
S. Oliveira

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6EES. Oliveira, F. Yang: An algebraic approach for H-matrix preconditioners. Computing 80(2): 169-188 (2007)
5EES. Oliveira, S. C. Seok: Multilevel approaches for large-scale proteomic networks. Int. J. Comput. Math. 84(5): 683-695 (2007)
4EES. Oliveira, S. C. Seok: Triangular Clique Based Multilevel Approaches to Identify Protein Functional Modules. VECPAR 2006: 556-565
3EES. Oliveira: On the Convergence Rate of a Preconditioned Subspace Eigensolver. Computing 63(3): 219-231 (1999)
2 Z. Chen, Y. Deng, S. Oliveira: An Efficient Parallel Implementation of a New Chasing Algorithm. PPSC 1997
1 S. Oliveira: Parallel Multigrid Methods for Transport Equations: The Anisotropic Case. Parallel Computing 22(4): 513-537 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Z. Chen [2]
2Y. Deng [2]
3S. C. Seok [4] [5]
4F. Yang [6]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)