
Andrea Cuomo

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5EEAndrea Cuomo: The Challenge of Reliability in Future Complex Systems. IOLTS 2006: 3
4EEAndrea Cuomo: Future challenges in embedded systems. CODES+ISSS 2004: 1
3EEFrancky Catthoor, Andrea Cuomo, Grant Martin, Patrick Groeneveld, Rudy Lauwereins, Karen Maex, Patrick van de Steeg, Ron Wilson: How Can System-Level Design Solve the Interconnect Technology Scaling Problem? DATE 2004: 332-339
2EEAndrea Cuomo: Semiconductor Challenges. DATE 2003: 10008-10009
1EEAndrea Cuomo: Architectural Challenges for the Next Decade Integrated Platforms. PATMOS 2003: 1

Coauthor Index

1Francky Catthoor [3]
2Patrick Groeneveld [3]
3Rudy Lauwereins [3]
4Karen Maex [3]
5Grant Martin [3]
6Patrick van de Steeg [3]
7Ron Wilson [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)