
Z. Chen

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32EEZ. Chen, S. Jagannathan: Generalized Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Formulation -Based Neural Network Control of Affine Nonlinear Discrete-Time Systems. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 19(1): 90-106 (2008)
31 Z. Chen: Computation. PDPTA 2007: 278-283
30EEE. Santi, L. Lu, Z. Chen, J. L. Hudgins, H. Alan Mantooth: Simulating power semiconductor devices using variable model levels. SCSC 2007: 284-292
29 Z. Chen: New Approach To A Class Of Matrices. FCS 2006: 135-140
28EEZ. Chen, G. Huan, H. Wang: Computer Simulation of Compositional Flow Using Unstructured Control Volume Finite Element Methods. Computing 78(1): 31-53 (2006)
27 Z. Chen: The Ring Structure In the Efficient Computing of the Displacement. AMCS 2005: 54-58
26EEZ. Chen, P. Yu: Hopf bifurcation Control for an Internet Congestion Model. I. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 15(8): 2643-2651 (2005)
25EEX. Wang, Z. Chen, Z. Yuan: Centre-manifold-based sliding mode output tracking for non-minimum nonlinear systems. Int. J. Systems Science 36(4): 191-199 (2005)
24 Z. Chen: A Fast Numerical Approximation. PDPTA 2004: 674-680
23EECoskun Bayrak, Z. Chen, Jonathan Norton, Hubert Preissl, Curtis Lowery, Hari Eswaran, James D. Wilson: Use of Magnetomyographic (MMG) Signals to Calculate the Dependency Properties of the Active Sensors in Myometrial Activity Monitoring. ICANN 2003: 1041-1048
22 Q. Yang, X. Ding, Z. Chen: Discriminant local feature analysis of facial images. ICIP (2) 2003: 863-866
21 Z. Chen: A New Class of Structured Matrix. PDPTA 2003: 379-384
20 W. Huang, D. Bi, B. Mao, Z. Chen: A Novel Adaptive Wavelet via Lifting Scheme. WAA 2003: 126-131
19 D. Ma, Z. Chen, H. Zhang, S. Yang: Study of Image Wavelet De-Noising and Compression Scheme. WAA 2003: 533-538
18EEIgor S. Stievano, Flavio G. Canavero, Ivan A. Maio, Z. Chen, Wiren D. Becker, George A. Katopis: Macromodeling of Digital I/O Ports for System EMC Assessment . DATE 2002: 1044-1049
17 L. Xiao, Z. Chen, Q. Zhu: Finding Causal Patterns from Frequent Itemsets. JCIS 2002: 442-445
16 X. Zhang, Z. Chen, Q. Zhu: Mining Influential Association Rules. JCIS 2002: 490-493
15 J. W. Yan, Z. Chen, Q. Zhu: An Approach for Query Optimizing in a Mobile Environment. JCIS 2002: 507-510
14 Taeko T. Farman, Z. Chen, Zafrulla Khan, A. H. Friedlander, L. C. Carter, Allan G. Farman: Image characteristics of digital panoramic radiography-potential for computer-aided diagnosis of calcified carotid atheromatous plaque. CARS 2001: 514-519
13 C.-Y. Tang, Z. Chen, Y.-P. Hung: Automatic Detection and Tracking of Human Heads Using an Active Stereo Vision System. IJPRAI 14(2): 137-166 (2000)
12 Charles A. Salisbury, Z. Chen, Rami G. Melhem: Modeling Communication Locality in Multiprocessors. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 56(2): 71-98 (1999)
11EEZ. Chen: Retrospective analysis for knowledge-based idea generation of new artifacts. Knowl.-Based Syst. 12(7): 333-339 (1999)
10EEZ. Chen: Co-states, Constraints, and Diagrammatic Reasoning. Cybernetics and Systems 29(6): 625-633 (1998)
9EEZ. Chen: Toward a better understanding of idea processors. Information & Software Technology 40(10): 541-553 (1998)
8EEG. Griffin, Z. Chen: Rough set extension of Tcl for data mining. Knowl.-Based Syst. 11(3-4): 249-253 (1998)
7 Z. Chen, Y. Deng, S. Oliveira: An Efficient Parallel Implementation of a New Chasing Algorithm. PPSC 1997
6EEZ. Chen, P. Fei, H. Zheng: A Parallel Quasi-Newton Algorithm for Unconstrained Optimization. Computing 55(2): 125-134 (1995)
5 Z. Chen, C.-C. Chang, C. Tsai: Parallel Execution of Nested Loops in Band Parallelism. ICPADS 1994: 318-325
4 Z. Chen: Knowledge Discovery and System-User Partnership: On a Production ``Adversarial Partnership'' Approach. AI Soc. 8(4): 314-356 (1994)
3EEZ. Chen: Parallel rule searching. IEA/AIE (2) 1989: 758-763
2 Z. Chen: Rule Mapping and Expert Systems Reuse. SEKE 1989: 54-57
1EEZ. Chen: Building Expert Systems through the Integration of Mental Models. IEA/AIE (Vol. 2) 1988: 754-761

Coauthor Index

1Coskun Bayrak [23]
2Wiren D. Becker [18]
3D. Bi [20]
4Flavio G. Canavero [18]
5L. C. Carter [14]
6C.-C. Chang [5]
7Y. Deng [7]
8X. Ding [22]
9Hari Eswaran [23]
10Allan G. Farman [14]
11Taeko T. Farman [14]
12P. Fei [6]
13A. H. Friedlander [14]
14G. Griffin [8]
15G. Huan [28]
16W. Huang [20]
17J. L. Hudgins [30]
18Y.-P. Hung [13]
19S. Jagannathan [32]
20George A. Katopis [18]
21Zafrulla Khan [14]
22Curtis Lowery [23]
23L. Lu [30]
24D. Ma [19]
25Ivan A. Maio [18]
26H. Alan Mantooth [30]
27B. Mao [20]
28Rami G. Melhem [12]
29Jonathan Norton [23]
30S. Oliveira [7]
31Hubert Preissl [23]
32Charles A. Salisbury [12]
33E. Santi [30]
34Igor S. Stievano [18]
35C.-Y. Tang [13]
36C. Tsai [5]
37H. Wang [28]
38X. Wang [25]
39James D. Wilson [23]
40L. Xiao [17]
41J. W. Yan [15]
42Q. Yang [22]
43S. Yang [19]
44P. Yu [26]
45Z. Yuan [25]
46H. Zhang [19]
47X. Zhang [16]
48H. Zheng [6]
49Q. Zhu [15] [16] [17]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)