
Betsy van Dijk

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14EELisette Jansen, Betsy van Dijk, José Retra: A Music Educational Entertainment Environment for Preschoolers. Fun and Games 2008: 194-202
13EEAnton Nijholt, Betsy van Dijk, Dennis Reidsma: Design of Experience and Flow in Movement-Based Interaction. MIG 2008: 166-175
12EEMarco Leoné, Betsy van Dijk, Bert-Jan van Beijnum: Design and trial evaluation of the user interface for MusicReader. Mindtrek 2008: 95-99
11EERonald Poppe, Rutger Rienks, Betsy van Dijk: Evaluating the Future of HCI: Challenges for the Evaluation of Emerging Applications. Artifical Intelligence for Human Computing 2007: 234-250
10EEWim Fikkert, Dirk Heylen, Betsy van Dijk, Anton Nijholt, Jorrit Kuipers, Arnd O. Brugman: Estimating the Gaze Point of a Student in a Driving Simulator. ICALT 2006: 497-501
9EEHerman Koppelman, Betsy van Dijk: Creating a realistic context for team projects in HCI. ITiCSE 2006: 58-62
8EEJorne Grolleman, Betsy van Dijk, Anton Nijholt, Andrée van Emst: Break the Habit! Designing an e-Therapy Intervention Using a Virtual Coach in Aid of Smoking Cessation. PERSUASIVE 2006: 133-141
7EEIngo H. C. Wassink, Betsy van Dijk, Job Zwiers, Anton Nijholt, Jorrit Kuipers, Arnd O. Brugman: In The Truman Show: Generating Dynamic Scenarios in a Driving Simulator. IEEE Intelligent Systems 21(5): 28-32 (2006)
6EEMark van Setten, Mettina Veenstra, Anton Nijholt, Betsy van Dijk: Goal-based structuring in recommender systems. Interacting with Computers 18(3): 432-456 (2006)
5EEMark van Setten, Mettina Veenstra, Anton Nijholt, Betsy van Dijk: Case-Based Reasoning as a Prediction Strategy for Hybrid Recommender Systems. AWIC 2004: 13-22
4 Mark van Setten, Mettina Veenstra, Anton Nijholt, Betsy van Dijk: Prediction Strategies in a TV Recommender System - Method and Experiments. ICWI 2003: 203-210
3EEEelco Herder, Betsy van Dijk: Personalized Adaptation to Device Characteristics. AH 2002: 598-602
2EEIvo van Es, Dirk Heylen, Betsy van Dijk, Anton Nijholt: Gaze behavior of talking faces makes a difference. CHI Extended Abstracts 2002: 734-735
1EEHerman Koppelman, Betsy van Dijk: A model for a flexible, web-based course. ITiCSE 2002: 231

Coauthor Index

1Bert-Jan van Beijnum [12]
2Arnd O. Brugman [7] [10]
3Andrée van Emst [8]
4Ivo van Es [2]
5Wim Fikkert [10]
6Jorne Grolleman [8]
7Eelco Herder [3]
8Dirk Heylen [2] [10]
9Lisette Jansen [14]
10Herman Koppelman [1] [9]
11Jorrit Kuipers [7] [10]
12Marco Leoné [12]
13Anton Nijholt [2] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [10] [13]
14Ronald Poppe [11]
15Dennis Reidsma [13]
16José Retra [14]
17Rutger Rienks [11]
18Mark van Setten [4] [5] [6]
19Mettina Veenstra [4] [5] [6]
20Ingo H. C. Wassink [7]
21Job Zwiers [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)