
Jin Ding

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6EESirisha Medidi, Jin Ding, Ghayathri Garudapuram, Jiong Wang, Muralidhar Medidi: An Analytical Model and Performance Evaluation of Transport Protocols for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. Annual Simulation Symposium 2008: 131-138
5 Jin Ding, Krishna M. Sivalingam, Bo Li, Yueming Hu: Design and Analysis of an Integrated MAC and Routing Protocol Framework for Wireless Sensor Networks. Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks 2(1): (2006)
4 Muralidhar Medidi, Jin Ding, Sirisha Medidi: Data Dissemination using Limited Flooding in Wireless Sensor Networks. ICWN 2005: 434-440
3EEJin Ding, Jian Huang, Micah Beck, Shaotao Liu, Terry Moore, Stephen Soltesz: Remote Visualization by Browsing Image Based Databases with Logistical Networking. SC 2003: 34
2EEJin Ding, David Moloney, Xiaojun Wang: Aliasing-Free Space and Time Compactions with Limited Overhead. ISQED 2000: 355-360
1EEJin Ding, Yu-Liang Wu: On the Testing Quality of Random and Pseudo-random Sequences for Permanent and Intermittent Faults. ASP-DAC 1999: 311-314

Coauthor Index

1Micah Beck [3]
2Ghayathri Garudapuram [6]
3Yueming Hu [5]
4Jian Huang [3]
5Bo Li [5]
6Shaotao Liu [3]
7Muralidhar Medidi [4] [6]
8Sirisha Medidi [4] [6]
9David Moloney [2]
10Terry Moore [3]
11Krishna M. Sivalingam [5]
12Stephen Soltesz [3]
13Jiong Wang [6]
14Xiaojun Wang [2]
15Yu-Liang Wu (David Yu-Liang Wu) [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)