrick Resch: Split-and-merge algorithms defined on topological maps for 3D image segmentation. Graphical Models 65(1-3): 149-167 (2003)
3EEGuillaume Damiand, Patrick Resch: Topological Map Based Algorithms for 3D Image Segmentation. DGCI 2002: 220-231
2EEGuillaume Damiand, Michel Habib, Christophe Paul: A simple paradigm for graph recognition: application to cographs and distance hereditary graphs. Theor. Comput. Sci. 263(1-2): 99-111 (2001)
1EEYves Bertrand, Guillaume Damiand, Christophe Fiorio: Topological Encoding of 3D Segmented Images. DGCI 2000: 311-324

Coauthor Index

1Olivier Alata [7]
2Sylvie Alayrangues [22]
3Eric Andres [9] [12] [14] [18]
4Denis Arrivault [19]
5Mehdi Baba-ali [28]
6Yves Bertrand [1] [8] [21]
7Camille Bihoreau [7]
8Achille J.-P. Braquelaire (Jean-Pierre Braquelaire) [5]
9David Coeurjolly [26]
10Martine Dexet (Martine Dexet-Guiard) [9]
11Jean-Philippe Domenger [5]
12Alexandre Dupas [25] [27]
13Christophe Fiorio [1] [8]
14Laurent Fuchs [15] [16] [24]
15Carine Grasset-Simon [10] [11] [13] [17]
16Michel Habib [2]
17Yll Haxhimusa [20]
18Sebastien Horna [21]
19Adrian Ion [20]
20Walter G. Kropatsch [20]
21Pascal Lienhardt [6] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15]
22David Marcheix [28]
23Daniel Meneveaux [21]
24Christophe Paul [2]
25Samuel Peltier [15] [16] [20] [24]
26Patrick Resch [3] [4]
27Xavier Skapin [28]
28Frédéric Vidil [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)