
Ken Brodlie

Ken W. Brodlie

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48EEMarcelo Cohen, Ken W. Brodlie, Nick Phillips: The volume in focus: hardware-assisted focus and context effects for volume visualization. SAC 2008: 1231-1235
47EEH. Wang, Ken W. Brodlie, James W. Handley, Jason Wood: Service-oriented approach to collaborative visualization. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 20(11): 1289-1301 (2008)
46EEJames W. Handley, Ken W. Brodlie, R. H. Clayton: Multi-Variate Visualization of Cardiac Virtual Tissue. CBMS 2006: 665-672
45EEF. P. Vidal, Fernando Bello, Ken W. Brodlie, Nigel W. John, Derek Gould, R. Phillips, N. J. Avis: Principles and Applications of Computer Graphics in Medicine. Comput. Graph. Forum 25(1): 113-137 (2006)
44 Ken Brodlie, David J. Duke, Kenneth I. Joy: EuroVis05: Joint Eurographics - IEEE VGTC Symposium on Visualization, Leeds, United Kingdom, 1-3 June 2005 Eurographics Association 2005
43EEKen Brodlie, John Brooke, Min Chen, David Chisnall, Ade Fewings, Chris Hughes, Nigel W. John, Mark W. Jones, Mark Riding, Nicolas Roard: Visual Supercomputing: Technologies, Applications and Challenges. Comput. Graph. Forum 24(2): 217-245 (2005)
42EEKen W. Brodlie, Muhammed Rafiq Asim, Keith Unsworth: Constrained Visualization Using the Shepard Interpolation Family. Comput. Graph. Forum 24(4): 809-820 (2005)
41EEDavid J. Duke, Ken W. Brodlie, David A. Duce, Ivan Herman: Do You See What I Mean? IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 25(3): 6-9 (2005)
40EEKen Brodlie: Seeing is Believing So Beware. CGIV 2004: 5
39EEKen Brodlie, David A. Duce, Julian R. Gallop, Musbah Shahop Sagar, Jeremy Walton, Jason Wood: Visualization in Grid Computing Environments. IEEE Visualization 2004: 155-162
38EEDavid J. Duke, Ken W. Brodlie, David A. Duce: Building an Ontology of Visualization. IEEE Visualization 2004: 7
37EEMarcelo Cohen, Ken Brodlie: Focus and Context for Volume Visualization. TPCG 2004: 32-39
36EERichard Holbrey, Andrew J. Bulpitt, Ken Brodlie, Mark Walkley, Julian Scott: A Model for Virtual Suturing in Vascular Surgery. TPCG 2004: 50-58
35 Muhammed Rafiq Asim, Ghulam Mustafa, Ken Brodlie: Constrained Visualization of 2D Positive Data using Modified Quadratic Shepard Method. WSCG (Posters) 2004: 9-12
34EEKen Brodlie, David A. Duce, Julian R. Gallop, J. P. R. B. Walton, Jason Wood: Distributed and Collaborative Visualization. Comput. Graph. Forum 23(2): 223-251 (2004)
33EESelan dos Santos, Ken Brodlie: Gaining understanding of multivariate and multidimensional data through visualization. Computers & Graphics 28(3): 311-325 (2004)
32EENigel W. John, Ken Brodlie, Fernando Bello: Web3D for medical education and training. Web3D 2003: 188-189
31EEYing Li, Ken Brodlie: Soft Object Modelling with Generalised ChainMail - Extending the Boundaries of Web-based Graphics. Comput. Graph. Forum 22(4): 717-728 (2003)
30EEMuhammed Rafiq Asim, Ken Brodlie: Curve drawing subject to positivity and more general constraints. Computers & Graphics 27(4): 469-485 (2003)
29EEAdriano Lopes, Ken Brodlie: Improving the Robustness and Accuracy of the Marching Cubes Algorithm for Isosurfacing. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 9(1): 16-29 (2003)
28EEKen W. Brodlie, Jason Wood, David A. Duce, Julian R. Gallop, David Gavaghan, Michael Giles, S. Hague, Jeremy Walton, M. Rudgyard, Brian Collins, J. Ibbotson, Alan Knox: XML for Visualization. EuroWeb 2002
27EEMark Walkley, Jason Wood, Ken Brodlie: A Distributed Co-Operative Problem Solving Environment. International Conference on Computational Science (1) 2002: 853-861
26EEBahara Belaton, Ken W. Brodlie: Model Centred Approach to Scientific Visualization. WSCG 2002: 63-70
25 Ken Brodlie, Jason Wood: Recent Advances in Volume Visualization. Comput. Graph. Forum 20(2): 125-148 (2001)
24EEHelen Wright, Ken Brodlie, Jason Wood, Jim Procter: Problem Solving Environments: Extending the Rôle of Visualization Systems. Euro-Par 2000: 1323-1331
23EEHelen Wright, Ken Brodlie, Tim David: Navigating high-dimensional spaces to support design steering. IEEE Visualization 2000: 291-296
22EEKen Brodlie, Nuha El-Khalili, Ying Li: Using web-based computer graphics to teach surgery. Computers & Graphics 24(1): 157-161 (2000)
21EENuha El-Khalili, Ken W. Brodlie: Surgical training on the web. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 17(2): 147-158 (2000)
20EEJason Wood, Helen Wright, Ken Brodlie: Collaborative visualization. IEEE Visualization 1997: 253-260
19EEKen Brodlie: Visualization over the World Wide Web. Scientific Visualization 1997: 23-29
18 Jason Wood, Ken Brodlie, Helen Wright: Visualization Over the World Wide Web and its Application to Environmental Data. IEEE Visualization 1996: 81-86
17EEDavid B. Arnold, Jack Bresenham, Ken Brodlie, George S. Carson, Jan Hardenbergh, Paul van Binst, Andries van Dam: Standardisation - opportunity or constraint? (panel session). SIGGRAPH 1995: 499-501
16EEKen Brodlie, Petros Mashwama, Sohail Butt: Visualization of surface data to preserve positivity and other simple constraints. Computers & Graphics 19(4): 585-594 (1995)
15 Ken Brodlie, Petros Mashwama: Controlled Interpolation for Scientific Visualization. Scientific Visualization 1994: 253-276
14EEKen Brodlie, G. Scott Owen: Guest editors' introduction. Computers & Graphics 18(3): 259-262 (1994)
13EEKen Brodlie, W. Terry Hewitt, Steve Larkin, Phil Willis, Julian R. Gallop: Graphics and visualization - Techniques and tools: A course for postgraduates of all disciplines. Computers & Graphics 18(3): 263-268 (1994)
12 Ken Brodlie, A. Poon, Helen Wright, L. Brankin, G. Banecki, A. Gay: GRASPARC: A Problem Solving Environment Integrating Computation and Visualization. IEEE Visualization 1993: 102-109
11EESohail Butt, Ken Brodlie: Preserving positivity using piecewise cubic interpolation. Computers & Graphics 17(1): 55-64 (1993)
10 Ken Brodlie, Martin Berzins, Peter M. Dew, A. Poon, Helen Wright: Visalization and its Use in Scientific Computation. Programming Environments for High-Level Scientific Problem Solving 1991: 293-305
9EEKen Brodlie, David A. Duce, F. Robert A. Hopgood: The new Graphical Kernel System. Computer-Aided Design 23(4): 312-318 (1991)
8EEKen Brodlie, Sohail Butt: Preserving convexity using piecewise cubic interpolation. Computers & Graphics 15(1): 15-23 (1991)
7EEKen Brodlie, Lofton Henderson, Anne M. Mumford: The CGM - A Metafile for GKS? Comput. Graph. Forum 6(2): 87-90 (1987)
6EEKen W. Brodlie: GKS certification--An overview. Computers & Graphics 8(1): 13-17 (1984)
5EEKen W. Brodlie, M. C. Maguire, Günther E. Pfaff: A practical strategy for certifying GKS implementations. Computers & Graphics 8(2): 125-133 (1984)
4 Ken Brodlie, Günther E. Pfaff: Report on the EEC Workshop on Certification of Graphics Software - Rixensart, Belgium. Comput. Graph. Forum 2(1): 23-24 (1983)
3 Ken Brodlie, Günther E. Pfaff: An Algorithmic Interpretation of the GKS TEXT Primitive. Comput. Graph. Forum 2(4): 233-241 (1983)
2 Ken Brodlie, D. L. Fisher, G. G. Tolton, T. W. Lambert: The Development of the NAG Graphical Supplement. Comput. Graph. Forum 1(3): 133-142 (1982)
1 Ken Brodlie, Günther E. Pfaff: Report on the EEC Workshop on Graphics Certification - Defining a Device for Certification (Miltenberg/Darmstadt, FRG, 25-28 April 1982). Comput. Graph. Forum 1(3): 88-90 (1982)

Coauthor Index

1David B. Arnold [17]
2Muhammed Rafiq Asim [30] [35] [42]
3N. J. Avis [45]
4G. Banecki [12]
5Bahara Belaton [26]
6Fernando Bello [32] [45]
7Martin Berzins [10]
8Paul van Binst [17]
9L. Brankin [12]
10Jack Bresenham [17]
11John Brooke [43]
12Andrew J. Bulpitt [36]
13Sohail Butt [8] [11] [16]
14George S. Carson [17]
15Min Chen [43]
16David Chisnall [43]
17R. H. Clayton [46]
18Marcelo Cohen [37] [48]
19Brian Collins [28]
20Andries van Dam [17]
21Tim David [23]
22Peter M. Dew [10]
23David A. Duce [9] [28] [34] [38] [39] [41]
24David J. Duke [38] [41] [44]
25Nuha El-Khalili [21] [22]
26Ade Fewings [43]
27D. L. Fisher [2]
28Julian R. Gallop [13] [28] [34] [39]
29David Gavaghan [28]
30A. Gay [12]
31Michael Giles [28]
32Derek Gould [45]
33S. Hague [28]
34James W. Handley [46] [47]
35Jan Hardenbergh [17]
36Lofton Henderson [7]
37Ivan Herman (Iván Herman) [41]
38W. Terry Hewitt [13]
39Richard Holbrey [36]
40F. Robert A. Hopgood [9]
41Chris Hughes [43]
42J. Ibbotson [28]
43Nigel W. John [32] [43] [45]
44Mark W. Jones [43]
45Kenneth I. Joy [44]
46Alan Knox [28]
47T. W. Lambert [2]
48Steve Larkin [13]
49Ying Li [22] [31]
50Adriano Lopes [29]
51M. C. Maguire [5]
52Petros Mashwama [15] [16]
53Anne M. Mumford [7]
54Ghulam Mustafa [35]
55G. Scott Owen [14]
56Günther E. Pfaff [1] [3] [4] [5]
57Nick Phillips [48]
58R. Phillips [45]
59A. Poon [10] [12]
60Jim Procter [24]
61Mark Riding [43]
62Nicolas Roard [43]
63M. Rudgyard [28]
64Musbah Shahop Sagar [39]
65Selan dos Santos [33]
66Julian Scott [36]
67G. G. Tolton [2]
68Keith Unsworth [42]
69F. P. Vidal [45]
70Mark Walkley [27] [36]
71J. P. R. B. Walton (Jeremy Walton) [28] [34] [39]
72H. Wang [47]
73Phil Willis [13]
74Jason Wood [18] [20] [24] [25] [27] [28] [34] [39] [47]
75Helen Wright [10] [12] [18] [20] [23] [24]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)