
Peter Brucker

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32EEPeter Brucker: Job-shop Scheduling Problem. Encyclopedia of Optimization 2009: 1782-1788
31EEPeter Brucker, Thomas Kampmeyer: Cyclic job shop scheduling problems with blocking. Annals OR 159(1): 161-181 (2008)
30EEPeter Brucker, Thomas Kampmeyer: A general model for cyclic machine scheduling problems. Discrete Applied Mathematics 156(13): 2561-2572 (2008)
29EEPeter Brucker, Svetlana A. Kravchenko: Scheduling jobs with equal processing times and time windows on identical parallel machines. J. Scheduling 11(4): 229-237 (2008)
28EEPhilippe Baptiste, Peter Brucker, Marek Chrobak, Christoph Dürr, Svetlana A. Kravchenko, Francis Sourd: The complexity of mean flow time scheduling problems with release times. J. Scheduling 10(2): 139-146 (2007)
27EEPhilippe Baptiste, Peter Brucker, Marek Chrobak, Christoph Dürr, Svetlana A. Kravchenko, Francis Sourd: The Complexity of Mean Flow Time Scheduling Problems with Release Times CoRR abs/cs/0605078: (2006)
26EEPeter Brucker, Svetlana A. Kravchenko: Polynomial Algorithm for Parallel Machine Mean Flow Time Scheduling Problem with Release Dates. ICCSA (4) 2005: 182-191
25EEPeter Brucker, Thomas Kampmeyer: Cyclic Scheduling Problems with Linear Precedences and Resource Constraints. OR 2005: 667-672
24EEWolfgang W. Bein, Peter Brucker, Lawrence L. Larmore, James K. Park: The algebraic Monge property and path problems. Discrete Applied Mathematics 145(3): 455-464 (2005)
23EEPeter Brucker, Sigrid Knust, Guoqing Wang: Complexity results for flow-shop problems with a single server. European Journal of Operational Research 165(2): 398-407 (2005)
22EEPeter Brucker, Thomas Kampmeyer: Tabu Search Algorithms for Cyclic Machine Scheduling Problems. J. Scheduling 8(4): 303-322 (2005)
21EEPhilippe Baptiste, Peter Brucker, Sigrid Knust, Vadim G. Timkovsky: Ten notes on equal-processing-time scheduling. 4OR 2(2): 111-127 (2004)
20EEPeter Brucker, Sigrid Knust, T. C. Edwin Cheng, Natalia V. Shakhlevich: Complexity Results for Flow-Shop and Open-Shop Scheduling Problems with Transportation Delays. Annals OR 129(1-4): 81-106 (2004)
19EEPeter Brucker, Sigrid Knust: Sequencing and scheduling. European Journal of Operational Research 149(2): 247-248 (2003)
18EEPeter Brucker, Sigrid Knust: Lower bounds for resource-constrained project scheduling problems. European Journal of Operational Research 149(2): 302-313 (2003)
17EEPeter Brucker, Silvia Heitmann, Johann Hurink: How useful are preemptive schedules? Oper. Res. Lett. 31(2): 129-136 (2003)
16EEWolfgang W. Bein, Peter Brucker, Lawrence L. Larmore, James K. Park: Fast Algorithms with Algebraic Monge Properties. MFCS 2002: 104-117
15EEPeter Brucker, Sigrid Knust: Lower Bounds for Scheduling a Single Robot in a Job-Shop Environment. Annals OR 115(1-4): 147-172 (2002)
14 Peter Brucker: Scheduling and constraint propagation. Discrete Applied Mathematics 123(1-3): 227-256 (2002)
13EEPeter Brucker, Sigrid Knust: Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling and Timetabling. PATAT 2000: 277-293
12EEPeter Brucker, Sigrid Knust: Complexity Results for Single-Machine Problems with Positive Finish-Start Time-Lags. Computing 63(4): 299-316 (1999)
11EEPeter Brucker, Thomas Hilbig, Johann Hurink: A Branch and Bound Algorithm for a Single-machine Scheduling Problem with Positive, Negative Time-lags. Discrete Applied Mathematics 94(1-3): 77-99 (1999)
10EEPeter Brucker, Johann Hurink, Frank Werner: Improving Local Search Heuristics for some Scheduling Problems. Part II. Discrete Applied Mathematics 72(1-2): 47-69 (1997)
9EEPeter Brucker, Johann Hurink, Bernd Jurisch, Birgit Wöstmann: A Branch & Bound Algorithm for the Open-shop Problem. Discrete Applied Mathematics 76(1-3): 43-59 (1997)
8EEPeter Brucker, Johann Hurink, Frank Werner: Improving Local Search Heuristics for Some Scheduling Problems-I. Discrete Applied Mathematics 65(1-3): 97-122 (1996)
7EEWolfgang W. Bein, Peter Brucker, James K. Park, Pramod K. Pathak: A Monge Property for the D-dimensional Transportation Problem. Discrete Applied Mathematics 58(2): 97-109 (1995)
6EEPeter Brucker: Efficient Algorithms for Some Path Partitioning Problems. Discrete Applied Mathematics 62(1-3): 77-85 (1995)
5 Peter Brucker, Bernd Jurisch, Bernd Sievers: A Branch and Bound Algorithm for the Job-Shop Scheduling Problem. Discrete Applied Mathematics 49(1-3): 107-127 (1994)
4EESusanne Albers, Peter Brucker: The Complexity of One-Machine Batching Problems. Discrete Applied Mathematics 47(2): 87-107 (1993)
3 Wolfgang W. Bein, Peter Brucker, Alan J. Hoffman: Series parallel composition of greedy linear programming problems. Math. Program. 62: 1-14 (1993)
2EEPeter Brucker, Wolfgang Meyer: Scheduling two irregular polygons. Discrete Applied Mathematics 20(2): 91-100 (1988)
1 Peter Brucker: The Chinese Postman Problem for Mixed Graphs. WG 1980: 354-366

Coauthor Index

1Susanne Albers [4]
2Philippe Baptiste [21] [27] [28]
3Wolfgang W. Bein [3] [7] [16] [24]
4T. C. Edwin Cheng [20]
5Marek Chrobak [27] [28]
6Christoph Dürr [27] [28]
7Silvia Heitmann [17]
8Thomas Hilbig [11]
9Alan J. Hoffman [3]
10Johann Hurink [8] [9] [10] [11] [17]
11Bernd Jurisch [5] [9]
12Thomas Kampmeyer [22] [25] [30] [31]
13Sigrid Knust [12] [13] [15] [18] [19] [20] [21] [23]
14Svetlana A. Kravchenko [26] [27] [28] [29]
15Lawrence L. Larmore [16] [24]
16Wolfgang Meyer [2]
17James K. Park [7] [16] [24]
18Pramod K. Pathak [7]
19Natalia V. Shakhlevich [20]
20Bernd Sievers [5]
21Francis Sourd [27] [28]
22Vadim G. Timkovsky [21]
23Guoqing Wang [23]
24Frank Werner [8] [10]
25Birgit Wöstmann [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)