
Luc Giraud

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31EELuiz M. Carvalho, Wagner Fortes, Luc Giraud: Comparing Some Methods and Preconditioners for Hydropower Plant Flow Simulations. VECPAR 2008: 391-404
30EEValérie Frayssé, Luc Giraud, Serge Gratton: Algorithm 881: A Set of Flexible GMRES Routines for Real and Complex Arithmetics on High-Performance Computers. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 35(2): (2008)
29EELuc Giraud, A. Haidar, Layne T. Watson: Parallel scalability study of hybrid preconditioners in three dimensions. Parallel Computing 34(6-8): 363-379 (2008)
28EEMarc Baboulin, Luc Giraud, Serge Gratton, Julien Langou: A distributed packed storage for large dense parallel in-core calculations. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 19(4): 483-502 (2007)
27EELuc Giraud, Serge Gratton, Julien Langou: Convergence in Backward Error of Relaxed GMRES. SIAM J. Scientific Computing 29(2): 710-728 (2007)
26EEBruno Carpentieri, Luc Giraud, Serge Gratton: Additive and Multiplicative Two-Level Spectral Preconditioning for General Linear Systems. SIAM J. Scientific Computing 29(4): 1593-1612 (2007)
25EELuc Giraud, Daniel Ruiz, Ahmed Touhami: A Comparative Study of Iterative Solvers Exploiting Spectral Information for SPD Systems. SIAM J. Scientific Computing 27(5): 1760-1786 (2006)
24EEValérie Frayssé, Luc Giraud, Serge Gratton, Julien Langou: Algorithm 842: A set of GMRES routines for real and complex arithmetics on high performance computers. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 31(2): 228-238 (2005)
23EEBruno Carpentieri, Iain S. Duff, Luc Giraud, Guillaume Sylvand: Combining Fast Multipole Techniques and an Approximate Inverse Preconditioner for Large Electromagnetism Calculations. SIAM J. Scientific Computing 27(3): 774-792 (2005)
22EEP. Maréchal, Denis Mariano-Goulart, Luc Giraud, Serge Gratton: Towards Automatic Selection of the Regularization Parameters in Emission Tomgraphy by Fourier Synthesis. ECCV Workshops CVAMIA and MMBIA 2004: 64-74
21EELuc Giraud, Daniel Ruiz, Ahmed Touhami: Krylov and Polynomial Iterative Solvers Combined with Partial Spectral Factorization for SPD Linear Systems. VECPAR 2004: 637-656
20EEIain S. Duff, Luc Giraud, Henk A. van der Vorst, Peter Zinterhof: Topic Introduction. Euro-Par 2003: 799
19EEBruno Carpentieri, Iain S. Duff, Luc Giraud, Guillaume Sylvand: An Embedded Iterative Scheme in Electromagnetism. PPAM 2003: 977-984
18EEIain S. Duff, Wolfgang Borchers, Luc Giraud, Henk A. van der Vorst: Numerical Algorithms. Euro-Par 2002: 675-676
17EEBruno Carpentieri, Iain S. Duff, Luc Giraud: Robust Preconditioning of Dense Problems from Electromagnetics. NAA 2000: 170-178
16 Patrick Amestoy, Philippe Berger, Michel J. Daydé, Iain S. Duff, Valérie Frayssé, Luc Giraud, Daniel Ruiz: Euro-Par '99 Parallel Processing, 5th International Euro-Par Conference, Toulouse, France, August 31 - September 3, 1999, Proceedings Springer 1999
15EELuiz M. Carvalho, Luc Giraud: Parallel Subdomain-Based Preconditioner for the Schur Complement. Euro-Par 1999: 1032-1039
14EERenato Campo, Luc Giraud: Emerging Topics in Advanced Computing in Europe - Introduction. Euro-Par 1999: 1153-1154
13EEPatrick Jabouille, Ronan Guivarch, Philippe Kloos, Didier Gazen, Nicolas Gicquel, Luc Giraud, Nicole Asencio, Veronique Ducrocq, Juan Escobar, Jean-Luc Redelsperger, Joël Stein, Jean-Pierre Pinty: Parallelization of the French Meteorological Mesoscale Model MésoNH. Euro-Par 1999: 1417-1422
12EELuc Giraud, Ronan Guivarch, Joël Stein: A Parallel Distributed Fast 3D Poisson Solver for Méso-NH. Euro-Par 1999: 1431-1434
11EEF. Chalot, G. Chevalier, Q. V. Dinh, Luc Giraud: Some Investigations of Domain Decomposition Techniques in Parallel CFD. Euro-Par 1999: 595-602
10EEValérie Frayssé, Luc Giraud, Hatim Kharraz-Aroussi: On the Influence of the Orthogonalization Scheme on the Parallel Performance of GMRES. Euro-Par 1998: 751-762
9 Sandra Baldini, Luc Giraud, Laurent Hamel, José M. Jiménez, Luis M. Matey: HIPERCOMBATS: A Parallel Industrial Tool for Two-Wheeler Suspensions Design. HPCN Europe 1997: 51-59
8 Luc Giraud, Nathan Maman, Pascal Menegazzi, Andrea Micelotta, Bernadette Thomas: Parallel Industrial Incompressible CFD Calculations with HPCN3S. HPCN Europe 1996: 122-127
7 Valérie Frayssé, Luc Giraud, Vincent Toumazou: Parallel Computation of Spectral Portraits on the Meiko CS2. HPCN Europe 1996: 312-318
6 Luiz M. Carvalho, Luc Giraud: Parallel Domain Decomposition Experiments on the Meiko CS2-HA. HPCN Europe 1996: 948-949
5 Gérard Degrez, Luc Giraud, Mark Loriot, Andrea Micelotta, Bruno Nitrosso, Alain Stoessel: Parallel industrial CFD calculations with N3S. HPCN Europe 1995: 820-825
4EELuc Giraud: Block Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Methods on a Distributed Virtual Shared Memory Multiprocessor. International Journal of High Speed Computing 7(2): 161-190 (1995)
3 Luc Giraud, G. M. Manzini: Parallel Distributed Implementations of 2D Explicit Euler Solvers. HPCN 1994: 151-156
2 Luc Giraud: Shared and Distributed Implementations of Block Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Methods Using Domain Decomposition on the BBN TC2000. PPSC 1993: 703-710
1 Luc Giraud, Ray S. Tuminaro: Domain Decomposition Algorithms for the Drift-Diffusion Equations. PPSC 1993: 719-726

Coauthor Index

1Patrick Amestoy [16]
2Nicole Asencio [13]
3Marc Baboulin [28]
4Sandra Baldini [9]
5Philippe Berger [16]
6Wolfgang Borchers [18]
7Renato Campo [14]
8Bruno Carpentieri [17] [19] [23] [26]
9Luiz M. Carvalho [6] [15] [31]
10F. Chalot [11]
11G. Chevalier [11]
12Michel J. Daydé [16]
13Gérard Degrez [5]
14Q. V. Dinh [11]
15Veronique Ducrocq [13]
16Iain S. Duff [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [23]
17Juan Escobar [13]
18Wagner Fortes [31]
19Valérie Frayssé [7] [10] [16] [24] [30]
20Didier Gazen [13]
21Nicolas Gicquel [13]
22Serge Gratton [22] [24] [26] [27] [28] [30]
23Ronan Guivarch [12] [13]
24A. Haidar [29]
25Laurent Hamel [9]
26Patrick Jabouille [13]
27José M. Jiménez [9]
28Hatim Kharraz-Aroussi [10]
29Philippe Kloos [13]
30Julien Langou [24] [27] [28]
31Mark Loriot [5]
32Nathan Maman [8]
33G. M. Manzini [3]
34P. Maréchal [22]
35Denis Mariano-Goulart [22]
36Luis M. Matey [9]
37Pascal Menegazzi [8]
38Andrea Micelotta [5] [8]
39Bruno Nitrosso [5]
40Jean-Pierre Pinty [13]
41Jean-Luc Redelsperger [13]
42Daniel Ruiz [16] [21] [25]
43Joël Stein [12] [13]
44Alain Stoessel [5]
45Guillaume Sylvand [19] [23]
46Bernadette Thomas [8]
47Ahmed Touhami [21] [25]
48Vincent Toumazou [7]
49Ray S. Tuminaro [1]
50Henk A. van der Vorst [18] [20]
51Layne T. Watson [29]
52Peter Zinterhof [20]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)