2008 |
29 | EE | Juan A. Carrasco:
Corrigendum: "Transient Analysis of Rewarded Continuous Time Markov Models by Regenerative Randomization with Laplace Transform Inversion".
Comput. J. 51(6): 745 (2008) |
28 | EE | Juan A. Carrasco,
Manel Baucells:
Tight upper bounds for the expected loss of lexicographic heuristics in binary multi-attribute choice.
Mathematical Social Sciences 55(2): 156-189 (2008) |
2007 |
27 | EE | Juan A. Carrasco:
Corrections on "Failure Transition Distance-Based Importance Sampling Schemes for the Simulation of Repairable Fault-Tolerant Computer Systems" [Jun 06 207-236].
IEEE Transactions on Reliability 56(2): 360 (2007) |
2006 |
26 | EE | Juan A. Carrasco:
Adapted Importance Sampling Schemes for the Simulation of Dependability Models of Fault-Tolerant Systems with Deferred Repair.
Annual Simulation Symposium 2006: 107-117 |
25 | EE | Juan A. Carrasco:
Failure Transition Distance-Based Importance Sampling Schemes for theSimulation of Repairable Fault-Tolerant Computer Systems.
IEEE Transactions on Reliability 55(2): 207-236 (2006) |
24 | EE | Juan A. Carrasco:
Two methods for computing bounds for the distribution of cumulative reward for large Markov models.
Perform. Eval. 63(12): 1165-1195 (2006) |
2005 |
23 | EE | Víctor Suñé,
Juan A. Carrasco:
Efficient implementations of the randomization method with control of the relative error.
Computers & OR 32: 1089-1114 (2005) |
2004 |
22 | EE | Juan A. Carrasco:
Solving large interval availability models using a model transformation approach.
Computers & OR 31(6): 807-861 (2004) |
21 | EE | Juan A. Carrasco:
Transient Analysis of Some Rewarded Markov Models Using Randomization with Quasistationarity Detection.
IEEE Trans. Computers 53(9): 1106-1120 (2004) |
20 | EE | Juan A. Carrasco,
Víctor Suñé:
Combinatorial methods for the evaluation of yield and operational reliability of fault-tolerant systems-on-chip.
Microelectronics Reliability 44(2): 339-350 (2004) |
2003 |
19 | EE | Doru P. Munteanu,
Víctor Suñé,
Rosa Rodríguez-Montañés,
Juan A. Carrasco:
A Combinatorial Method for the Evaluation of Yield of Fault-Tolerant Systems-on-Chip.
DSN 2003: 563-572 |
18 | EE | Juan A. Carrasco:
Validation of Approximate Dependability Models of a RAID Architecture with Orthogonal Organization.
DSN 2003: 699-708 |
17 | EE | Juan A. Carrasco:
Transient Analysis of Rewarded Continuous Time Markov Models by Regenerative Randomization with Laplace Transform Inversion.
Comput. J. 46(1): 84-99 (2003) |
16 | EE | Juan A. Carrasco:
Computation of bounds for transient measures of large rewarded Markov models using regenerative randomization.
Computers & OR 30(7): 1005-1035 (2003) |
15 | EE | Juan A. Carrasco:
Solving dependability/performability irreducible Markov models using regenerative randomization.
IEEE Transactions on Reliability 52(3): 319-329 (2003) |
2002 |
14 | EE | Juan A. Carrasco:
Computationally Efficient and Numerically Stable Reliability Bounds for Repairable Fault-Tolerant Systems.
IEEE Trans. Computers 51(3): 254-268 (2002) |
2000 |
13 | EE | Juan A. Carrasco:
Transient Analysis of Dependability/Performability Models by Regenerative Randomization with Laplace Transform Inversion.
IPDPS Workshops 2000: 1226-1235 |
12 | | Víctor Suñé,
José L. Domingo,
Juan A. Carrasco:
Numerical iterative methods for Markovian dependability and performability models: new results and a comparison.
Perform. Eval. 39(1-4): 99-125 (2000) |
1999 |
11 | EE | Víctor Suñé,
Juan A. Carrasco:
Failure Distance Based Bounds for Steady-State Availability without the Knowledge of Minimal Cuts.
MASCOTS 1999: 138-147 |
10 | | Juan A. Carrasco:
Bounding Steady-State Availability Models with Group Repair and Phase Type Repair Distributions.
Perform. Eval. 35(3-4): 193-214 (1999) |
1998 |
9 | EE | Víctor Suñé,
Juan A. Carrasco:
A Comparison of Numerical Splitting-Based Methods for Markovian Dependability and Performability Models.
Computer Performance Evaluation (Tools) 1998: 154-164 |
8 | | Juan A. Carrasco:
Tight Steady-State Availability Bounds Using the Failure Distance Concept.
Perform. Eval. 34(1): 27-64 (1998) |
1997 |
7 | EE | Víctor Suñé,
Juan A. Carrasco:
A Method for the Computation of Reliability Bounds for Non-repairable Fault-tolerant Systems.
MASCOTS 1997: 221-228 |
1996 |
6 | | Juan A. Carrasco,
Angel Calderón,
Javier Escribá:
Two New Algorithms to Compute Steady-State Bounds for Markov Models with Slow Forward and Fast Backward Transitions.
MASCOTS 1996: 89-95 |
5 | | Juan A. Carrasco,
Javier Escribá,
Angel Calderón:
Efficient Exploration of Availability Models Guided by Failure Distances.
SIGMETRICS 1996: 242-251 |
1995 |
4 | | Juan A. Carrasco,
Angel Calderón:
Regenerative Randomization: Theory and Application Examples.
SIGMETRICS 1995: 241-252 |
1991 |
3 | | Juan A. Carrasco:
Efficient Transient Simulation of Failure/Repair Markovian Models.
SRDS 1991: 152-161 |
2 | EE | Juan A. Carrasco,
Joan Figueras,
Annie Kuntzmann-Combelles:
Evaluation of safety-oriented two-version architectures.
Journal of Systems and Software 14(3): 155-162 (1991) |
1989 |
1 | | Juan A. Carrasco:
Automated Construction of Compound Markov Chains from Generalized Stochastic High-Level Petri Nets.
PNPM 1989: 93-102 |