
Michael Tunstall

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10EEKhanh Nguyen, Michael Tunstall: Montgomery Multiplication with Redundancy Check. FDTC 2007: 30-36
9EERobert P. McEvoy, Michael Tunstall, Colin C. Murphy, William P. Marnane: Differential Power Analysis of HMAC Based on SHA-2, and Countermeasures. WISA 2007: 317-332
8EEMichael Tunstall, Olivier Benoît: Efficient Use of Random Delays in Embedded Software. WISTP 2007: 27-38
7EEConstantinos Markantonakis, Keith Mayes, Michael Tunstall, Damien Sauveron, Fred Piper: Smart Card Security. Computational Intelligence in Information Assurance and Security 2007: 201-233
6EEJacques J. A. Fournier, Michael Tunstall: Cache Based Power Analysis Attacks on AES. ACISP 2006: 17-28
5EEFrederic Amiel, Christophe Clavier, Michael Tunstall: Fault Analysis of DPA-Resistant Algorithms. FDTC 2006: 223-236
4EEMichael Tunstall, Constantinos Markantonakis, Keith Mayes: Inhibiting Card Sharing Attacks. IWSEC 2006: 239-251
3EEDavid Naccache, Phong Q. Nguyen, Michael Tunstall, Claire Whelan: Experimenting with Faults, Lattices and the DSA. Public Key Cryptography 2005: 16-28
2EEDavid Naccache, Michael Tunstall: How to Explain Side-Channel Leakage to Your Kids. CHES 2000: 229-230
1EEDavid M'Raïhi, David Naccache, Michael Tunstall: Asymmetric Currency Rounding. Financial Cryptography 2000: 192-201

Coauthor Index

1Frederic Amiel [5]
2Olivier Benoît [8]
3Christophe Clavier [5]
4Jacques J. A. Fournier [6]
5David M'Raïhi [1]
6Constantinos Markantonakis [4] [7]
7William P. Marnane [9]
8Keith Mayes [4] [7]
9Robert P. McEvoy [9]
10Colin C. Murphy [9]
11David Naccache [1] [2] [3]
12Khanh Nguyen [10]
13Phong Q. Nguyen [3]
14Fred Piper [7]
15Damien Sauveron [7]
16Claire Whelan [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)