
Thomas R. Dean

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30EEManar H. Alalfi, James R. Cordy, Thomas R. Dean: SQL2XMI: Reverse Engineering of UML-ER Diagrams from Relational Database Schemas. WCRE 2008: 187-191
29EEAndy Y. Mao, James R. Cordy, Thomas R. Dean: Automated conversion of table-based websites to structured stylesheets using table recognition and clone detection. CASCON 2007: 12-26
28EEChanchal Kumar Roy, Mohammad Gias Uddin, Banani Roy, Thomas R. Dean: Evaluating Aspect Mining Techniques: A Case Study. ICPC 2007: 167-176
27EEManar H. Alalfi, James R. Cordy, Thomas R. Dean: A Survey of Analysis Models and Methods in Website Verification and Testing. ICWE 2007: 306-311
26EESylvain Marquis, Thomas R. Dean, Scott Knight: Packet decoding using context sensitive parsing. CASCON 2006: 263-274
25EESongtao Zhang, Thomas R. Dean, Scott Knight: A lightweight approach to state based security testing. CASCON 2006: 341-344
24EEThomas R. Dean, Massimiliano Di Penta, Kostas Kontogiannis, Andrew Walenstein: Clone Detector Use Questions: A List of Desirable Empirical Studies. Duplication, Redundancy, and Similarity in Software 2006
23EESylvain Marquis, Thomas R. Dean, Scott Knight: SCL: a language for security testing of network applications. CASCON 2005: 155-164
22EEShannon Xu, Thomas R. Dean: Transforming Embedded Java Code into Custom Tags. SCAM 2005: 173-182
21EELei Wang, James R. Cordy, Thomas R. Dean: Enhancing Security Using Legality Assertions. WCRE 2005: 35-44
20EEShannon Xu, Thomas R. Dean: Modernizing JavaServer Pages by Transformation. WSE 2005: 111-118
19EETimothy Cassidy, James R. Cordy, Thomas R. Dean, Jürgen Dingel: Source Transformation for Concurrency Analysis. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 141(4): 57-75 (2005)
18EEJames R. Cordy, Thomas R. Dean, Nikita Synytskyy: Practical language-independent detection of near-miss clones. CASCON 2004: 1-12
17EENikita Synytskyy, James R. Cordy, Thomas R. Dean: Robust multilingual parsing using island grammars. CASCON 2003: 266-278
16EEDean Jin, James R. Cordy, Thomas R. Dean: Transparent Reverse Engineering Tool Integration Using a Conceptual Transaction Adapter. CSMR 2003: 399-408
15EEThomas R. Dean, Yuling Chen: Design Recovery of a Two Level System. IWPC 2003: 23-32
14EEXinping Guo, James R. Cordy, Thomas R. Dean: Unique Renaming of Java Using Source Transformation. SCAM 2003: 151-160
13EENikita Synytskyy, James R. Cordy, Thomas R. Dean: Resolution of Static Clones in Dynamic Web Pages. WSE 2003: 49
12EEThomas R. Dean, James R. Cordy, Andrew J. Malton, Kevin A. Schneider: Agile Parsing in TXL. Autom. Softw. Eng. 10(4): 311-336 (2003)
11EEDean Jin, James R. Cordy, Thomas R. Dean: Where's the Schema? A Taxonomy of Patterns for Software Exchange. IWPC 2002: 65-74
10EEThomas R. Dean, James R. Cordy, Andrew J. Malton, Kevin A. Schneider: Grammar Programming in TXL. SCAM 2002: 93-
9 James R. Cordy, Thomas R. Dean, Andrew J. Malton, Kevin A. Schneider: Source transformation in software engineering using the TXL transformation system. Information & Software Technology 44(13): 827-837 (2002)
8EEThomas R. Dean, James R. Cordy, Kevin A. Schneider, Andrew J. Malton: Using Design Recovery Techniques to Transform Legacy Systems. ICSM 2001: 622-631
7EEAndrew J. Malton, Kevin A. Schneider, James R. Cordy, Thomas R. Dean, Darren Cousineau, Jason Reynolds: Processing Software Source Text in Automated Design Recovery and Transformation. IWPC 2001: 127-134
6EEJames R. Cordy, Kevin A. Schneider, Thomas R. Dean, Andrew J. Malton: HSML: Design Directed Source Code Hot Spots. IWPC 2001: 145-156
5EEJames R. Cordy, Thomas R. Dean, Andrew J. Malton, Kevin A. Schneider: Software Engineering by Source Transformation-Experience with TXL. SCAM 2001: 170-180
4EEThomas R. Dean, Andrew J. Malton, Richard C. Holt: Union Schemas as a Basis for a C++ Extractor. WCRE 2001: 59-
3EEThomas R. Dean, James R. Cordy: A Syntactic Theory of Software Architecture. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 21(4): 302-313 (1995)
2EEThomas R. Dean, David Alex Lamb: A theory model core for module interconnection languages. CASCON 1994: 13
1 Thomas R. Dean, James R. Cordy: Software Structure Characterization Using Connectivity. ICSE Workshop on Studies of Software Design 1993: 33-48

Coauthor Index

1Manar H. Alalfi [27] [30]
2Timothy Cassidy [19]
3Yuling Chen [15]
4James R. Cordy [1] [3] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [16] [17] [18] [19] [21] [27] [29] [30]
5Darren Cousineau [7]
6Jürgen Dingel [19]
7Xinping Guo [14]
8Richard C. Holt [4]
9Dean Jin [11] [16]
10Scott Knight [23] [25] [26]
11Kostas Kontogiannis [24]
12David Alex Lamb [2]
13Andrew J. Malton [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [12]
14Andy Y. Mao [29]
15Sylvain Marquis [23] [26]
16Massimiliano Di Penta [24]
17Jason Reynolds [7]
18Banani Roy [28]
19Chanchal Kumar Roy [28]
20Kevin A. Schneider [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [12]
21Nikita Synytskyy [13] [17] [18]
22Mohammad Gias Uddin [28]
23Andrew Walenstein [24]
24Lei Wang [21]
25Shannon Xu [20] [22]
26Songtao Zhang [25]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)