
Yun Cao

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4EETakanori Okuma, Yun Cao, Masanori Muroyama, Hiroto Yasuura: Reducing access energy of on-chip data memory considering active data bitwidth. ISLPED 2002: 88-91
3EEHiroto Yasuura, Hiroyuki Tomiyama, Takanori Okuma, Yun Cao: Data Memory Design Considering Effective Bitwidth for Low-Energy Embedded Systems. ISSS 2002: 201-206
2EEHiroto Yasuura, Yun Cao, Mohammad Mesbah Uddin: An Accelerated Datapath Width Optimization Scheme for Area Reduction of Embedded Systems. ISSS 2002: 32-37
1EEYun Cao, Hiroto Yasuura: A system-level energy minimization approach using datapath width optimization. ISLPED 2001: 231-236

Coauthor Index

1Masanori Muroyama [4]
2Takanori Okuma [3] [4]
3Hiroyuki Tomiyama [3]
4Mohammad Mesbah Uddin [2]
5Hiroto Yasuura [1] [2] [3] [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)