
Umberto Cugini

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19EEMonica Bordegoni, Umberto Cugini: Designer-Centered Haptic Interfaces for Shape Modeling. HCI (14) 2007: 441-450
18EEUmberto Cugini, Monica Bordegoni: Touch and design: novel haptic interfaces for the generation of high quality surfaces for industrial design. The Visual Computer 23(4): 233-246 (2007)
17EEM. Bertoni, Umberto Cugini, D. Regazzoni, Caterina Rizzi, M. Ugolotti: A BPR Methodology for Product Development Processes. PROLAMAT 2006: 370-378
16EEMarzia Fontana, Caterina Rizzi, Umberto Cugini: A CAD-oriented cloth simulation system with stable and efficient ODE solution. Computers & Graphics 30(3): 391-406 (2006)
15EEMonica Bordegoni, Umberto Cugini: Haptic modeling in the conceptual phases of product design. Virtual Reality 9(2-3): 192-202 (2006)
14EEMonica Bordegoni, Umberto Cugini: Create free-form digital shapes with hands. GRAPHITE 2005: 429-432
13EEMarzia Fontana, Caterina Rizzi, Umberto Cugini: 3D virtual apparel design for industrial applications. Computer-Aided Design 37(6): 609-622 (2005)
12EEUmberto Cugini, Caterina Rizzi: 3D Design and Simulation of Men Garments. WSCG (Short Papers) 2002: 9-16
11 Umberto Cugini, Michael J. Wozny: From Knowledge Intensive CAD to Knowledge Intensive Engineering, IFIP TC5 WG5.2 Fourth Workshop on Knowledge Intensive CAD, May 22-24, 2000, Parma, Italy Kluwer 2001
10 Umberto Cugini, Michael J. Wozny: From Geometric Modeling to Shape Modeling, IFIP TC5 WG5.2 Seventh Workshop on Geometric Modeling: Fundamentals and Applications, October 2-4, 2000, Parma, Italy Kluwer 2001
9 Ferruccio Mandorli, Caterina Rizzi, Lorenzo Susca, Umberto Cugini: An Approach to Implement Feature-Based Applications Using Knowledge Aided Engineering Technology. Feature Based Product Life-Cycle Modelling 2001: 41-55
8 Monica Bordegoni, Umberto Cugini, Piero Mussio: Issues in the combination of visual and haptic interaction. HCI 2001: 247-251
7 Lorenzo Susca, Ferruccio Mandorli, Caterina Rizzi, Umberto Cugini: Racing car design using knowledge aided engineering. AI EDAM 14(3): 235-249 (2000)
6 Umberto Cugini: Feature-Based Assembly for Aeronautics Design. CAD Tools and Algorithms for Product Design 1998: 31-46
5 Lorenzo Susca, Ferruccio Mandorli, Caterina Rizzi, Umberto Cugini: A Knowledge Based Engineering Application to Support Weight Distribution Analysis for IRL Cars. Knowledge Intensive CAD 1998: 237-254
4 Monica Bordegoni, Umberto Cugini, Caterina Rizzi: Haptic Augmented Simulation Supporting Teaching Skill to Robots. ISER 1997: 167-172
3EEFerruccio Mandorli, Umberto Cugini, Harald E. Otto, Fumihiko Kimura: Modeling with Self Validation Features. Symposium on Solid Modeling and Applications 1997: 88-96
2 Umberto Cugini, Ferruccio Mandorli, I. Vicini: Using Features as Knowledge Formalization for Simultaneous Engineering. PROLAMAT 1992: 337-349
1EEUmberto Cugini, G. Ferri, Piero Mussio, Marco Protti: Pattern-directed restoration and vectorization of digitized engineering drawings. Computers & Graphics 8(4): 337-350 (1984)

Coauthor Index

1M. Bertoni [17]
2Monica Bordegoni [4] [8] [14] [15] [18] [19]
3G. Ferri [1]
4Marzia Fontana [13] [16]
5Fumihiko Kimura [3]
6Ferruccio Mandorli [2] [3] [5] [7] [9]
7Piero Mussio [1] [8]
8Harald E. Otto [3]
9Marco Protti [1]
10D. Regazzoni [17]
11Caterina Rizzi [4] [5] [7] [9] [12] [13] [16] [17]
12Lorenzo Susca [5] [7] [9]
13M. Ugolotti [17]
14I. Vicini [2]
15Michael J. Wozny [10] [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)