
Maylis Delest

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13 David Auber, Yves Chiricota, Maylis Delest, Jean-Philippe Domenger, Patrick Mary, Guy Melançon: Visualisation de graphes avec Tulip : exploration interactive de grandes masses de données en appui à la fouille de données et à l'extraction de connaissances. EGC 2007: 147-156
12EEF. Chevalier, Jean-Philippe Domenger, Jenny Benois-Pineau, Maylis Delest: Retrieval of objects in video by similarity based on graph matching. Pattern Recognition Letters 28(8): 939-949 (2007)
11EEMaylis Delest, Jean-Marc Fedou, Guy Melançon: A Quality Measure for Multi-Level Community Structure. SYNASC 2006: 63-68
10EEDavid Auber, Maylis Delest, Jean-Philippe Domenger, Serge Dulucq: Efficient drawing of RNA secondary structure. J. Graph Algorithms Appl. 10(2): 329-351 (2006)
9EEMaylis Delest, Anthony Don, Jenny Benois-Pineau: DAG-based visual interfaces for navigation in indexed video content. Multimedia Tools Appl. 31(1): 51-72 (2006)
8EEMaylis Delest, Tamara Munzner, David Auber, Jean-Philippe Domenger: Exploring InfoVis Publication History with Tulip. INFOVIS 2004
7EEDavid Auber, Maylis Delest, Yves Chiricota: Strahler based Graph Clustering using Convolution. IV 2004: 44-51
6EEIvan Herman, Guy Melançon, Maurice M. de Ruiter, Maylis Delest: Latour — A Tree Visualisation System. Graph Drawing 1999: 392-399
5 Ivan Herman, Maylis Delest, Guy Melançon: Tree Visualisation and Navigation Clues for Information Visualisation. Comput. Graph. Forum 17(2): 153-165 (1998)
4 Maylis Delest, Jean-Philippe Dubernard, I. Dutour: Parallelogram Polyominoes and Corners. J. Symb. Comput. 20(5/6): 503-515 (1995)
3 Maylis Delest, Jean-Philippe Dubernard: q-Grammars: Results, Implementation. STACS 1994: 377-388
2 Maylis Delest, Jean-Marc Fedou, Guy Melançon, N. Rouillon: CalICo, a visual tool for combinatorial mathematics. VL 1993: 379-380
1 Maylis Delest, Jean-Marc Fedou: Introduction aux polyèdres en combinatoire d'apres E. Ehrhart et R. Stanley. ITA 25: 273-292 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1David Auber [7] [8] [10] [13]
2Jenny Benois-Pineau [9] [12]
3F. Chevalier [12]
4Yves Chiricota [7] [13]
5Jean-Philippe Domenger [8] [10] [12] [13]
6Anthony Don [9]
7Jean-Philippe Dubernard [3] [4]
8Serge Dulucq [10]
9I. Dutour [4]
10Jean-Marc Fedou [1] [2] [11]
11Ivan Herman (Iván Herman) [5] [6]
12Patrick Mary [13]
13Guy Melançon [2] [5] [6] [11] [13]
14Tamara Munzner [8]
15N. Rouillon [2]
16Maurice M. de Ruiter [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)