
Christophe Clavier

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12EEChristophe Clavier, Benedikt Gierlichs, Ingrid Verbauwhede: Fault Analysis Study of IDEA. CT-RSA 2008: 274-287
11EEEmmanuel Bresson, Benoît Chevallier-Mames, Christophe Clavier, Aline Gouget, Pascal Paillier, Thomas Peyrin: How to Use Merkle-Damgård - On the Security Relations between Signature Schemes and Their Inner Hash Functions. ProvSec 2008: 241-253
10EEChristophe Clavier: Secret External Encodings Do Not Prevent Transient Fault Analysis. CHES 2007: 181-194
9EEChristophe Clavier, Jean-Sébastien Coron: On the Implementation of a Fast Prime Generation Algorithm. CHES 2007: 443-449
8EEChristophe Clavier: An Improved SCARE Cryptanalysis Against a Secret A3/A8 GSM Algorithm. ICISS 2007: 143-155
7EEEric Brier, Benoît Chevallier-Mames, Mathieu Ciet, Christophe Clavier: Why One Should Also Secure RSA Public Key Elements. CHES 2006: 324-338
6EEFrederic Amiel, Christophe Clavier, Michael Tunstall: Fault Analysis of DPA-Resistant Algorithms. FDTC 2006: 223-236
5EEYannick Monnet, Marc Renaudin, Régis Leveugle, Christophe Clavier, Pascal Moitrel: Case Study of a Fault Attack on Asynchronous DES Crypto-Processors. FDTC 2006: 88-97
4EEEric Brier, Christophe Clavier, Francis Olivier: Correlation Power Analysis with a Leakage Model. CHES 2004: 16-29
3EEChristophe Clavier, Marc Joye: Universal Exponentiation Algorithm. CHES 2001: 300-308
2EEEric Brier, Christophe Clavier, Jean-Sébastien Coron, David Naccache: Cryptanalysis of RSA Signatures with Fixed-Pattern Padding. CRYPTO 2001: 433-439
1EEChristophe Clavier, Jean-Sébastien Coron, Nora Dabbous: Differential Power Analysis in the Presence of Hardware Countermeasures. CHES 2000: 252-263

Coauthor Index

1Frederic Amiel [6]
2Emmanuel Bresson [11]
3Eric Brier [2] [4] [7]
4Benoît Chevallier-Mames [7] [11]
5Mathieu Ciet [7]
6Jean-Sébastien Coron [1] [2] [9]
7Nora Dabbous [1]
8Benedikt Gierlichs [12]
9Aline Gouget [11]
10Marc Joye [3]
11Régis Leveugle [5]
12Pascal Moitrel [5]
13Yannick Monnet [5]
14David Naccache [2]
15Francis Olivier [4]
16Pascal Paillier [11]
17Thomas Peyrin [11]
18Marc Renaudin [5]
19Michael Tunstall [6]
20Ingrid Verbauwhede [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)