
Vadim G. Timkovsky

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11EEVadim G. Timkovsky: Some Approximations for Shortest Common Nonsubsequences and Supersequences. SPIRE 2008: 257-268
10EEPhilippe Baptiste, Peter Brucker, Sigrid Knust, Vadim G. Timkovsky: Ten notes on equal-processing-time scheduling. 4OR 2(2): 111-127 (2004)
9EEEdward G. Coffman Jr., Jay Sethuraman, Vadim G. Timkovsky: Ideal preemptive schedules on two processors. Acta Inf. 39(8): 597-612 (2003)
8EEVadim G. Timkovsky: Identical parallel machines vs. unit-time shops and preemptions vs. chains in scheduling complexity. European Journal of Operational Research 149(2): 355-376 (2003)
7 Philippe Baptiste, Vadim G. Timkovsky: On preemption redundancy in scheduling unit processing time jobs on two parallel machines. IPDPS 2001: 200
6EEPhilippe Baptiste, Vadim G. Timkovsky: On preemption redundancy in scheduling unit processing time jobs on two parallel machines. Oper. Res. Lett. 28(5): 205-212 (2001)
5 Martin Middendorf, Vadim G. Timkovsky: Transversal Graphs for Partially Ordered Sets: Sequencing, Merging and Scheduling Problems. J. Comb. Optim. 3(4): 417-435 (1999)
4EEVadim G. Timkovsky: Is a Unit-time Job Shop Not Easier Than Identical Parallel Machines?. Discrete Applied Mathematics 85(2): 149-162 (1998)
3EEAnatoly R. Rubinov, Vadim G. Timkovsky: String Noninclusion Optimization Problems. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 11(3): 456-467 (1998)
2EEVadim G. Timkovsky: A Polynomial-time Algorithm for the Two-machine Unit-time Release-date Job-shop Schedule-length Problem. Discrete Applied Mathematics 77(2): 185-200 (1997)
1EETao Jiang, Vadim G. Timkovsky: Shortest Consistent Superstrings Computable in Polynomial Time. Theor. Comput. Sci. 143(1): 113-122 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1Philippe Baptiste [6] [7] [10]
2Peter Brucker [10]
3Edward G. Coffman Jr. [9]
4Tao Jiang [1]
5Sigrid Knust [10]
6Martin Middendorf [5]
7Anatoly R. Rubinov [3]
8Jay Sethuraman [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)