
Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang

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67EEShui-Lung Chuang, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang: Integrating web query results: holistic schema matching. CIKM 2008: 33-42
66EEMohamed A. Soliman, Ihab F. Ilyas, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang: Probabilistic top-k and ranking-aggregate queries. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 33(3): (2008)
65EESoumyadeb Mitra, Marianne Winslett, Windsor W. Hsu, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang: Trustworthy keyword search for compliance storage. VLDB J. 17(2): 225-242 (2008)
64 Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang, Wei Wang, Lei Chen, Clarence A. Ellis, Ching-Hsien Hsu, Ah Chung Tsoi, Haixun Wang: Advances in Web and Network Technologies, and Information Management, APWeb/WAIM 2007 International Workshops: DBMAN 2007, WebETrends 2007, PAIS 2007 and ASWAN 2007, Huang Shan, China, June 16-18, 2007, Proceedings Springer 2007
63EETao Cheng, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang: Entity Search Engine: Towards Agile Best-Effort Information Integration over the Web. CIDR 2007: 108-113
62EEShui-Lung Chuang, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang, ChengXiang Zhai: Collaborative Wrapping: A Turbo Framework for Web Data Extraction. ICDE 2007: 1261-1262
61EEGovind Kabra, Zhen Zhang, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang: Dewex: An Exploration Facility for Enabling the Deep Web Integration. ICDE 2007: 1511-1512
60EEMohamed A. Soliman, Ihab F. Ilyas, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang: Top-k Query Processing in Uncertain Databases. ICDE 2007: 896-905
59EEDong Xin, Jiawei Han, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang: Progressive and selective merge: computing top-k with ad-hoc ranking functions. SIGMOD Conference 2007: 103-114
58EEMohamed A. Soliman, Ihab F. Ilyas, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang: URank: formulation and efficient evaluation of top-k queries in uncertain databases. SIGMOD Conference 2007: 1082-1084
57EETao Cheng, Xifeng Yan, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang: Supporting entity search: a large-scale prototype search engine. SIGMOD Conference 2007: 1144-1146
56EEChengkai Li, Min Wang, Lipyeow Lim, Haixun Wang, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang: Supporting ranking and clustering as generalized order-by and group-by. SIGMOD Conference 2007: 127-138
55EETao Cheng, Xifeng Yan, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang: EntityRank: Searching Entities Directly and Holistically. VLDB 2007: 387-398
54EEShui-Lung Chuang, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang, ChengXiang Zhai: Context-Aware Wrapping: Synchronized Data Extraction. VLDB 2007: 699-710
53EESeung-won Hwang, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang: Optimizing top-k queries for middleware access: A unified cost-based approach. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 32(1): 5 (2007)
52EEBin He, Mitesh Patel, Zhen Zhang, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang: Accessing the deep web. Commun. ACM 50(5): 94-101 (2007)
51EESeung-won Hwang, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang: Probe Minimization by Schedule Optimization: Supporting Top-K Queries with Expensive Predicates. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 19(5): 646-662 (2007)
50EEHwanjo Yu, Seung-won Hwang, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang: Enabling soft queries for data retrieval. Inf. Syst. 32(4): 560-574 (2007)
49EEZhen Zhang, Seung-won Hwang, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang, Min Wang, Christian A. Lang, Yuan-Chi Chang: Boolean + ranking: querying a database by k-constrained optimization. SIGMOD Conference 2006: 359-370
48EEChengkai Li, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang, Ihab F. Ilyas: Supporting ad-hoc ranking aggregates. SIGMOD Conference 2006: 61-72
47EEKevin Chen-Chuan Chang, Junghoo Cho: Accessing the web: from search to integration. SIGMOD Conference 2006: 804-805
46EEBin He, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang: Automatic complex schema matching across Web query interfaces: A correlation mining approach. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 31(1): 346-395 (2006)
45EEKevin Chen-Chuan Chang, Bin He, Zhen Zhang: Toward Large Scale Integration: Building a MetaQuerier over Databases on the Web. CIDR 2005: 44-55
44EEBin He, Zhen Zhang, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang: Towards Building a MetaQuerier: Extracting and Matching Web Query Interfaces. ICDE 2005: 1098-1099
43EESeung-won Hwang, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang: Optimizing Access Cost for Top-k Queries over Web Sources: A Unified Cost-based Approach. ICDE 2005: 188-189
42EEHwanjo Yu, Seung-won Hwang, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang: Enabling Ad-hoc Ranking for Data Retrieval. ICDE 2005: 514-515
41EEBin He, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang: Making holistic schema matching robust: an ensemble approach. KDD 2005: 429-438
40EEChengkai Li, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang, Ihab F. Ilyas, Sumin Song: RankSQL: Query Algebra and Optimization for Relational Top-k Queries. SIGMOD Conference 2005: 131-142
39EEBin He, Zhen Zhang, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang: MetaQuerier: querying structured web sources on-the-fly. SIGMOD Conference 2005: 927-929
38EEChengkai Li, Mohamed A. Soliman, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang, Ihab F. Ilyas: RankSQL: Supporting Ranking Queries in Relational Database Management Systems. VLDB 2005: 1342-1345
37EEZhen Zhang, Bin He, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang: Light-weight Domain-based Form Assistant: Querying Web Databases On the Fly. VLDB 2005: 97-108
36EEGovind Kabra, Chengkai Li, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang: Query Routing: Finding Ways in the Maze of the DeepWeb. WIRI 2005: 64-73
35EEYi Wu, Edward Y. Chang, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang, John R. Smith: Optimal multimodal fusion for multimedia data analysis. ACM Multimedia 2004: 572-579
34EEBin He, Tao Tao, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang: Organizing structured web sources by query schemas: a clustering approach. CIKM 2004: 22-31
33EEBin He, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang, Jiawei Han: Mining complex matchings across Web query interfaces. DMKD 2004: 3-10
32EEBin He, Tao Tao, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang: Clustering Structured Web Sources: A Schema-Based, Model-Differentiation Approach. EDBT Workshops 2004: 536-546
31EEBin He, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang, Jiawei Han: Discovering complex matchings across web query interfaces: a correlation mining approach. KDD 2004: 148-157
30EEZhen Zhang, Bin He, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang: Understanding Web Query Interfaces: Best-Effort Parsing with Hidden Syntax. SIGMOD Conference 2004: 107-118
29EEBin He, Zhen Zhang, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang: Knocking the Door to the Deep Web: Integration of Web Query Interfaces. SIGMOD Conference 2004: 913-914
28EEHwanjo Yu, Jiawei Han, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang: PEBL: Web Page Classification without Negative Examples. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 16(1): 70-81 (2004)
27EEBing Liu, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang: Editorial: special issue on web content mining. SIGKDD Explorations 6(2): 1-4 (2004)
26EEKevin Chen-Chuan Chang, Bin He, Zhen Zhang: Mining semantics for large scale integration on the web: evidences, insights, and challenges. SIGKDD Explorations 6(2): 67-76 (2004)
25EEKevin Chen-Chuan Chang, Bin He, Chengkai Li, Mitesh Patel, Zhen Zhang: Structured Databases on the Web: Observations and Implications. SIGMOD Record 33(3): 61-70 (2004)
24EEBin He, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang: A Holistic Paradigm for Large Scale Schema Matching. SIGMOD Record 33(4): 20-25 (2004)
23EEBin He, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang: Statistical Schema Matching across Web Query Interfaces. SIGMOD Conference 2003: 217-228
22EEHwanjo Yu, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang, Jiawei Han: Heterogeneous Learner for Web Page Classification. ICDM 2002: 538-545
21EEHwanjo Yu, Jiawei Han, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang: PEBL: positive example based learning for Web page classification using SVM. KDD 2002: 239-248
20EEKevin Chen-Chuan Chang, Seung-won Hwang: Minimal probing: supporting expensive predicates for top-k queries. SIGMOD Conference 2002: 346-357
19EEJiawei Han, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang: Data Mining for Web Intelligence. IEEE Computer 35(11): 64-70 (2002)
18EEMarianne Winslett, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang, AnHai Doan, Jiawei Han, ChengXiang Zhai, Yuanyuan Zhou: Database Research at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. SIGMOD Record 31(3): 97-102 (2002)
17EEJoe Futrelle, Su-Shing Chen, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang: NBDL: a CIS framework for NSDL. JCDL 2001: 124-125
16EEKevin Chen-Chuan Chang, Hector Garcia-Molina: Approximate query mapping: Accounting for translation closeness. VLDB J. 10(2-3): 155-181 (2001)
15EEKevin Chen-Chuan Chang, Hector Garcia-Molina: Approximate Query Translation Across Heterogeneous Information Sources. VLDB 2000: 566-577
14EEKevin Chen-Chuan Chang, Hector Garcia-Molina: Mind Your Vocabulary: Query Mapping Across Heterogeneous Information Sources. SIGMOD Conference 1999: 335-346
13EEWen-Syan Li, Quoc Vu, Edward Y. Chang, Divyakant Agrawal, Kyoji Hirata, Sougata Mukherjea, Yi-Leh Wu, Corey Bufi, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang, Yoshinori Hara, Reiko Ito, Yutaka Kimura, Kazuyuki Shimazu, Yukiyoshi Saito: PowerBookmarks: A System for Personalizable Web Information Organization, Sharing, and Management. SIGMOD Conference 1999: 565-567
12EEKevin Chen-Chuan Chang, Hector Garcia-Molina, Andreas Paepcke: Predicate Rewriting for Translating Boolean Queries in a Heterogeneous Information System. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 17(1): 1-39 (1999)
11 Andreas Paepcke, Michelle Q. Wang Baldonado, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang, Steve B. Cousins, Hector Garcia-Molina: Using Distributed Objects to Build the Stanford Digital Library Infobus. IEEE Computer 32(2): 80-87 (1999)
10EEMichelle Q. Wang Baldonado, Seth Katz, Andreas Paepcke, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang, Hector Garcia-Molina, Terry Winograd: An Extensible Constructor Tool for the Rapid, Interactive Design of Query Synthesizers. ACM DL 1998: 19-28
9EEKevin Chen-Chuan Chang, Hector Garcia-Molina: Conjunctive Constraint Mapping for Data Translation. ACM DL 1998: 49-58
8 Wen-Syan Li, Yi-Leh Wu, Corey Bufi, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang, Divyakant Agrawal, Yoshinori Hara: PowerBookmarks: An Advanced Web Bookmark Database System and its Information Sharing and Management. FODO 1998: 200-209
7EEMartin Röscheisen, Michelle Q. Wang Baldonado, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang, Luis Gravano, Steven P. Ketchpel, Andreas Paepcke: The Stanford InfoBus and Its Service Layers: Augmenting the Internet with High-Level Information Management Protocols. The MeDoc Approach 1998: 213-230
6 Andreas Paepcke, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang, Hector Garcia-Molina, Terry Winograd: Interoperability for Digital Libraries Worldwide. Commun. ACM 41(4): 33-43 (1998)
5EEKevin Chen-Chuan Chang, Hector Garcia-Molina: Evaluating the Cost of Boolean Query Mapping. ACM DL 1997: 103-112
4EEMichelle Q. Wang Baldonado, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang, Luis Gravano, Andreas Paepcke: Metadata for Digital Libraries: Architecture and Design Rationale. ACM DL 1997: 47-56
3EELuis Gravano, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang, Hector Garcia-Molina, Andreas Paepcke: STARTS: Stanford Proposal for Internet Meta-Searching (Experience Paper). SIGMOD Conference 1997: 207-218
2 Michelle Q. Wang Baldonado, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang, Luis Gravano, Andreas Paepcke: The Stanford Digital Library Metadata Architecture. Int. J. on Digital Libraries 1(2): 108-121 (1997)
1EEKevin Chen-Chuan Chang, Hector Garcia-Molina, Andreas Paepcke: Boolean Query Mapping Across Heterogeneous Information Sources. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 8(4): 515-521 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Divyakant Agrawal [8] [13]
2Michelle Q. Wang Baldonado [2] [4] [7] [10] [11]
3Corey Bufi [8] [13]
4Edward Y. Chang [13] [35]
5Yuan-Chi Chang [49]
6Su-Shing Chen [17]
7Lei Chen [64]
8Tao Cheng [55] [57] [63]
9Junghoo Cho [47]
10Shui-Lung Chuang [54] [62] [67]
11Steve B. Cousins [11]
12AnHai Doan [18]
13Clarence A. Ellis [64]
14Joe Futrelle [17]
15Hector Garcia-Molina [1] [3] [5] [6] [9] [10] [11] [12] [14] [15] [16]
16Luis Gravano [2] [3] [4] [7]
17Jiawei Han [18] [19] [21] [22] [28] [31] [33] [59]
18Yoshinori Hara [8] [13]
19Bin He [23] [24] [25] [26] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34] [37] [39] [41] [44] [45] [46] [52]
20Kyoji Hirata [13]
21Ching-Hsien Hsu [64]
22Windsor W. Hsu [65]
23Seung-won Hwang [20] [42] [43] [49] [50] [51] [53]
24Ihab F. Ilyas [38] [40] [48] [58] [60] [66]
25Reiko Ito [13]
26Govind Kabra [36] [61]
27Seth Katz [10]
28Steven P. Ketchpel [7]
29Yutaka Kimura [13]
30Christian A. Lang [49]
31Chengkai Li [25] [36] [38] [40] [48] [56]
32Wen-Syan Li [8] [13]
33Lipyeow Lim [56]
34Bing Liu [27]
35Soumyadeb Mitra [65]
36Sougata Mukherjea [13]
37Andreas Paepcke [1] [2] [3] [4] [6] [7] [10] [11] [12]
38Mitesh Patel [25] [52]
39Martin Röscheisen (Martin Roscheisen) [7]
40Yukiyoshi Saito [13]
41Kazuyuki Shimazu [13]
42John R. Smith [35]
43Mohamed A. Soliman [38] [58] [60] [66]
44Sumin Song [40]
45Tao Tao [32] [34]
46Ah Chung Tsoi [64]
47Quoc Vu [13]
48Haixun Wang [56] [64]
49Min Wang [49] [56]
50Wei Wang [64]
51Terry Winograd [6] [10]
52Marianne Winslett [18] [65]
53Yi Wu [35]
54Yi-Leh Wu [8] [13]
55Dong Xin [59]
56Xifeng Yan [55] [57]
57Hwanjo Yu [21] [22] [28] [42] [50]
58ChengXiang Zhai (Chengxiang Zhai) [18] [54] [62]
59Zhen Zhang [25] [26] [29] [30] [37] [39] [44] [45] [49] [52] [61]
60Yuanyuan Zhou [18]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)