
Karim Djemame

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20EEDominic Battré, Karim Djemame, Iain Gourlay, Matthias Hovestadt, Odej Kao, James Padgett, Kerstin Voß, Daniel Warneke: AssessGrid Strategies for Provider Ranking Mechanisms in Risk-Aware Grid Systems. GECON 2008: 226-233
19EEKerstin Voß, Karim Djemame, Iain Gourlay, James Padgett: AssessGrid, Economic Issues Underlying Risk Awareness in Grids. GECON 2007: 170-175
18EEMinh Dang Thang, Vania Dimitrova, Karim Djemame: Personalised Mashups: Opportunities and Challenges for User Modelling. User Modeling 2007: 415-419
17EEKarim Djemame, Iain Gourlay, James Padgett, Georg Birkenheuer, Matthias Hovestadt, Odej Kao, Kerstin Voß: Introducing Risk Management into the Grid. e-Science 2006: 28
16EEJames Padgett, Karim Djemame, Peter M. Dew: Grid-Based SLA Management. EGC 2005: 1076-1085
15EEJin Wu, Karim Djemame: FAOM: A Novel Active Queue Management with Fuzzy Logic for TCP-Based Interactive Communications. ICCNMC 2005: 1198-1207
14EEJames Padgett, Mohammed H. Haji, Karim Djemame: SLA Management in a Service Oriented Architecture. ICCSA (4) 2005: 1282-1291
13EEJin Wu, Karim Djemame: A Fuzzy-Expert-System-Based Structure for Active Queue Management. ICIC (2) 2005: 266-275
12EEDuncan Russell, Peter M. Dew, Karim Djemame: Service-based Collaborative Workflow for DAME. IEEE SCC 2005: 139-146
11EEMohammed H. Haji, Iain Gourlay, Karim Djemame, Peter M. Dew: A SNAP-Based Community Resource Broker Using a Three-Phase Commit Protocol: A Performance Study. Comput. J. 48(3): 333-346 (2005)
10EEIain Gourlay, Mohammed H. Haji, Karim Djemame, Peter M. Dew: Performance Evaluation of a SNAP-Based Grid Resource Broker. FORTE Workshops 2004: 220-232
9EEAbdulla Othman, Karim Djemame, Iain Gourlay: A Monitoring and Prediction Tool for Time-Constraint Grid Application. ICCSA (2) 2004: 66-75
8EEMohammed H. Haji, Peter M. Dew, Karim Djemame, Iain Gourlay: A SNAP-Based Community Resource Broker Using a Three-Phase Commit Protocol. IPDPS 2004
7EEIain Gourlay, Peter M. Dew, Karim Djemame, John F. Snowdon, Gordon A. Russell: Supporting Bulk Synchronous Parallelism with a high-bandwidth optical interconnect. Concurrency - Practice and Experience 16(13): 1247-1270 (2004)
6EEAbdulla Othman, Peter M. Dew, Karim Djemame, Iain Gourlay: Adaptive Grid Resource Brokering. CLUSTER 2003: 172-179
5EEIain Gourlay, Peter M. Dew, Karim Djemame: Bulk Synchronous Parallel Computing Using a High Bandwidth Optical Interconnect. IPDPS 2002
4 Karim Djemame, Mourad Kara: Agent-based rate coordination between TCP and ABR congestion control algorithms. Computer Communications 24(9): 850-859 (2001)
3EEKarim Djemame, Mourad Kara, R. S. Banwait: An agent based congestion control and notification scheme for TCP over ABR. Computer Communications 23(16): 1524-1536 (2000)
2EEKarim Djemame, Dennis C. Gilles, Lewis M. Mackenzie, Mohamed Bettaz: Distributed Simulation of ECATNets: A Conservative Approach. PDP 1996: 518-525
1EEKarim Djemame, Mohamed Bettaz, Dennis C. Gilles, Lewis M. Mackenzie: Performance Comparison of High-Level Algebraic Nets Distributed Simulation Protocols. Winter Simulation Conference 1996: 621-628

Coauthor Index

1R. S. Banwait [3]
2Dominic Battré [20]
3Mohamed Bettaz [1] [2]
4Georg Birkenheuer [17]
5Peter M. Dew [5] [6] [7] [8] [10] [11] [12] [16]
6Vania Dimitrova [18]
7Dennis C. Gilles [1] [2]
8Iain Gourlay [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [17] [19] [20]
9Mohammed H. Haji [8] [10] [11] [14]
10Matthias Hovestadt [17] [20]
11Odej Kao [17] [20]
12Mourad Kara [3] [4]
13Lewis M. Mackenzie [1] [2]
14Abdulla Othman [6] [9]
15James Padgett [14] [16] [17] [19] [20]
16Duncan Russell [12]
17Gordon A. Russell [7]
18John F. Snowdon [7]
19Minh Dang Thang [18]
20Kerstin Voß [17] [19] [20]
21Daniel Warneke [20]
22Jin Wu [13] [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)