Volume 93,
Number 1-3,
28 April 1998
- Douglas A. Cenzer, Jeffrey B. Remmel:
1-2 BibTeX
- Douglas A. Cenzer, Jeffrey B. Remmel:
Index Sets for Pi01 Classes.
3-61 BibTeX
- Rodney G. Downey, Zoltán Füredi, Carl G. Jockusch Jr., Lee A. Rubel:
Difference Sets and Computability Theory.
63-72 BibTeX
- William I. Gasarch, Andrew C. Y. Lee:
On the Finiteness of the Recursive Chromatic Number.
73-81 BibTeX
- Marcia J. Groszek, Tamara Lakins Hummel:
Sigma2-Constructions and I Sigma1.
83-101 BibTeX
- Valentina S. Harizanov:
Turing Degrees of Certain Isomorphic Images of Computable Relations.
103-113 BibTeX
- Hajime Ishihara, Bakhadyr Khoussainov, Anil Nerode:
Decidable Kripke Models of Intuitionistic Theories.
115-123 BibTeX
- Iraj Kalantari, Lawrence Welch:
Point-Free Topological Spaces, Functions and Recursive Points: Filter Foundation for Recursive Analysis I.
125-151 BibTeX
- Bakhadyr Khoussainov, Richard A. Shore:
Computable Isomorphisms, Degree Spectra of Relations, and Scott Families.
153-193 BibTeX
- Ker-I Ko:
On the Computability of Fractal Dimensions and Hausdorff Measure.
195-216 BibTeX
- William R. Moser:
Approximation Methods in Inductive Inference.
217-253 BibTeX
- James H. Schmerl:
What's the Difference?
255-261 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:50:44 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)