
Franco Blanchini

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8EEFranco Blanchini, Patrizio Colaneri, Felice Andrea Pellegrino: Simultaneous performance achievement via compensator blending. Automatica 44(1): 1-14 (2008)
7EEFranco Blanchini, Carlo Savorgnan: Stabilizability of switched linear systems does not imply the existence of convex Lyapunov functions. Automatica 44(4): 1166-1170 (2008)
6EEFranco Blanchini, Stefano Miani, Carlo Savorgnan: Stability results for linear parameter varying and switching systems. Automatica 43(10): 1817-1823 (2007)
5EEFranco Blanchini, Stefano Miani, Matteo Tomasini, Luca Tubiana, Umberto Viaro, Mauro Zigliotto: A minimum-time control strategy for torque tracking in permanent magnet AC motor drives. Automatica 43(3): 505-512 (2007)
4EEDario Bauso, Franco Blanchini, Raffaele Pesenti: Robust control strategies for multi-inventory systems with average flow constraints. Automatica 42(8): 1255-1266 (2006)
3EEFranco Blanchini, Stefano Miani, Franca Rinaldi: Guaranteed cost control for multi-inventory systems with uncertain demand. Automatica 40(2): 213-223 (2004)
2EEFranco Blanchini, Renato Lo Cigno, Roberto Tempo: Robust rate control for integrated services packet networks. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 10(5): 644-652 (2002)
1EEFranco Blanchini, Maurice Queyranne, Franca Rinaldi, Walter Ukovich: A feedback strategy for periodic network flows. Networks 27(1): 25-34 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Dario Bauso [4]
2Renato Lo Cigno [2]
3Patrizio Colaneri [8]
4Stefano Miani [3] [5] [6]
5Felice Andrea Pellegrino [8]
6Raffaele Pesenti [4]
7Maurice Queyranne [1]
8Franca Rinaldi [1] [3]
9Carlo Savorgnan [6] [7]
10Roberto Tempo [2]
11Matteo Tomasini [5]
12Luca Tubiana [5]
13Walter Ukovich [1]
14Umberto Viaro [5]
15Mauro Zigliotto [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)