2008 |
15 | | Georg Birkenheuer,
Matthias Hovestadt,
Odej Kao,
Kerstin Voß:
Overbooking in Planning Based Scheduling Systems.
GCA 2008: 242-248 |
14 | | Dominic Battré,
Matthias Hovestadt,
Odej Kao,
Axel Keller,
Kerstin Voß:
Germany, Belgium, France, and Back Again: Job Migration using Globus.
GCA 2008: 249-252 |
13 | EE | Dominic Battré,
Karim Djemame,
Iain Gourlay,
Matthias Hovestadt,
Odej Kao,
James Padgett,
Kerstin Voß,
Daniel Warneke:
AssessGrid Strategies for Provider Ranking Mechanisms in Risk-Aware Grid Systems.
GECON 2008: 226-233 |
12 | EE | Dominic Battré,
Matthias Hovestadt,
Odej Kao,
Axel Keller,
Kerstin Voß:
Virtual Execution Environments for ensuring SLA-compliant Job Migration in Grids.
IEEE SCC (2) 2008: 571-572 |
11 | | Dominic Battré,
André Höing,
Matthias Hovestadt,
Odej Kao,
Ulf Rerrer-Brusch:
Adopting DataGuides to RDF Databases.
SWWS 2008: 320-323 |
10 | | Dominic Battré,
Felix Heine,
André Höing,
Matthias Hovestadt,
Odej Kao,
Christoph Liebetruth:
Dynamic Knowledge in DHT Based RDF Stores.
SWWS 2008: 324-327 |
2006 |
9 | EE | Matthias Hovestadt,
Odej Kao,
Kerstin Voß:
The First Step of Introducing Risk Management for Prepossessing SLAs.
IEEE SCC 2006: 36-43 |
8 | EE | Karim Djemame,
Iain Gourlay,
James Padgett,
Georg Birkenheuer,
Matthias Hovestadt,
Odej Kao,
Kerstin Voß:
Introducing Risk Management into the Grid.
e-Science 2006: 28 |
2005 |
7 | EE | Matthias Hovestadt:
Fault Tolerance Mechanisms for SLA-aware Resource Management.
ICPADS (2) 2005: 458-462 |
6 | EE | Lars-Olof Burchard,
Barry Linnert,
Felix Heine,
Matthias Hovestadt,
Odej Kao,
Axel Keller:
A Quality-of-Service Architecture for Future Grid Computing Applications.
IPDPS 2005 |
5 | EE | Felix Heine,
Matthias Hovestadt,
Odej Kao,
Achim Streit:
On the Impact of Reservations from the Grid on Planning-Based Resource Management.
International Conference on Computational Science (3) 2005: 155-162 |
4 | | Felix Heine,
Matthias Hovestadt,
Odej Kao,
Axel Keller:
Provision of Fault Tolerance with Grid-enabled and SLA-aware Resource Management Systems.
PARCO 2005: 113-120 |
2004 |
3 | EE | Lars-Olof Burchard,
Matthias Hovestadt,
Odej Kao,
Axel Keller,
Barry Linnert:
The virtual resource manager: an architecture for SLA-aware resource management.
CCGRID 2004: 126-133 |
2 | EE | Felix Heine,
Matthias Hovestadt,
Odej Kao:
Towards Ontology-Driven P2P Grid Resource Discovery.
GRID 2004: 76-83 |
2003 |
1 | EE | Matthias Hovestadt,
Odej Kao,
Axel Keller,
Achim Streit:
Scheduling in HPC Resource Management Systems: Queuing vs. Planning.
JSSPP 2003: 1-20 |