
David W. Krumme

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18EEDavid W. Krumme, Eynat Rafalin, Diane L. Souvaine, Csaba D. Tóth: Tight Bounds for Connecting Sites Across Barriers. Discrete & Computational Geometry 40(3): 377-394 (2008)
17EEDavid W. Krumme, Eynat Rafalin, Diane L. Souvaine, Csaba D. Tóth: Tight bounds for connecting sites across barriers. Symposium on Computational Geometry 2006: 439-448
16EEDavid W. Krumme, Paraskevi Fragopoulou: Minimum Eccentricity Multicast Trees. Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science 4(2): 157-172 (2001)
15 Arthur M. Farley, Paraskevi Fragopoulou, David W. Krumme, Andrzej Proskurowski, Dana Richards: Multi-Source Spanning Tree Problems. Journal of Interconnection Networks 1(1): 61-71 (2000)
14 Arthur M. Farley, Paraskevi Fragopoulou, David W. Krumme, Andrzej Proskurowski, Dana Richards: Multi-Source Spanning Tree Problems. SIROCCO 1999: 126-136
13EEJean-Claude König, David W. Krumme, Emmanuel Lazard: Diameter-preserving orientations of the torus. Networks 32(1): 1-11 (1998)
12 David W. Krumme: An Optimal Disjoint Pair of Additive Spanners for the 3D Grid. Parallel Processing Letters 8(2): 251-258 (1998)
11EEDavid W. Krumme: Reordered gossip schemes. Discrete Mathematics 156(1-3): 113-140 (1996)
10 David W. Krumme: Representations of Gossip Schemes. Canada-France Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing 1994: 251-265
9 David W. Krumme: Distributed Computing - Introduction. ICCI 1993: 110
8 David W. Krumme: Algorithms and Complexity - Introduction. ICCI 1993: 2
7 David W. Krumme, George Cybenko, K. N. Venkataraman: Gossiping in Minimal Time. SIAM J. Comput. 21(1): 111-139 (1992)
6 David W. Krumme: Fast Gossiping for the Hypercube. SIAM J. Comput. 21(2): 365-380 (1992)
5 Maria D. Maggio, David W. Krumme: A Flexible System Call Interface for Interprocessor Communication in a Distributed Memory Multicomputer. Operating Systems Review 25(2): 4-21 (1991)
4 George Cybenko, David W. Krumme, K. N. Venkataraman: Fixed Hypercube Embedding. Inf. Process. Lett. 25(1): 35-39 (1987)
3 David W. Krumme: Comments on an Example for Procedure Parameters. SIGPLAN Notices 22(6): 109-111 (1987)
2 George Cybenko, David W. Krumme, K. N. Venkataraman: Simultaneous Broadcasting in Multiprocessor Networks. ICPP 1986: 555-558
1EEDavid W. Krumme, David H. Ackley: A Practical Method for Code Generation Based on Exhaustive Search. SIGPLAN Symposium on Compiler Construction 1982: 185-196

Coauthor Index

1David H. Ackley [1]
2George Cybenko [2] [4] [7]
3Arthur M. Farley [14] [15]
4Paraskevi Fragopoulou [14] [15] [16]
5Jean-Claude König [13]
6Emmanuel Lazard [13]
7Maria D. Maggio [5]
8Andrzej Proskurowski [14] [15]
9Eynat Rafalin [17] [18]
10Dana Richards [14] [15]
11Diane L. Souvaine [17] [18]
12Csaba D. Tóth [17] [18]
13K. N. Venkataraman [2] [4] [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)